Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
The last four books of the Torah/Penteteuch tell the story of the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham. Not only does God make Israel a great nation, but God establishes a special relationship with this people bound by the qualities of righteousness, generosity, purity and holiness and by recognition of God’s sovereignty in all areas of their lives. The prophet Isaiah will later write that Israel is to be a light to the nations showing them God’s own nature.
The story begins in Egypt and presupposes that the reader knows something about this country. The rule of the Pharaohs spanned over 3,000 years until the rule of the Romans. The story of Exodus takes place in about 1250 under the rule of Ramses II. The pharaoh ruled as a god and claimed to be the son of Amon-Re (the sun god). He held two titles, “Lord of the Two Lands” (upper and lower Egypt) and “High Priest of Every Temple.” He made the law and commanded the army. As the sole supreme power, he represented the power of Egypt itself. Any sign of weakness threatened succession of his son (Egypt was ruled by 30 different dynasties in 3,000 years) or war with surrounding peoples.
Read Exodus 1-20: (Begin reading Exodus 1 and stop at end of chapter 20) This is the story of Israel's deliverance from bondage. It is the paradigmatic story (it seems as a pattern or model to which others refer) of how God saves for both the Old Testament and New Testament. Pay attention to how God works and through whom God works. Pay attention to the nature of the central conflict in which God is engaged. The story ends with the establishment of a covenant between God and Israel. Covenant is the most significant language used in the Bible to describe the nature of the relationship between God and humanity. Much of the remainder of Exodus contains details of that covenant. Which of God's actions do you find troubling? How would you characterize the rivalry between God and Pharaoh? Who are God's servants in this story and what are their distinctive attributes? There are many more commandments than 10 (by some reckoning there are 613), but the ten commandments serve as a sort of summary of the law. Memorize the 10 commandments. Which commandments stand in tension with the American tradition of the separation of church and state?
Skim chapter 21-23 and look at the subtitles (they appear in the notes at the bottom of the page in the New Oxford Annotated Bible). Begin reading again at 24:1-8 (chapter 24, verses 1-8). Skim chapters 24:9-31:8 (chapter 24, verses nine to chapter 31, verse 8) and look at subtitles. Read chapters 32-34. What role does Moses play in this story? Are you troubled by Moses' command to the Levites? This story offends our modern sensibilities. Traditionally, readers have focused upon the distinction between the Levites and the rest of the people. The Levites obedience to do what we would refuse to do sets them apart from the people as those worthy to act as God's agents in sacrificial worship. Skim 35:1-40:33. Read 40:34-38. How is God's glory visiblymanifest to the Israelites? Visible manifestations of God are called theophanies.
The first five books of the Bible (the Torah/Pentateuch) introduce several important ideas in biblical thought. The following notes include paraphrased material and excerpts from Norman H. Snaith, The Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament (New York: Schocken, 1964). This is an older work, but one that I found particularly helpful as an undergraduate.
1. The Holiness (qodesh) of God: For the Hebrews holiness refers to God alone and then to characteristics and things that belong to God. Closely related to this concept is that of God’s glory (kabod). “It comes to stand for the positive activity of that Personal Other, whom the Hebrews recognize as Jehovah. He shines forth positively, radiantly, Deuteronomy 33:2; Psalm 50:2; 80:1, 94:1; Job 10:2, just as the light shines forth.... In such a way as this, at the dedication of Solomon’s Temple ‘the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord, 1 Kings 8:10; ... The development of this experience, and of this figure of speech in describing it, is seen in the Shekinah [God’s indwelling spirit] of later Jewish tradition, and in the cloud of the Transfiguration, Mark 9:2-8).” Holiness is connected with Awfulness, Urgency and Fascination. (Pages 46-50)
2. The Righteousness of God: holiness and righteousness (tsedaqah) are closely associated in biblical thought. According to Isaiah, people see God’s holiness by exalting righteousness in their midst. Injustice is a violation of God’s holiness. It is not enough to worship God; God’s community must make His glory manifest through its righteousness. Israel’s God is a god of virtue. Knowledge of God brings understanding of right action. Sin is rebellion against God not a transgression again a law but a violation of a relationship. God’s righteousness is manifest in His consideration for the poor and down-trodden, in the care of the widow, the orphan and the stranger. God is concerned with the establishment of justice in the land, the enactment of his will. (Pages 51-70)
3. The Salvation of God: The rulers of this world strive to conquer Israel, and God responds by redeeming his people (setting his people free from slavery and oppression). The establishment of justice or the manifestation of God’s righteousness is linked with God’s saving activity. Christians tend to think of salvation as liberation from the consequences of sin. To be saved means that one is assured eternal life. This is not the Old Testament notion of salvation. Salvation is rescuing from death or deliverance from bondage or suffering. (Pages 79-93)
4. The covenant-Love of God: The Hebrew word is chesed. In English versions it is translated, with few exceptions, by ‘mercy or loving-kindness .... Sometimes the word ‘Grace’ seems appropriate. Chesed in the Old Testament comes “to denote that attitude of loyalty and faithfulness which both parties to a covenant should observe towards each other” but also God’s sure love. God’s love is paralleled by His slowness to anger. (Pages 94-106)
5. God as a Covenant-God: Covenant (berit) is not a concept unique to the Old Testament, but it is the concept that is used to explain the relationship between God and a particular people. God enters into covenant with Abraham and then with His people Israel at Sinai. Transgression of the laws of the covenant then signifies a violation of the relationship with God. The Israelites agree to stay in relationship with God by fulfilling His commandments. The covenant also signifies God’s promise to the Israelites to stay in relationship with them, to be their savior and redeemer.
Leviticus: When we refer to the purity code of the OT we usually use the term "Levitical Purity." Read chapters 11-13 and 18 to get an idea of what this code contains. What eating habits would you have to change in order to dwell with God's people in the Mosaic covenant? What is the role of the priest in the purity laws? Read Lev 16 for a description of the scapegoat ritual. What purpose does the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the ritual of the scapegoat serve? What does the word atonement mean? Skim Lev 23-26, the chapters dealing with festivals. What is the reason for releasing slaves in the Jubilee year 25:55? Modern readers are often troubled by the emphasis upon animal sacrifice in the Old Testament. We will discuss this in class.
Numbers contains a good number of census materials, but it also contains some stories and some legal material. Read Num 6 for the description of the Nazirite vow and the priestly benediction. Practice reading Num 6:24-26 aloud. What does it mean to be blessed? Read the stories of Aaron and Miriam and the spies sent to Canaan in chapters 12-13. What elements in these two stories do you find ironic or humorous?
Deuteronomy also contains many commandments. One significant difference from the book of Exodus is that this book describes how the people renew the terms of the covenant before they cross the Jordan into the promised land. It provides a precedent for covenant renewal. Read chapter 6 because it contains the first part of the Shema, one of the most important prayers in ancient and modern Judaism. Memorize Deut 6:4-9. Many of the laws in this book seem meaningless to us. What does Deut 6 remind the Israelites about the basis of the commandments? Look at 10:12-22 as well. These are key passages for understanding the law. How does one circumcise the foreskin of his or her heart? Upon whom in society should one practice justice in order to imitate God's love of Israel? Read the following legal material: 14:22-25:16. Which laws strike you as being ones that we should seek to follow in order to be more just? Which laws strike you as being overly severe? We will discuss the role of the death penalty in the covenant in class. Scan the way that the covenant is ratified in chapters 27-28. Chapter 32 contains a long song entitled The Song of Moses. Many of the themes and images of this song are echoed in Jeremiah. Chapter 33 contains Moses' final blessing upon the tribes of Israel. Read about the death of Moses in Chapter 34.