Expanding our Knowledge, Putting the Pieces Together
2018Fall BPRO-POSSESS -VASWP Conference
Monday October 22nd, 2018
Tentative Workshops:- Medicaid Expansion
- Fraud, Scams and Identity Theft
- SNAP Income Calculations
- Medallion 4
- Maintaining Professional Marketability
- ABD/LTC Resource Clarifications
- Funeral Customs: Religion and Faith
- Finding Local Support Services
- MAGI Income and reasonable compatibility
- Human Trafficking
- APS101
- SNAP ABAWD Clocks/Policy
- Succession Planning
- What’s Alike/What’s Different –SNAP/TANF
- Mental Health Support
- Thomas Brothers
- VaCMS Patient Pay Issues
- Employment Services
- SNAP Changes
- VaCMS Error Messages
- Spenddowns
- Self-Care
- Human Trafficking
Tentative Workshops:
8:00 am Registration Begins
9:00 am Pre-conference workshops VACMS UserGroup
12:00Lunch (provided) /
1:30Benefit Panel
VASWP Executive Board Meeting
3:15 pmWorkshops BPRO Business Meeting
POSSESS Business Meeting
VASWP Business Meeting
Tuesday October 23rd, 2018
7:00 amBreakfast (provided)
9:00 am Workshops
10:45 amWorkshops
12:15 Lunch(provided)
1:30 pmWorkshops
3:00 pmBreak (provided)
3:15 pmWorkshops
BPRO Business meeting
Wednesday October 24th,, 2018
7:00 am Breakfast (provided)
9:00 am Workshops
10:30 amBreak
10:45 amWorkshops
12:15 pm – 12:30 pm Closing session / give-a-ways
Expanding our Knowledge, Putting the Pieces Together
2018 Fall BPRO-POSSESS -VASWP Conference
Full Conference Registration: Monday October 22nd through Wednesday October 24th, 2018
Please check one:
Early Registration: $150.00member;$190.00nonmember; postmarkedbySept 14th, 2018.
Regular Registration: Sept. 15th – September 28th, 2018$175.00member;$215.00nonmember(if you pay as a nonmember, you will receive membership through June 30, 2019)
Registration includes: conference materials, ID badge, Mondaylunch, Tuesday breakfast, Tuesdaylunch and Wednesday breakfast.
Please note space will be limited. Registrationsreceived after the deadline or at capacity, will be placed on a wait list. Substitutions may be made. Cancellations will not be refunded,if received within 10 days of conference start date.
Please Print or Type:
Are you currently a member for period July 2018-June 2019?
**BPRO Scholarship recipient or Board position:
**All BPRO Scholarship Recipients and PD Presidents, Executive Board and Committee Chairs must pay a $30 administrative fee. Please indicate Scholarship or Board position above**
Send Registration form & Payment to below treasurer for your organization. If paying by check please indicate amount and check #.
If you are registering without payment, please indicate estimated mailing date of payment
(Checks payable: BPRO)(Checks payable: POSSESS)(Checks payable: VASWP)
Rebecca Carter-Nutter Mary Cloud Shavonne Curnell
Virginia BPROHampton DSS/ Fips 650 Henrico DSS
PO Box 7311320 Lasalle Ave, Room 145 P.O. Box 90775
Front Royal, VA 22630Hampton, VA 23669 Henrico, VA 23273
540-635-3430 x 3325757-727-1800 804-501-5979
(Do Not Pouch Registration)
**online payment option available
For BPRO members ONLY
*****REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS September 28th, 2018***********
Note: Any registration received after this date will be accepted at the discretion of the conference planners and appropriate board. Conference materials are not guaranteed for late registration.
Note: You must complete a registration form in order to attend the conference. Securing a room or receiving a scholarship does not complete the conference registration requirement.
Once your full registration and payment is received and verified you will receive a confirmation letter.
Expanding our Knowledge, Putting the Pieces Together
2018 Fall BPRO-POSSESS -VASWP Conference
Complete this form for:
**ONE DAY REGISTRATION FOR Tuesday October 23rd, 2018 only**
Registration Fee: $85.00 for members or $125.00 for non-members (includes meals and conference materials).
Please note that once we meet maximum occupancy we will not be able to accept any early or regular registrations, nor will we be able to make substitutions. If your registration is received after we receive maximum occupancy, we will place you on a waiting list
Please Print or Type:
Are you currently a member for period July 2018-June 2019?
**BPRO Scholarship recipient or Board position:
**All BPRO Scholarship Recipients and PD Presidents, Executive Board and Committee Chairs must pay a $30 administrative fee. Please indicate Scholarship or Board position above**
Send One Day Registration form & Payment to:
(Checks payable: BPRO)(Checks payable: POSSESS)(Checks payable: VASWP)
Rebecca Carter-Nutter Mary Cloud Shavonne Curnell
Virginia BPROHampton DSS/ Fips 650 Henrico DSS
PO Box 7311320 Lasalle Ave, Room 145 P.O. Box 90775
Front Royal, VA 22630Hampton, VA 23669 Henrico, VA 23273
540-635-3430 x 3325757-727-1800 804-501-5979
(Do Not Pouch Registration)
**online payment option available
For BPRO members ONLY
*****REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS September 28th, 2018***********
Note: Any registration received after this date will be accepted at the discretion of the conference planners and appropriate board. Conference materials are not guaranteed for late registration
Once your one day registration and payment is received and verified you will receive a confirmation letter.