

Sources: Mortimer Adler - The Chicago Canon of Western Civilisation (Great Books Past and Present); Harold Bloom - The Western Canon, 1994; Books etc - The 100 Best Ever, 1999; F Bratman, S Lewis - The Readers Companion, 1994; John Carey - Best Fifty Books of the Twentieth Century (The Sunday Times, 10/1/99; reprinted as Pure Pleasure, 2000); Joseph Connolly - 100 Key Books since 1945 (in Sunday Times); G van Doren - Reforming Education, 1988; Good Book Guide - international survey of the best books of the previous 20 years, 1996; K McLeish - Good Reading Guide, 1988; C Murray (ed) - Best Books, 1996; N Parsons - The Book of Literary Lists (1985); F Raphael, K McLeish - The List of Books, 1981; Martin Seymour Smith - The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written, 1999; Hugh Trovor Roper et al - Books of the Century, 1999;A N Wilson - list in the Evening Standard, 23 Oct 1996, plus additions by John Mortimer, Diana Quick; Doris Lessing, Harold Pinter, Aaron Klug, P D James, Isaiah Berlin, Muriel Spark, Germaine Greer, Norman Davies, Clive James in Sunday Times, 1996; 100 Books of the Century by Lord Gowrie, Arthur C Clarke, Roy Jenkins, Dirk Bogarde, Alan Massie, Dan Jacobson et al (Daily Telegraph 1999); Bristol University reading lists, 1981; Open University reading lists, 1976; Hilary Stock, George Weidenfeld, Piers Paul Read, Nicholas Blincoe, Tim Waterstone et al in a newspaper poll; 100 books chosen by the staff of Books etc; * my own additions


  1. C Achebe - Things Fall Apart
  2. D Adams- Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
  3. Aesop - Fables
  4. J Alain-Fournier - The Lost Domain
  5. W Allen - Without Feathers
  6. M Allingham - The Tigers in the Smoke
  7. K Amis - The Green Man
  8. - Lucky Jim
  9. M Amis - Money
  10. H C Andersen - Fairy Tales
  11. anon - Gilgamesh
  12. - Mahabharata
  13. - Ramayana
  14. - Bhagavad-Gita
  15. - The Thousand and One Nights
  16. - Beowulf
  17. - Cid
  18. - The Book of Job
  19. Apuleius - The Golden Ass
  20. Ariosto - Orlando Furioso
  21. I Asimov- I Robot
  22. J Austen - Pride and Prejudice
  23. - Emma
  24. - MansfieldPark
  25. - Sense and Sensibility
  26. - Persuasion
  27. M Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale
  28. M Ayrton - The Mazemaker
  29. I Babel - Red Calvary
  30. H Balzac - Lost Illusions
  31. - Old Goriot
  32. - The Wild Ass's Skin
  33. - Eugenie Grandet
  34. J Barth - The Floating Opera
  35. - The End of the Road
  36. - The Sot-Weed Factor
  37. - Chimera*
  38. S Beckett - Molloy
  39. - Murphy
  40. M Beerbohm - Zuleika Dobson
  41. S Bellow - Herzog
  42. - Humboldt's Gift
  43. - The Victim
  44. A Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale
  45. E F Benson - Mapp & Lucia
  46. L de Bernieres- Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  47. G Boccaccio - The Decameron
  48. E Bowen - The Heat of the Day
  49. - Death of the Heart
  50. - The House in Paris
  51. R Bradbury- Fahrenheit 451
  52. - The Martian Chronicles
  53. C Bronte - Jane Eyre
  54. E Bronte - WutheringHeights
  55. J Buchan - The Thirtynine Steps
  56. M Bulgakov- A Country Doctor’s Notebook
  57. - The Master and Margarita
  58. J Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress
  59. A Burgess - A Clockwork Orange
  60. - Nothing Like the Sun
  61. F H Burnett - The SecretGarden
  62. I C Burnett - More Women than Men
  63. - Mother and Son
  64. F Burney - Evalina
  65. E R Burroughs- Tarzan of the Apes
  66. - John Carter
  67. S Butler - The Way of All Flesh
  68. - Erewhon
  69. A S Byatt - Possession
  70. J M Cain - Serenade
  71. I Calvino - Our Ancestors
  72. A Camus - The Outsider
  73. - The Plague
  74. J Le Carre - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
  75. - The Naive and Sentimental Lover
  76. - Call for the Dead*
  77. L Carroll - Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass
  78. A Carter - Nights at the Circus
  79. - The Infernal Desire Machine of Dr Hoffman
  80. J Cary - The Horse's Mouth
  81. W Cather - The Song of the Lark
  82. L-F Celine- Voyage to the End of Night
  83. M Cervantes - Don Quixote
  84. R Chandler - The Big Sleep
  85. - Farewell My Lovely
  86. - The Long Goodbye
  87. B Chatwin- Utz*
  88. G Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
  89. - Troilus & Criseyde
  90. M Chekov - Short stories
  91. G K Chesterton - The Man Who Was Thursday
  92. E Childers - The Riddle of the Sands
  93. Choderlos de Laclos - Le Liaisons Dangereuses
  94. Paul Coelho- The Alchemist
  95. W Collins - The Moonstone
  96. - The Woman in White
  97. J Conrad - Nostromo
  98. - The Secret Agent
  99. - Heart of Darkness
  100. - Lord Jim
  101. - Under Western Eyes
  102. - Victory
  103. J F Cooper - The Prairie
  104. - The Deeerslayer
  105. W Cooper - Scenes from Provincial Life
  106. S Crane - The Red Badge of Courage
  107. R Dahl- Switch Bitch*
  108. Dante - The Divine Comedy
  109. - The New Life
  110. R Davies - The Cornish Trilogy
  111. D Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
  112. - Journal of the Plague Year
  113. - Moll Flanders
  114. P K Dick- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  115. - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
  116. C Dickens - David Copperfield
  117. - A Christmas Carol
  118. - Bleak House
  119. - Our Mutual Friend
  120. - Great Expectations
  121. - A Tale of Two Cities
  122. - Hard Times
  123. - Nicholas Nickleby
  124. - Dombey & Son
  125. - Martin Chuzzlewit
  126. - Little Dorrit
  127. - Edwin Drood
  128. D Diderot- Jacques the Fatalist and his Master
  129. A Doblin- Berlin Alexanderplatz
  130. E L Doctorow - The Book of Daniel
  131. - World's Fair
  132. F Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
  133. - The Idiot
  134. - House of the Dead
  135. - Crime and Punishment
  136. - The Possessed
  137. N Douglas - South Wind
  138. A C Doyle- The Hound of the Baskervilles
  139. - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  140. T Dreiser - Sister Carrie
  141. - An American Tragedy
  142. A Dumas - The Three Musketeers
  143. - The Count of Monte Cristo*
  144. L Durrell - Alexandria quartet
  145. U Eco - The Name of the Rose
  146. G Eliot - Daniel Deronda
  147. - Middlemarch
  148. - Silas Marner
  149. - Adam Bede
  150. - Mill on the Floss
  151. R Ellison - Invisible Man
  152. J Ellroy- LA Confidential
  153. - The Black Dahlia
  154. J G Farrell - Studs Lonigan
  155. - The Siege of Krishnapur
  156. W Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
  157. - Light in August
  158. - Absalom Absalom
  159. H Fielding - Tom Jones
  160. - Joseph Andrews
  161. F S Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
  162. T Fontane - Effie Briest
  163. G Flaubert - Madame Bovary
  164. - Bouvard et Pecuchet
  165. - Salammbo
  166. - A Sentimental Education
  167. I Fleming - Casino Royale
  168. J de la Fontaine - Fables
  169. F M Ford - Parade's End
  170. - The Good Soldier
  171. E M Forster - Where Angels Fear to Tread
  172. - Howards End
  173. - A Passage to India
  174. - A Room with a View
  175. J Fowles - The French Lieutenant's Woman
  176. A France - PenguinIsland
  177. J Galsworthy - The Forsyte Saga
  178. J Galt - The Entail
  179. E Gaskell - Cranford
  180. - Mary Barton
  181. - North and South
  182. T Gautier - Mlle de Maupin
  183. J Genet - Our Lady of the Flowers
  184. S Gibbons - Cold Comfort Farm
  185. A Gide - The Immoralist
  186. W Goethe - Elective Affinities
  187. N Gogol - Dead Souls
  188. W Golding - Rites of Passage
  189. - Lord of the Flies
  190. - Pincher Martin
  191. - The Spire
  192. - The Inheritors
  193. O Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
  194. I Goncharov - Oblomov
  195. K Graham - Wind in the Willows
  196. G Grass - The Tin Drum
  197. R Graves - I Claudius/Claudius the God/Count Belisarius
  198. H Green - Living
  199. - Loving
  200. - Party Going
  201. G Greene - The Heart of the Matter
  202. - A Burnt-Out Case
  203. - Brighton Rock
  204. - The Quiet American
  205. - The Power and the Glory
  206. - The Third Man
  207. G & W Grossmith- The Diary of a Nobody
  208. U le Guin- The Left Hand of Darkness
  209. Gurdjieff- Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson
  210. H R Haggard - She
  211. D Hammett- four novels
  212. K Hamsun- Hunger
  213. T Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge
  214. - Far from the Madding Crowd
  215. - Jude the Obscure
  216. - Tess of the d'Ubervilles
  217. - The Well-Beloved
  218. - The Woodlanders
  219. - Return of the Native
  220. T Harris- The Silence of the Lambs
  221. L P Hartley - The Shrimp and the Anemone
  222. - The Go-Between
  223. J Hasek - The Good Soldier Schweik
  224. N Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
  225. J Heller - Catch 22
  226. E Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms
  227. - The Sun Also Rises
  228. - For Whom the Bell Tolls
  229. - In Our Time
  230. - The Old Man and the Sea
  231. O Henry- short stories*
  232. A P Herbert- Uncommon Law*
  233. F Herbert- Dune
  234. Hesiod - The Works and Days
  235. H Hesse - Rosshalde
  236. - Steppenwolf
  237. P Highsmith- The Talented Mr Ripley
  238. C Himes- The Harlem Cycle
  239. E T A Hoffman- The Devil's Elixir
  240. J Hogg - Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  241. Homer - The Iliad
  242. - The Odyssey
  243. A Hope - The Prisoner of Zenda/Rupert of Henzau
  244. V Hugo - Le Legende des Siecles
  245. - Les Miserables
  246. - Notre Dame de Paris
  247. - The Toilers of the Sea
  248. A Huth- The Worm Forgives the Plough
  249. A Huxley - Point Counter Point
  250. - Brave New World
  251. - Those Barren Leaves
  252. - Antic Hay
  253. E Huxley - Red Strangers
  254. M Innes - Operation Pax
  255. - Hamlet, Revenge
  256. C Isherwood - Berlin stories
  257. K Ishiguro- The Remains of the Day
  258. H James - The Wings of a Dove
  259. - The Golden Bowl
  260. - Portrait of a Lady
  261. - What Maisie Knew
  262. P D James- A Certain Justice
  263. R Jarrell - Pictures from an Institution
  264. J K Jerome - Three Men in a Boat
  265. J Joyce - Dubliners
  266. - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  267. - Ulysses
  268. F Kafka - The Trial
  269. - The Castle
  270. - America
  271. N Kazantzakis- Zorba the Greek
  272. M Keane - Good Behaviour
  273. G Keillor- LakeWobegon Days*
  274. T Kenneally - The Confederates
  275. R Kipling - Kim
  276. - Stalky & Co*
  277. - Traffics and Discoveries
  278. - Limits and Rernewals*
  279. A Koestler - Darkness at Noon
  280. C de Laclos- Les Liaisons Dangereuses
  281. de Lafayette - The Princess of Cleves
  282. P Lagerkvist - The Sybil
  283. G di Lampedusa - The Leopard
  284. R Lardner - Roundup
  285. D H Lawrence - Sons and Lovers
  286. - The Rainbow
  287. - Women in Love
  288. - Twilight in Italy
  289. H Laxness- Independent People
  290. R Lehman- Invitation to the Waltz
  291. E Leonard- Get Shorty
  292. Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time
  293. D Lessing - The Golden Notebook
  294. S Lewis- Babbitt
  295. W Lewis - The Apes of God
  296. A Lindgren- Pippi Longstocking
  297. M V Llosa - Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
  298. M Lowry - Under the Volcano
  299. Lu X - Diary of a Madman
  300. R Macaulay- The Towers of Trebizond
  301. M McCarthy - The Groves of Academe
  302. - The Group
  303. C McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
  304. - The Member of the Wedding
  305. - The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
  306. I McEwan- The CementGarden
  307. C Mackenzie - Sinister Street
  308. N Mahfouz- Cairo Trilogy
  309. - - Children of Gebelawi
  310. N Mailer - The Naked and the Dead
  311. B Malamud - The Assistant
  312. T Malory - Morte d'Arthur
  313. A Malraux - Man's Estate
  314. - The Conquerors
  315. N Mandesltam - Hope Against Hope/Hope Regained
  316. T Mann - MagicMountain
  317. - Joseph and His Brethren
  318. - The Confessions of Felix Krull
  319. - Dr Faustus
  320. - Buddenbrooks
  321. K Manfield- The Garden Party
  322. A Manzoni - The Betrothed
  323. W de la Mare - Come Hither
  324. - Memoirs of a Midget
  325. G G Marquez - Chronicle of a Death Foretold
  326. - One Hundred Years of Solitude
  327. - Love in the Time of Cholera
  328. A Massie - Tiberius
  329. W S Maugham - Razor's Edge
  330. - Of Human Bondage
  331. - Cakes and Ale
  332. - short stories
  333. - The Moon and Sixpence
  334. G de Maupassant - Bel Ami
  335. F Mauriac - Therese Desqueyroux
  336. - Nest of Vipers
  337. - The Desert of Love
  338. D du Maurier - Rebecca
  339. H Melville - Moby Dick
  340. A Menen- A Prevalence of Witches*
  341. E Montale - Cuttle Fish Bones
  342. L M Montomery- Anne of Green Gables
  343. A Moravia - Woman of Rome
  344. T Morrison - Beloved
  345. I Murdoch - A Severed Head
  346. - Under the Net
  347. - The Good Apprentice
  348. - Bruno's Dream
  349. R Musil - The Man Without Qualities
  350. V Nabokov - Ada
  351. - Pale Fire
  352. - Lolita
  353. - King Queen Knave
  354. - Njal’s Saga
  355. V S Naipaul - A House for Mr Biswas
  356. - The Mystic Masseur
  357. R K Narayan - The Vendor of Sweets
  358. D Nobbs- Second From Last in the Sack Race*
  359. F Norris - McTeague
  360. R Nye - Falstaff
  361. P O'Brian - Master and Commander
  362. F O'Brien - At Swim-Two-Bird
  363. - The Third Policeman
  364. J O'Hara - Appointment at Samarra
  365. M Ondaatje- The English Patient
  366. G Orwell - Animal Farm
  367. - 1984
  368. A Ostrovsky - The Storm
  369. J dos Passos - USA
  370. B Pasternak- Dr Zhivago
  371. T L Peacock - Headlong Hall
  372. - Gryll Grange
  373. - Nightmare Abbey
  374. M Peake - Gormenghast
  375. - Titus Groan
  376. I Pears- An Instance of the Fingerposts
  377. S J Perelman - The Most of S J Perelman (The Road to Miltown)
  378. F Pessoa- The Book of Disquiet
  379. Petronius - Satyricon
  380. E A Poe - The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
  381. - The Fall of the House of Usher
  382. A Powell - A Dance to the Music of Time (12 vols)
  383. - Venusberg
  384. - From a View to a Death
  385. J C Powys - Weymouth Sands
  386. - Wolf Solent
  387. - A Glastonbury Romance
  388. V S Pritchett - When My Girl Comes Home
  389. M Proust - In Search of Lost Time (12 vols)
  390. A Pushkin- Eugene Onegin
  391. - Boris Godunov
  392. M Puzo - The Godfather
  393. T Pynchon - V
  394. - Gravity’s Rainbow
  395. F Rabelais - Gargantua/Pantagruel
  396. J Rhys - Good Morning
  397. - Voyage in the Dark
  398. - The Wide Sargasso Sea
  399. H H Richardson- The Getting of Wisdom
  400. S Richardson - Clarissa
  401. - Pamela
  402. - Sir Charles Gandison
  403. R M Rilke - The Duino Elegies
  404. J G Rosa- The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
  405. J Roth - The Radetzky March
  406. P Roth - Goodbye Columbus
  407. - Letting Go
  408. - Portnoy's Complaint
  409. J Rulfo- Pedro Paramo
  410. J-D Rumi- The Mathnawi
  411. D Runyon - The Best of Damon Runyon
  412. S Rushdie - Midnight's Children
  413. Sheikh Sadi of Shiraz- The Orchard
  414. Saki - The Clovis Chronicles
  415. - short stories
  416. T Salih- Ason of Migration to the North
  417. J D Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye
  418. G Sand - The Haunted Pool
  419. J Saramago- Blindness
  420. J-P Sartre- Nausea
  421. B Schulberg - What Makes Sammy Run?
  422. W Scott - Old Mortality
  423. - Waverley
  424. - The Heart of Midlothian
  425. - Redgauntlet
  426. R Sender - Seven Red Sundays
  427. V Serge - Men in Prison
  428. - The Case of Comrade Tulayev
  429. V Seth- A Suitable Boy
  430. M Shelley - Frankenstein
  431. M Shikibu- Tale of the Genji
  432. M Sholokov- Quiet Flows the Don
  433. A Sillitoe - Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
  434. G Simenon - The Widow Couderc (Ticket of Leave)
  435. U Sinclair - The Jungle
  436. I B Singer - The King of the Fields
  437. - The Crown of Feathers
  438. - The Family Moskat
  439. - The Magician of Lublin
  440. - The Slave
  441. T Smith - The Bishop's Jaegers
  442. T Smollett - The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  443. - The Adventures of Roderick Random
  444. C P Snow - The Masters
  445. A Solzhenitsyn - The First Circle
  446. - The Gulag Archipelago
  447. Somerville & Ross- Experiences of an Irish RM*
  448. T Southern - The Magic Christian
  449. M Spark - Girls of Slender Means
  450. - Memento Mori
  451. - The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
  452. - The Mandelbaum Gate
  453. W O Stapledon- Last and First Men
  454. C Stead - House of All Nations
  455. J Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
  456. - Of Mice and Men
  457. Stendhal - The Charterhouse of Parma
  458. - The Scarlet and Black
  459. L Sterne - Tristram Shandy
  460. R L Stevenson - The Master of Ballantrae
  461. - Kidnapped
  462. - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  463. - Treasure Island
  464. - Weir of Hermiston
  465. B Stoker - Dracula
  466. D Storey - This Sporting Life
  467. H B Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin
  468. W Styron - The Long March
  469. - The Confessions of Nat Turner
  470. - Sophie's Choice
  471. I Svevo - Confessions of Zeno
  472. - As a Man Grows Older
  473. G Swift- Last Orders
  474. J Swift - Gulliver's Travels
  475. J Tey - The Daughter of Time
  476. W M Thackeray - Vanity Fair
  477. - The Newcomes
  478. - The History of Henry Esmond
  479. P Theroux - The Mosquito Coast
  480. J Thurber - My World and Welcome To It
  481. - The 13 Clocks*
  482. J R R Tolkien - Lord of the Rings
  483. L Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
  484. - War and Peace
  485. - The Death of Ivan Ilyich
  486. J K Toole- A Confederacy of Dunces*
  487. W Trevor- Collected Stories
  488. L Trilling - The Middle of the Journey
  489. A Trollope - The Way We Live Now
  490. - the Barset novels
  491. - the Palliser novels
  492. - Orley Farm
  493. - Is He Poppenjoy*
  494. I Turgenev - A Month in the Country
  495. - Fathers and Sons
  496. - First Love
  497. M Twain - Huckleberry Finn
  498. - Extracts from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven
  499. J Updike - Rabbit Run
  500. - Couples
  501. - Pigeon Feathers
  502. G Verga - Maestro don Gesualdo
  503. J Verne- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  504. Virgil - The Aenid
  505. Voltaire - Candide
  506. K Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle
  507. - Breakfast of Champions
  508. H Walpole - The Castle of Otranto
  509. S T Warner- Mr Fortune’s Maggot
  510. R B Warren - Night Rider
  511. E Waugh - Decline and Fall
  512. - A Handful of Dust
  513. - Brideshead Revisited
  514. - Scoop
  515. - Vile Bodies
  516. - Put Out More Flags
  517. - Sword of Honour:
  518. H G Wells - War of the Worlds
  519. - The History of Mr Polly
  520. - The Time Machine
  521. E Welty - Delta Wedding
  522. N West - Miss Lonelyhearts
  523. The Day of the Locust
  524. R West - The Fountain Overflows
  525. E Wharton - Custom of the Country
  526. - The Age of Innocence
  527. P White - Voss
  528. - Riders in the Chariot
  529. O Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
  530. - Lord Arthur Saville's Crime*
  531. T Wilder- The Bridge of San Luis Rey
  532. A Wilson - Anglo-Saxon Attitudes
  533. C Wilson - The Outsider
  534. J Winterson- Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
  535. P G Wodehouse - The Inimitable Jeeves
  536. - Right Ho Jeeves
  537. T Wolfe - Look Homeward Angel
  538. T Wolfe - Bonfire of the Vanities
  539. V Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
  540. - To the Lighthouse
  541. - The Waves
  542. J Wyndham- The Day of the Triffids
  543. - The Midwich Cuckoos
  544. M Yourcenar - Memoirs of Hadrian
  545. E Zola - Nana
  546. - Germinal


  1. Aeschylus - The Oresteia
  2. - Seven Against Thebes
  3. - Prometheus Bound
  4. - The Persians
  5. - The Suppliant Women
  6. E Albee - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
  7. J Anouilh - Ring Round the Moon
  8. Becket
  9. Antigone
  10. J Arden
  11. Aristophanes - Thesmophoriazusae
  12. - Women in Power
  13. - Clouds
  14. - Wasps
  15. - Knights
  16. - Lysistrata
  17. - Frogs
  18. Beaumont & Fletcher-
  19. S Beckett - Endgame
  20. - Waiting for Godot
  21. R Bolt- A Man for All Seasons*
  22. B Brecht- Caucasian Chalk Circle
  23. - Galileo
  24. A Chekhov - The Cherry Orchard
  25. W Congreve - The Way of the World
  26. - Love for Love
  27. Corneille - The Cid
  28. - Polyceute
  29. - Nicomede
  30. - Horace
  31. - Cinna
  32. - Rodogune
  33. N Coward - Private Lives
  34. J Dryden
  35. F Durrenmatt- The Visit
  36. T S Eliot - Murder in the Cathedral
  37. G Etherege - The Man of Mode
  38. Euripides - The Bacchae
  39. - Orestes
  40. - Cyclops
  41. - Heracles
  42. - Alcestis
  43. - Hecuba
  44. - Andromache
  45. - Medea
  46. - Ion
  47. - Hippolytus
  48. - Iphigenia at Aulis
  49. G Farquhar - The Beaux's Stratagem
  50. - The Recruiting Officer
  51. J Ford - 'Tis a Pity She's a Whore
  52. C Fry - The Lady's Not for Burning*
  53. J Gay - The Beggar's Opera
  54. J Genet - The Balcony
  55. W S Gilbert - the Savoy operas
  56. J Giraudoux - Tiger at the Gates
  57. J Goethe - Faust
  58. - Egmont
  59. C Goldoni - Servant of Two Masters
  60. O Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer
  61. H Granville-Barker - The Madras House
  62. C Hampton - Savages
  63. H Ibsen - An Enemy of the People
  64. - Ghosts
  65. - Peer Gynt
  66. - Brand
  67. - Hedda Gabler
  68. - The Master Builder
  69. - The Lady from the Sea
  70. - A Doll’s House
  71. E Ionesco - Rhinoceros
  72. - The Bald Soprano
  73. B Jonson - The Alchemist
  74. H von Kleist -
  75. T Kyd- The Spanish Tragedy
  76. Lope de Vega - La Dorotea
  77. - Fuente Ovejuna
  78. Marivaux - comedies
  79. C Marlowe - Tamburlaine the Great
  80. - Doctor Faustus
  81. - The Jew of Malta
  82. - Edward II
  83. J Marston - The Malcontent
  84. P Massinger - A New Way to Pay Old Debts
  85. W S Maugham- For Services Rendered
  86. Middleton & Rowley - The Changeling
  87. A Miller - The Crucible
  88. Moliere - Tartuffe
  89. - The Misanthrope
  90. - School for Wives
  91. - The Learned Ladies
  92. - School for Husbands
  93. - Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
  94. - The Miser
  95. - Le Malade Imaginaire
  96. - Don Juan
  97. - Ridiculous Precieuse
  98. S O'Casey - Juno and the Paycock
  99. - The Plough and the Stars
  100. - The Shadow of a Gunman
  101. E O'Neill - The Iceman Cometh
  102. J Orton - Loot
  103. T Otway - Venice Preserv'd
  104. A W Pinero - The Second Mrs Tanqueray
  105. H Pinter - No Man's Land
  106. L Pirandello - Six Characters in Search of an Author
  107. Plautus - Pseudolus
  108. - The Braggart Soldier
  109. - Rope
  110. - Amphitryon
  111. Prevost - Manon Lescaut
  112. J Racine - Phèdre
  113. - Andromache
  114. - Athaliah
  115. - Britannicus
  116. T Rattigan - The Winslow Boy
  117. E Rostand- Cyrano de Bergerac*
  118. D L Sayers - The Man Born to be King
  119. F Schiller - The Robbers
  120. - Don Carlos
  121. - Mary Stuart
  122. - Wallenstein
  123. Seneca - Medea
  124. - Hercules Furens
  125. W Shakespeare- Othello
  126. - King Lear
  127. - Hamlet
  128. - Richard II*
  129. - Caesar & Cleopatra*
  130. G B Shaw - St Joan
  131. - Heartbreak House
  132. - Pygmalion
  133. - Major Barbara
  134. - Back to Methuselah
  135. R B Sheridan - The School for Scandal
  136. - The Rivals
  137. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex/Oedipus at Colonnus/Oedipus Tyrannus
  138. - Antigone
  139. - Electra
  140. - Ajax
  141. - Women of Trachis
  142. - Philoctetes
  143. J M Synge
  144. T Stoppard - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
  145. - Travesties
  146. - Jumpers*
  147. - Professional Foul*
  148. A Strindberg - Miss Julie
  149. - A Dance of Death
  150. - A Dream Boy
  151. J M Synge - The Playboy of the Western World
  152. Terence - The Girl from Andros
  153. - The Eunuch
  154. - The Mother in Law
  155. D Thomas - Under Milk Wood
  156. C Tourneur - The Revenger's Tragedy
  157. B Travers - Rookery Nook
  158. J Webster - The White Devil
  159. - The Duchess of Malfi
  160. O Wilde - The Importance of Being Ernest
  161. T Wilder - Our Town
  162. T Williams - A Streetcar Named Desire
  163. W Wycherley- The Country Wife
  164. - The Plain Dealer
