Aberdeen City Council - Communities Housing and Infrastructure

MEETING TITLE: / Learning and Workforce Thematic Community Planning Group / MEETING DATE: / 10th March 2016
PARTICIPANTS: / Godfrey Brown, Aberdeen University, Derek Samson, QI improvement manager, schools, Duncan Abernethy, NESCOL, Jo Mackie Service Manager, CH+I, Linda Buchannan, Lifelong learning Manager, CHI, Norma Grant, Civic Forum rep, Lynn Smith SDS, Richard Sweetnam, Economic Development, ACC, Elaine Robertson, ACC Economic Development
APOLOGIES: / Joyce Duncan, ACVO, Will Hekelaar, Planning Officer, Lyndsay Johnstone, Community Planning
1 / Welcome and Introductions
Appointment of Depute Chair / Godfrey welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked them to introduce themselves.
Discussion was held on the post of Vice Chair / Jo Mackie volunteered to be Vice Chair. This was warmly accepted by those in attendance
2 / Previous Minute and Matters arising
Outcome 2 - Gap between attainments in deprived areas compared to less deprived areas.
Review of Learning partnerships / Derek Samson gave feedback on closing the attainment Gap. 2nd Tranche support now in place - 4 schools
·  Manor park
·  Riverbank
·  Tullos
·  Bramblebrae
Focussing on early intervention and literacies. Sarah Webb - attainment advisor, associate assessor with Education Scotland will support through the implementation phase.
Review of Learning Partnerships to happen over the April to June period.
The landscape surrounding this is all changing
·  Refresh of Single Outcome Agreement
·  Health & Social Care Board
·  Locality Planning
·  Education looking at setting up Associated School Groups in relation to Inclusion
A position statement has been agreed which relates to the history of how the Learning Partnerships were set up in 2010 by the Councils Education committee and the have been reviewed in 2012 and 2014 respectively.
There will be an SDS inspection for the city next year
NESCOL have just finished an off the job inspection - Hairdressing / .
Derek agreed to give us more information on this project at a future meeting
·  Review needs to include how we measure performance.
·  Take into account the changing landscape
·  Take into account Education Scotland improvement points from Inspections / Derek Samson
Linda C/Linda B. / Future meeting
3 / Employability and Economic Development - L+W outcome 4 / Richard Sweetnam from Aberdeen City Council, Economic Directorate gave a presentation to the group on the current employability and economic situation. Please see attached slides.
4 / minutes for noting / Minutes were duly noted.
Members commented on the good work of the St. Machar Learning partnership. There was a good spread of partners and health issues were being discussed and actions taken.
Ask Kay to come to a future meeting to have update on Northfield Total Place
5 / Single Outcome agreement / ·  Derek had already fed back on Outcome 2
·  Outcome 4 discussed with Richard Sweetnam
·  Need more information on the ESF pipeline
·  Updates required on Outcome 1 and 3
6 / Community Learning and Development Strategic plan - update / Linda Buchannan gave feedback on progress to date.
An event for the Strategic partners was held in the Beach Ballroom where a decision was taken to set up a Board to oversee the governance of the Community Learning and Development Plan.
On 21st April there will be an event supported by the Creative Learning Team Resident Artist Sarah Wakefield. The purpose of the evening will be to look at the Communities of Interest part of the CLD Plan / A strategic board to be set up
Linda C. will report back on how the event went and what outcomes were achieved / Linda/Linda
Linda C / By next meeting
By next meeting
7 / AOCB and items for future agenda / .There were none
MINUTE TAKER: / Linda J. Clark / DATE OF NEXT MEETING: / Thursday 9th June 2016 / VENUE: / SDS?


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