Global Learning Course

Assessment Matrix

Faculty Name:

Course: EDF 3251 – Classroom Management

Academic Unit: Teaching and Learning Degree Program: BS – Education (SPED) Semester Assessed:

Global Learning Student Learning Outcome Addressed / Assessment Method /

Assessment Results

Global Awareness: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the interrelatedness of local, global, international, and intercultural issues, trends, and systems. / Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Assignment #1: Students will participate in a Think Pair Share activity, Self Assessment survey, and reflect on cultural bias and how this might affect the classroom environment, classroom management, and student-teacher-parent communication.
Assignment #2: Students will be required to complete a current event assignment and critically evaluate current events regarding education and how the events may affect your students, parents, and classroom environment
Evaluation Process:
Assignment #1: Students complete a self-assessment survey using a 5-point Likert scale to measure their attitudes toward cultural bias. Students will be assessed for the written reflection submitted. This assessment will be evaluated using a 5-point rubric.
Assignment #2: Students will be evaluated on a 20 point rubric.
Minimum Criteria for Success:
Assignment #1: Students will indicate a minimum of 4 on the 5-point scale indicating positive change in their attitudes. Students will require a 3 or better performance for their written report.
Assignment #2: Students will be earn a score of 15 or better on the assignment.
All students will be assessed. / To be entered after each time course is taught
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the complex ways that world events and cultural bias mutually influence classroom environment, classroom management, and student-teacher-parent communication.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
To be entered after each time course is taught
Global Learning Student Learning Outcome Addressed / Assessment Method /

Assessment Results

Global Perspective: Students will be able to conduct a multi-perspective analysis of local, global, international, and intercultural problems. / Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Students will interview a cultural group other than their own regarding the language, attitudes towards time, space/proximity issues, gender roles, autonomy, and education.
Students will write a reflection piece of how these cultural elements might impact the classroom environment, classroom management, and student-teacher-parent communication.
Evaluation Process:
Students will be assessed for the written report submitted. This assessment will be a evaluated using a 5-point rubric.
Minimum Criteria for Success:
Students will require a 3 or better performance for their written report.
Sample: All students will be assessed. / To be entered after each time course is taught
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to analyze diverse cultural elements in the home, school, local and international arena may affect the classroom environment, classroom management, and student-teacher-parent communication.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
To be entered after each time course is taught
Global Learning Student Learning Outcome Addressed / Assessment Method /

Assessment Results

Global Engagement: Students will be able to demonstrate willingness to engage in local, global, international, and intercultural problem solving. / Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Students will design an effective learning environment plan which address the needs of diverse learners as it relates to: placement in the classroom, cultural and linguistic differences among students with rule development, and communication with parents and caregivers.
Evaluation Process:
Students will be assessed for the written report submitted. This assessment will be evaluated using a 3-point rubric.
Minimum Criteria for Success:
Students will require a 2 or better performance for their written report.
Sample: All students will be assessed. / To be entered after each time course is taught
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to utilize culturally responsive practices required for classroom management.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
To be entered after each time course is taught