Chapter 7 Section 3

The Big Ideas are:

•  Explain why the war shifted to the South.

•  Analyze fighting methods and their effects.

•  Summarize events that led to the Revolutionary War’s end.

1.  What are guerrillas?

2.  What is a pacifist?

3.  Why did British victories in the North bring the British no closer to winning the war?

4.  Big Idea Review Question: What were the factors that led to the British to shift their forces to the South? (Create a multi-flow map)

5.  Why was the defeat at Charles Town the worst American disaster of the war?

6.  Who is Lord Cornwallis and what did he do?

7.  What objectives did General Gates and Baron de Kalb have?

8.  Big Idea Review Question: What were the fighting methods used by Francis Marion and were they effective?

9.  Why was the battle at Camden important?

10.  What factors led Washington to name a new commander in the South?

11.  Why did Greene avoid full scale battles with the British?

12.  How did the course of the war affect public opinion in Britain?

13.  Why did Cornwallis establish his base of operations at Chesapeake Bay?

14.  How did the French and the Americans cooperate militarily to defeat Cornwallis?

15.  What is the Battle of Yorktown?

Chapter 7 Section 3

The Big Ideas are:

•  Explain why the war shifted to the South.

•  Analyze fighting methods and their effects.

•  Summarize events that led to the Revolutionary War’s end.

1.  What are guerrillas?

2.  What is a pacifist?

3.  Why did British victories in the North bring the British no closer to winning the war?

4.  Big Idea Review Question: What were the factors that led to the British to shift their forces to the South? (Create a multi-flow map)

5.  Why was the defeat at Charles Town the worst American disaster of the war?

6.  Who is Lord Cornwallis and what did he do?

7.  What objectives did General Gates and Baron de Kalb have?

8.  Big Idea Review Question: What were the fighting methods used by Francis Marion and were they effective?

9.  Why was the battle at Camden important?

10.  What factors led Washington to name a new commander in the South?

11.  Why did Greene avoid full scale battles with the British?

12.  How did the course of the war affect public opinion in Britain?

13.  Why did Cornwallis establish his base of operations at Chesapeake Bay?

14.  How did the French and the Americans cooperate militarily to defeat Cornwallis?

15.  What is the Battle of Yorktown?

Chapter 7 Section 3

1.  What are guerrillas?

•  Small bands of fighters who use surprise attacks on their enemies and weaken them with raids.

2.  What is a pacifist?

•  People who did not agree with the war.

•  Most pacifists were British Quakers.

3.  Why did British victories in the North bring the British no closer to winning the war?

•  The British still didn’t have any control in the countryside because of a shortage in troops.

4.  Big Idea Review Question: What were the factors that led to the British to shift their forces to the South? (Create a multi-flow map)

•  There was a larger population of loyalists in the South who the British thought would help them.

•  The British expected the slaves in the South to join them since they offered freedom.

•  They knew if they stopped the cotton and rice trade it would hurt the U.S. economy.

5.  Why was the defeat at Charles Town the worst American disaster of the war?

•  The American army in the South surrendered almost losing all of their army.

•  This made it difficult for the U.S. to fight the war in the South.

6.  Who is Lord Cornwallis and what did he do?

•  He was the British army leader.

7.  What objectives did General Gates and Baron Kalb have?

They wanted to defeat Cornwallis and retake Camden and Charles Town.

8.  What happened at the Battle of Camden and why did the Americans lose?

•  General Gates was head of a new Southern Army.

•  Gates and Baron De Kalb formed this new army from the Continental Army and new untrained militia.

•  Gates sent the army to Camden South Carolina to defeat Lord Cornwallis.

•  The untrained militia were placed on the front line for the Americans and retreated during battle.

•  Gates even retreated leaving Baron de Kalb to command the army.

•  Baron de Kalb was killed during the battle and the British won.

•  Gates was removed from command and replaced by Nathaniel Greene.

•  Gates put untrained militia men out in the front line of the battle who ran off.

•  Poor leadership because Gates ran off to save himself.


9.  Big Idea Review Question: What were the fighting methods used by Francis Marion and were they effective?

Guerrilla Fighting

•  Guerrilla fighting was used to catch the enemy by surprise.

•  The battles were often vicious and many people were killed by being shot or hanged.

Effectiveness of Guerrilla Fighting

•  It was an effective fighting strategy if enemy was caught unexpectedly and then taken out quickly.

•  It could also wear an enemy down after many guerrilla attacks.

10. What factors led Washington to name a new commander in the South?

•  The commander of the South, Nathanael Greene was very skilled and able leader.

•  Gates was defeated.

•  Nathaniel Greene’s strategy suited the fighting style the Patriots needed, which were short battles or raids involving hit and run.

11. Why did Greene avoid full scale battles with the British?

•  He avoided full scale battles with the British because the British had better firepower and more men and they could easily overcome the British.

12. How did the course of the war affect public opinion in Britain?

•  The course of the war convinced more people to oppose the war in Great Britain.

Why did Cornwallis establish his base of operations at Chesapeake Bay?

•  He established a base at the Chesapeake bay so he could easily receive supplies by ship from New York.

13. How did the French and the Americans cooperate militarily to defeat Cornwallis?

•  The French joined the army and the French fleet blocked the Chesapeake Bay while the American army blocked the British from the North and trapped them on the peninsula.

14. What is the Battle of Yorktown?

•  It was the final battle in the Revolution where the Americans and the French combined there forces at Yorktown finally defeating the British.
