Expectations meeting handout
Year 5
Mrs. Summan
Mrs Rodgers

Things you can work on with your child to support what they are learning in school


·  Write a story with an opening; build up, dilemma, event, resolution and ending, with some detail about the characters and setting.

·  Use some description.

·  Use connectives in a sentence (and, but, so, also, because, then, firstly, finally, when) to make a compound sentence.

·  Use capital letters, full stops and question marks and use commas. ( . ? , )

·  Write letters correctly, in the same size and sit them on the line.

·  Spell many common words correctly.


·  Count and write letters to 1000 (may need some help with some)

·  Order 3 digit familiar measures (money, centimetres)

·  Understand place value e.g. 345 = 3 hundred 4 tens and 5 units

·  Find half of numbers to 20

·  Understands £ and pence

·  Adds 2 two digit numbers e.g. 20+30=

·  Can subtract one digit numbers from 2 digit numbers.

·  Know the 2,3,5 and 10 times tables

·  Know common shapes


·  Listening to pupils read aloud and observing how they decode words to make meaning from texts.

·  Reading aloud with fluency, understanding and expression also involves taking note of punctuation

·  Retelling stories

·  Changing the stories endings

·  Explain what is important about the overall shape and structure of what they are reading.

·  spot specific features in texts (paragraphs, introductions, facts, descriptions settings etc)

·  Understanding that all texts have a point of view, and that this can impact on readers’ responses.

·  Express personal likes and dislikes.

·  Talk about some of the ways that texts are the same or different from one another.

Questions to ask your child when reading

Questions about fiction books

·  Do the first few pages of the book make you want to carry on reading it? Why?

·  How do you think the story will end?

·  Why do you think this book is called …’Fly By Night’, etc?

·  Which part of the story do you think is the funniest/ saddest/ most interesting?

·  Why do you think that?

·  Did the book make you think of something which had once happened to you?

·  Do the pictures/ layout help you to understand the book better? How?

·  Are the pictures clear? Do they make the book more enjoyable?

·  Why is CRASH! SPLAT! Written in capital letters? Can you find any other parts of the story where this happens?

·  Would you like X as a friend?

·  Describe one of the characters – What do they say and do?

·  Where and when does the story take place?

After reading the whole book

·  Why was x happy / sad at the end of the story?

·  Would the story have been different if X had listened to her parents at the beginning?

·  What did you learn from reading this book?

·  How did your opinion change about X from the beginning to the end of the story?

·  Do you know any other stories like this one?

Questions about non- fiction books

·  Is this book like a story book?

·  What did you find out that you did not know before you read this book?

·  (Pointing to the contents page) Here it says______are on page______

·  What do you think that page will be about?

·  Does you information book have an index? How would you use it to find something out?

·  Do the pictures layout help you understand the book better? How? Are the pictures clear? Do they make the book more enjoyable?

·  Do you know why this word is in bold?

·  How are the headings on each page useful?

·  Why are the photographs more useful than the drawings in this book?

·  I’m thinking of buying this book for the library – do you think it would be a good book to have in our library? Why/ why not?

·  How are the captions next to the photographs helpful to the reader?

·  Why do you think some of the information is in FACT FILE boxes?

Topics in Autumn term

Science-Humans and Animals


History-Greek Legacy


Making Bread-D&T

Art-Welsh Art

Stories from another Culture

Imagery Poetry

Recount newspapers

Non Chronological Reports

Arguments (Persuasion)


PE-Invasion Games/Gymnastics

Useful websites

•  http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/

•  www.funbrain.com

•  www.crickweb.co.uk

•  http://www.topmarks.co.uk/

•  www.primarygames.co.uk

•  www.cromwell.bham.sch.uk/

•  www.mathletics.co.uk

•  www.readingeggs.co.uk


n  Homework is given out on a Friday and must be returned by Monday

n  One piece of Literacy and Maths homework a week

n  Times tables

n  Spellings

n  Home reading books (Reading record to be filled in and signed by parent)

Number grid

High frequency spellings

the / that / not / look / put
and / with / then / don’t / could
a / all / were / come / house
to / we / go / will / old
said / can / little / into / too
in / are / as / back / by
he / up / no / from / day
I / had / mum / children / made
of / my / one / him / time
it / her / them / Mr / I’m
was / what / do / get / if
you / there / me / just / help
they / out / down / now / Mrs
on / this / dad / came / called
she / have / big / oh / here
is / is / went / when / about
for / be / it’s / got / asked
at / like / see / their / saw
his / some / looked / people / make
but / so / very / your / an

PE Kit

n PE is on a Tuesday and Friday

n White or blue t-shirt

n Blue/ black shorts

n Black pumps

n PE kit can be taken home on a Friday to wash but must be returned the following Monday.


Please find examples of correct letter formation.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Local library

•  Bloomsbury Library

•  Nechells Parkway Birmingham

•  B7 4PT

•  0121 4643466