2016-2017 Wilmot PTO

General Board Meeting

March 7, 2017

In Attendance: Jamie Agay, Brooke Friedman, Jen Golding, Beth Lewis, Laura Schaffer, Jen Gandy, Eileen Brett, Jen Cohen, Jaime Robins

Call to Orderat 1:34pm

Approve minutes from the February meeting: Jen C. & Jamie

Correspondence/Community News

A.Family News


B.Staff/School News

1.Changes in assistant superintendents


1.Valentines Day philanthropy

2. Bingo Night

Presidents’ Report

Presidents’ Council met on 2/28/17

Standards based on grading at Caruso: not being implemented correctly, no consistency

Principal’s Report

-focusing on common core
-career week
- making an effort to get grandparents more involved
- parc testing the week after spring break
- Wilmot sticking to 1 test per day
Other schools doing 2 tests per day
- Aaron's law presentationon Friday
-progress reports 3/17
-specials teachers trying to have students send out blurbs to update parents because they don't comment on report cards
- 1st and 3rd grade music shows 3/22
-4 DI teams competed last weekend and they all are moving on to state
- showcase night moving to may "night of innovation"
Bingo night - want to take money and buy new sound system

Teacher Representative’s Report

Treasurer’s Report - Jenn Dubinsky


BINGO Night: raised $7500

Profit loss statement available

Vice-Presidents’ Reports

Fundraising I - Brooke Friedman

Box Tops

Engraved Bricks: end of year teacher gifts/ teacher appreciation week, market after spring break, install this summer

Fundraising II - Jamie Agay

420 year books were sold, sale on website is closed

March 9th Portillos eat and earn

Educational Enrichment - Amy Shpritz

Book Clubs ending this week, teachers will be paid

ASE – new session starts after spring break

Service - Jen Cohen

Student shoe drive: April

Social Activities - Crissy Crane

Skate Night canceled March 10th.

May 1st is teacher appreciation breakfast

May 4th is volunteer appreciation lunch

May 5th teacher appreciation week cake

Communications - Beth Lewis

Website advertising going well

General VPs - Jill Katz and Jen Golding

President Emeritus - Jodi Solovy

Old Business

Starting next years slate and asking for volunteers

-Reach out to current chairs. Make sure Binders are being filled out

New Business

New Sound system needed for the gym.

Skate Night is cancelled

Mrs. Brett proposed new 5th grade furniture and it passed.

Next General Meeting is Tuesday April 11 2017 at 1:30pm

Adjournment at 2:15 pm