Information Literacy Standards
from the Association of College and Research Libraries
Standard #1 = Know
The information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed.
Standard 1 seeks to focus an information need, and explore various options for meeting this need. It requires basic understanding of how information is generated, organized and disseminated. The student must be able to identify these questions: What is it you want to know? What kind of information do you need? How much information do you need?
Example: Getting students to define a research topic.
Standard #2 = Access
The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently.
Standard 2 focuses on students’ ability to access information in an effective and efficient manner. However, if the student has not clarified their need for information (Standard 1), they will have trouble accessing it. This is perhaps the easiest standard to understand as it is all about getting at the information. Students seem to struggle finding information for their assignments. There are different methods for gathering information: lab experiments, fieldwork, and within the area of library research, there are numerous search systems and strategies. The student must be able to answer these questions: What is the best way to gather this information? Am I using the best terms for this search? Which search system or other resource will get me this information?
Example: Students are researching for your assignment and they say they are not finding anything. This may be because they are using the wrong terminology (keywords and/or subject headings) or because they need to use search strategies (Boolean operators, truncation, etc.) particular to a specific source.
Standard #3 = Evaluate
The information literate student evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system.
This standard is perhaps the most important as it stresses the need for all of us to evaluate information critically as we select and use it. This is especially important because of the amount and nature and formats of information available. Students must develop abilities that critically analyze information forreliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness and point of view or bias. The student must be able to answer these questions: Is this a credible source of information? Is there another interpretation or point of view? How does this new information change what I know?
Example: You are worried because students are relying more and more on information quickly found in an Internet search rather than turning to the more traditional information sources found in the Library. You want them to know the differences between all the various types of information and to be able to judge the suitability and reliability of the information found.
Standard #4= Use
The information literate student, individually or as a member of a group, uses information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
This is the standard that focuses on the various uses of information as we communicate with others. Knowing how to use information technology—including planning and creating a product, and manipulating digital text, images, and data—has received much attention in colleges and universities; this ability is encompassed in Standard Four. The student must be able to answer these questions: What is the best method for presenting this information? Will this image convey the message I want? Are these quotes supportive of my ideas?
Example: Sometimes you give your students a choice regarding the method for presenting their information: a research paper, an annotated bibliography, a presentation to class, a debate or simulation. This standard helps them decide which method is best.
Standard #5 = Ethical / Legal
The information literate student understands many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and accesses and uses information ethically and legally.
This standard recognizes that students must be taught the social, economic and political issues surrounding information, specifically the ethical and legal uses of information and its technology. Understanding the legal and ethical issues surrounding information is much more than plagiarism, a "hot topic" in our classes. Standard five outlines other important aspects such as freedom of speech, privacy, intellectual property and fair use, and more. The student must be able to answer these questions: Can I make a copy of this material? What are the issues surrounding censorship? Are there university policies about information gathering, use or reproduction and dissemination?
Example: Your students struggle with the concept of plagiarism and too many times hand in papers that don’t adequately cite their sources.
Adapted and abridged from:
"The Standards: Step-by-Step", American Library Association, August 29, 2006.
(Accessed May 24, 2016). Document ID: 8358c1c6-f703-0b14-25be-1fb282e22ca5