Vimukti Trust

(Reg. No. IV 252 / 96-97)


ISEC Road,

Nagarabhavi Post,

Bangalore 560 072.

Tel: 91-80-321 0194


A Project Proposal Regarding Back to School Programme in Malur Taluk of Kolar district : July 2003 to June 2004

Project Title : Back to School Programme in Malur taluk of Kolar district

  1. Applicant: Kiran Kamal Prasad

Secretary, Vimukti Trust,

2. Address: No. 1289, I.S.E.C. Road, Nagarabhavi Post, Bangalore 560072.

Telefax: 00-91-(0)80-321 0194 E-mail:

3. Organisation responsible: Vimukti Trust (VT), a registered trust. It is carrying out the Back to School Programme (BSP) in Anekal taluk as one of the programmes under a broader objective of Universalisation of Quality Elementary Education (UNIQUE) for the Elimination of Child Labour. This objective is one among the eight objectives of Jeevika (Jeeta Vimukti Karnataka – Bonded Labour Liberation in Karnataka) Project set up by VT to eradicate bonded labour in Karnataka state of India. Kiran Kamal Prasad is the overall coordinator of Jeevika Project. As its secretary, Kiran is the Chief Functionary of VT. VT is responsible for the entire Jeevika Project including the BSP.

  1. The Context and Needs: The Jeevika Project was started at the level of Karnataka state in 1993, though it had its beginnings in 1988 in Anekal taluk of Bangalore Urban district. The main goal of Jeevika is to eradicate bonded labour (BL) in the whole of the state and with networking in other parts of the country and the world. BL is a way of exploiting labour of very poor persons and that too of dalits (the untouchables) and the tribals by making use of their very vulnerable condition in life. According to a survey conducted by National Sample Survey of India in 1992, about 6% of the agricultural labour is bonded. According to the 1991 Census, Karnataka had a total population of 44,806,468. The total number of workers among them was 18,744,445. Of these, the agricultural workers (Aws) were 5,981,903 (34.69% of total workers). The 6% among them would be 358,914! The bonded labourers (BLs) have no freedom to seek employment elsewhere till they have repaid their loans. They have to work for long hours. They must be available for work, day in and day out. They have neither weekly nor annual holidays. Often the bondages are passed on to the next generation. BL is found very much in agricultural occupations and in other occupations of the unorganized sector like brick kilns, stone quarries, hotels, garages, silk industry, domestic work and so on. Jeevika has strategically concentrated to focus its involvement with BL in agriculture in the initial stages. There is some reduction in the incidence of BL in the areas of its involvement. Yet Globalisation and Privatisation seem to make the life of landless Aws harder and reduce them to situations of bondage. The intervention of BSP / UNIQUE seems to have some impact on the profile of child labour. The child labourers in the Residential Bridge Course (RBC) in Anekal in 2003 are almost all of them school drop outs at the upper primary level unlike in the previous years where the ex child labourers were mostly illiterate. Hence, it looks that the intervention of BSP requires to be continued for some more years in the interest of child labourers and to extend it in other areas of Jeevika’s involvement.

5.The Goal (Vision), Objectives (Mission) and Activities of Jeevika: UNIQUE is one among the fifteen objectives of Jeevika. The goal and objectives of Jeevika are as follows:

Goal/Vision: By eradicating Bonded Labour System, support the efforts of Dalit Movement and others in their fight against caste system and bring about greater equality and justice in India giving witness to a Life Free of Bondage.


1)Conscientization & Organization of Bonded Labourers (BLs) together with Agricultural Workers (AWs) and women in their families; leadership in Panchayat Raj Institutions.

2)Lobbying & Advocacy with government agencies to implement the provisions of BLS Abolition Act and regarding other issues affecting them like, minimum wages, land reforms, rights to work, education, information and so on.

3)Procuring benefits from various welfare schemes of the government.

4)Building self-reliance in BLs & AWs through Self Help Groups (SHGs) especially through women in the families of BLs & AWs; through skills trainings and cooperative ventures.

5)Cultural Acton to conscientize and organize BLs & AWs.

6)Research& Documentation in support of Action on issues relating to Bonded Labour (BL).

7)Universalisation of Quality Elementsary Educaton (UNIQUE) through Back to School Programme (BSP) and Residential Bridge Course(RBC)s.

8)Networking with other groups & individuals in the state, in the country and in the world.

9)Taking up Land Issues.

10) Taking up Atrocities on BLs and Dalits.

11) Promoting the interests of the Elderly.

12) Promoting interests of the Differently Challenged. 13) Protection of Environment.

14) Promoting Scientific Attitude and Rational Thinking. 15) Promotion of Health.

6.The Proposed Activities under BSP: BSP was initiated in Anekal in December 1997. A similar programme is being planned for Malur taluk in 2003-04. A number of activities are envisaged under BSP. (The details are found in the Annexure – 3: Plan of Action for BSP). One of the activities is running a Residential Bridge Course (RBC) for 30 to 50 bonded and other working children for one year, prepare them intensely to master the knowledge and skills of a particular standard in formal school appropriate to their age and then get them admitted to that standard in a government school. Once getting them admitted in a government school, they will also be placed in a government run social welfare hostel, so as to take care of their boarding and lodging needs. The Jeevika activists will also follow them up in their studies and other needs. There is a need to work out some vocational training programmes for the older children and especially for those who are not that inclined for academic studies. We are making some efforts in this direction but not yet in a full-fledged way. We will evolve some effective strategy for the vocational trainings of the older children above 14 years during the coming years.

7.The Project Period: The present Project Proposal is to support the activity of a RBC for 50 or so working children in Malur taluk for one year from July 2003 to June 2004.

  1. Funding Partners: A few enthusiastic Jeevika activists in Malur taluk have been eager to take up a programme along the lines of Back to School Programme in Anekal taluk. They have already begun the programme since April 2003 with mobilizing support from the public. However, the support pooled together is meager and of ad hoc nature. To enable the activists to concentrate their efforts in imparting quality education in a short time, they are required to be spared of the responsibility to continually appeal for funds. Hence this Project Proposal is worked out and submitted to the generous support of the public, the government and Asha.
  2. The Budget is as follows:

One Residential Bridge Course (RBC) for Fifty Children for One Year:
In Rs. / In Rs.

I Board & Lodge:

Food : Rs 25 x 50 persons x 30 days x 12 months
Stationery (mats, plates, buckets)
Toilet articles
Cooks 2 : (Rs. 1500 + Rs. 1000) x 12
Unforeseen expenses / 4,50,000.00


/ 5,64,000.00
II School:
Teachers (3) : (Rs. 2000 x 3 x12)
Office Asst cum Teacher. : (Rs. 2000 x 12)
Supervisor cum Teacher: (Rs. 3000 x 12)
Coordinator cum Trainer (part time) : (Rs. 3000 x 12)
Training of teachers
Extra curricular activities
Text and Note Books
Office stationery
Unforeseen expenses
Premises for Lodge and School (Rs. 2500 x12) / 72,000.00
Total / 3,03,000.00
III Institutional Fees (5% of III) / 43,350.00
IV Total of I, II & III / 9,10,350.00
V Local Contribution
Contribution from parents of the children : (Rs 10 x 12 x 50)
Collections from the general public / 6,000.00
Total / 56,000.00
V Outside Contribution: / 8,54,350.00
VI Total Contributions / 9,10,350.00

10. Annexures:

  1. Project Matrix for Jeevika for 2001-2004
  2. Annual Report of Jeevika, 2000-2001
  3. Annual Report of Jeevika 2001-2002
  4. Annual Report of Jeevika 2002-2003

23-10-2003kiran kamal prasad,

Bangalore secretary, VT.