Department of Sociology

MSC 3WSP, PO Box 30001(575) 646-7601 (fax)

New Mexico State University(575) 646-4499 (phone)

Las Cruces, NM 88003


2003Ph.D. University of Arizona, Department of Sociology, Tucson, AZ

1997MA. University of Arizona, Department of Sociology, Tucson, AZ

1993BA. Depauw University, Greencastle, IN, Magna Cum Laude

Dissertation Title: For Their Own Good? The Effects of School Discipline and

Disorder on Student Behavior and Academic Achievement

Dissertation Co-Chairs: Richard Arum and Ronald Breiger


2012- Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

2004-2012Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

2003-2004RAND/SpencerFoundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Education Policy, Santa Monica, CA.


Côté, Rochelle, Jessica Eva Jensen, Louise Marie Roth and Sandra M. Way. 2015. “The Effects of Gendered Social Capital on US Migration: A Comparison of Four Latin American Countries” Demography.52:989-1015.

Petersen, Polly, Keller, Teresa; Way, Sandra and Wanda Borges. 2015. “Autonomy and Empowerment in Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Lessons from New Mexico.” Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Way, Sandra M. 2011. “School Discipline and Disruptive Classroom Behavior: The Moderating Effects of Student Perceptions.” The Sociological Quarterly52:346-375.

Way, Sandra, Brian Karl Finch and Deborah Cohen. 2006. “Hispanic Concentration and the Conditional Influence of Collective Efficacy on Adolescent Childbearing.” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 160: 925-930.

Beattie, Irenee, Karen Christopher, Dina Okamoto, and Sandra Way, 2005. “Momentary Pleasures: Social Encounters and Fleeting Relationships at a Singles Dance” Pg 46-65 in Together Alone: Personal Relationships in Public Places edited by Calvin Morrill, David A. Snow and Cindy H. White. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Arum, Richard and Sandra Way. 2004. “School-Community Relationships and the Early Labor Market Outcomes of Sub-Baccalaureate Students” in After the Bell - Family Background and Educational Success edited by Dalton Conley and Karen Albright. New York: Routledge.

Arum, Richard and Sandra Way, 2003. “School Discipline and Youth Socialization” Pp 159-187 in Judging School Discipline: The Crisis of Moral Authority in American Schools by Richard Arum with Irenee Beattie, Richard Pitt, Jennifer Thompson and Sandra Way. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


Way, Sandra. 2007. "School Discipline." in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Pp. 4019-4023.

Way, Sandra. 2007. “Transition to College: Variables Affecting American Indian, Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Students at New Mexico State University” Report to Division of Student Success, New Mexico State University.


Petersen, Polly and Sandra Way. “Autonomy, Empowerment and Physician Oversight among Advanced Practice Nurses”Journal of Rural Health.


Way, Sandra. “Predictors of Postsecondary Success among White, Latino, and American Indian Students”


“The Effects of Biculturalism on American Indian College Students’ Adjustment and Success” with Machienvee Lammey, Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Long Beach, CA, April 2015.

“Historical Trauma and College Success: The Case of American Indian Students” with Machienvee Lammey, Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2014.

“Liberal and ConservativePolitical Philosophies: Inconsistencies in Defining Self and Other” with David LoConto, Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2014.

“The Effects of Gendered Networks on Migration to the U.S.: A Comparison of 4 Latin American Countries” with Jessica Jensen, Rochelle R Côté, Louise Roth and C. Alison Newby. American Sociological Association Meeting, Denver, CO, August 2012.

“Persistence Among American Indian Postsecondary Students” Research, Pedagogy, and Other Institutional Practices: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Diversity in Higher Education, Las Cruces, NM, March 2012.

“The Effects of Gendered Networks on International Migration: A Cross Cultural Comparison” with Jessica Jensen and C. Alison Newby, American Sociological Association Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, August 2011.

“Campus Climate & American Indian Students’ College Success” invited panel presentation Special Session: Comtempory Issues in American Indian Education, Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2011.

"Worker Perceptions in Mexico's Maquiladora Zone" invited presentation Department of Sociology, University of Arizona speakers series. November 12th, 2010.

“A Qualitative Study of American Indian Student College Success” with Sheila Prados, Heather Johnson, Lisa Grayshield and Michael Waldo, Pacific Sociology Annual Association Meeting, Oakland, CA, April 2010

“Perceptions of Fairness and Exploitation in Mexico’s Maquiladora Zone” with Bophamony Cordova and Mark Horowitz, American Sociological Association Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2008.

“School Climates of Disorder: Individual Experiences and Contextual Effects” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, August 2007.

"American Indian Students and the Transition to College" with Lisa Grayshield, Michael Waldo, Sheila Prados and Heather Johnson Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA, April 2007.

“Collective Efficacy and Marital and Non-Marital Adolescent Fertility in Hispanic Neighborhoods”

with Brian Finch and Deborah Cohen. American Sociological Association Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August, 2006.

“Underrepresented Minority Student Attrition in Graduate Education: A Multi-Level Survival Analysis” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meetings Hollywood, California, April 2006.

“Globalization and Rising Expectations in Mexico’s Maquiladora Zone” with Mark Horowitz. Lineae Terrarum, International Border Conference, El Paso, Texas, March 2006.

“School Discipline and the Differential Likelihood of Graduation for “At-Risk’ Students” American Sociological Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2005.

“Hispanic Concentration and the Conditional Influence of Collective Efficacy on Non-Marital Birth Rates” Presented at the Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Portland, OR, April 2005.

“For Their own Good? The Effects of School Discipline on Student Behavior and Academic Achievement” RAND Education Brownbag Series, Santa Monica, CA, December 2003.

“The Influence of High School Discipline and Perceptions of Authority on Student Behavior” American Educational Research Association Grantee Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2003.

“Gendered Transitions into Work: The Deferential Effects of School Assisted Job Placement” American Sociological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2003.

“The Influence of High School Discipline and Perceptions of Authority on Student Behavior” American Sociological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, Aug 2002.

“Disorderly Schools: an examination of the educational costs to students” Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2002.

“Successful School Discipline: The Role of Student Perception” Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Aug 2001.

“The Effects of School Disorder on Student Misbehavior and Academic Achievement” Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, March 2001.

“School Racial Context and Minority Youth.” American Sociological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, Aug 1999.

“Gender and Job Search Methods: The Effects of High School job Placement Services on the School-to-Work Transition” American Sociological Association Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug 1998.

“The Significance of School-Business Institutional Ties: Effects of School Assisted Job Placement on Male and Female Early Labor Market Outcomes“ with Richard Arum. International Sociological Association/RC28, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 1998.


2008NMSU Alpha Kappa Delta, Sociology Teacher of the Year

2006-2009Research Funding: NMSU Provost Office, Division of Student Success and American Indian Programs, $27,000

2007Undergraduate Research Initiative Grant (URIG), NMSU, $2500

2006College of Arts and Sciences, NMSU MiniGrant, $1000

2006,2007Loomis Endowment in Rural Sociology, $3266 and $3700

2006 NCES/NELS-ELS Database Training SeminarNational,Washington DC

2004Inter-University Consortium of Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Award to

attend week long Census 2000/GIS Workshop at University of Michigan

2003RAND/SpencerFoundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Education Policy

2002AERA Dissertation Grant (co-sponsored with NSF, NCES, OERI)

2002Bowers Award for Outstanding Graduate Paper, Dept of Sociology, UofA

2001Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

2001Wakonse Teaching Fellowship, University of Arizona

2000Dissertation Grant, Dept of Sociology, University of Arizona

2000Research Development Grant, Social and Behavioral Science Research Institute, UofA


2011-2013 Pacific Sociological Committee on Committees (elected)

2010 Session Organizer and Discussant, “Postsecondary Transitions” PSA Annual Meetings

2010Session Organizer and Presider, “Minority and First-Generation College Student Experiences” PSA Annual Meetings

2009-2010 Program Committee, Pacific Sociological Association

2005-2008Pacific Sociological Association Endowment Committee, Co-Chair

Occasional Reviewer: Sociological Forum, American Sociological Review,Social Science Quarterly,International Journal of Social Inquiry


2014-Director of Graduate Studies, Sociology

2014-Faculty Advisor, Graduate Student Organization, Sociology, NMSU

2009-2015Graduate Studies Committee, Sociology, NMSU

2008Preparing Future Faculty Mentor, NMSU Graduate School

2007Presenter, NMSU Teaching Academy Workshop on working with American Indian Students and Faculty

2007Undergraduate Research Initiative Mentor

2006-2008Faculty Advisor, Graduate Student Organization, Sociology/Anthropology, NMSU

2005-2008Faculty Search Committees: Dept Head, 4 tenure track, and 2 instructors

2005-2008Director of Graduate Studies, NMSU Sociology Program

2005-2009Teaching Committee, Dept of Sociology and Anthropology, NMSU

2005-2006Faculty Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences Student Council

2004-2005Research Committee, Dept of Sociology and Anthropology, NMSU

2000-2001President of Graduate Student Association, Sociology, Univ of Arizona (elected)


Co-Principal Investigator, Juarez Maquiladora Workers Survey

Collaborated with colleague to organize and supervise several graduate students on trips to Juarez, Mexico to collect survey data from over 300 Maquiladora factory workers on their perceptions of working conditions and cross-border contacts.

Principal Investigator, College Transition Research Project

Secured funding ($33,766) organized and managed multidisciplinary team of faculty and student researchers. Surveyed and collected longitudinal institutional research on approximately 2000 first year students. We also conducted interviews and focus groups with a subset of American Indian college students. Project examines racial/ethnic and rural/metro differences in college retention and involves both survey and interview methodology. Jan 2006-present.

Post Doctoral Fellow in Educational Policy Research, RAND Corporation

Used Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (LAFans), a large scale, longitudinal survey collected by UCLA and RAND, in conjunction with Census and LA County Vital Statistics to analysis the influence of neighborhood characteristics on teenage birth rates and other health outcomes. Also, worked on a project funded by the Gates Foundation to explore how school structures of resource allocation and use affect student performance. This project involved designing and implementing interviews of educational leaders, administrators and technicians in North Carolina and Texas Aug 2003-Aug 2004

Research Associate for Data Analysis and Special Projects, Graduate College, University of Arizona

Created and analyzed large data set of graduate student files generated from University of Arizona Student Information System. Used multi-level logistic regression and survival analysis to assess the impact of various organizational and individual factors on graduate student attrition. Designed of a survey study of graduate assistant workloads. Jan 2002-May
