HE in FECs

Expert programme

Staff development materials

This information will be attached to each set of materials lodged on the HE in FECs website:

Title and type of material:Acronyms Quiz
Author/Contributing institution:
Contributed (date):March 2010
University of Plymouth Colleges (UPC)
Brief description of materials:
An acronyms quiz which is based around common acronyms used within the UPC partnership and nationally for HE in FE.
This quiz demonstrates that amount of jargon that HE has accumulated and aims to give HE in FE staff a fun way of uncovering some of the terms that they will come across when working in HE in FE.
Target audience:
New staff and those who have had little experience.
Other materials that could be used alongside:
More detailed information such as HE handbook and the powerpoint presentation, ‘What Every Staff Member Should Know’
How has the material been used?
As a starting point for programme manager training in colleges. Staff are asked to discuss and attempt to explain the acronyms in pairs. Each example is then discussed as a group and explanation is given and references are provided within the handbook (generic or college adapted) and on HEI portal.
How was it received?
Staff usually enjoy it and manage to be quite creative in their responses. It leads to much discussion which enables the facilitator to be quite flexible in providing a focus on the issues that most concern the staff.
Suggestions about how to maximise its effectiveness:
This is very effective when delivered in the college and in conjunction with the college HE manager/co-ordinator.
Benefit to the college:
Takes away some of the incomprehension of HE.
Any further comments:
The first part of this quiz is mainly UPC based but these parts could be replaced by common acronyms from any other partnership.
Completion of this form constitutes your agreement to the material being downloaded, used and customised by colleagues for the purposes and under the conditions set out to users. That is, the material is made available on the condition that is used, not for profit, for the development of good practice in HE in FE and that when it is used in whole, or in part, it is properly attributed to the author(s).
It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that materials adhere to established principles for academic referencing and attribution.

Identify the following acronyms: