Company number: c112404

Minutes of AMM

Date: 18th June 2015 at 18h00, Venue: Middlesex University.

The following members were in attendance at the WIN AMM:

Nominated Directors Present: Valls Jane - Chairperson, Appadoo Vimi – Vice

Chairperson, Appanah Jean-Max, Gobhurdhan Adarsh, Gunnoo Nushrat, Lallah Ranveer

Prashant, Luximon Veenandibye, Ragaven Georgina, Ramdenee Swarnalata, Samy Chamary

Marie France, Sorefan Ameenah, Woomed Bruneau

WIN Voting members: Murielle Adelson Lai, Preeamvada Dookhun, Kavita Jeetun, Anuradha Nunkoo, Cedrine Rampal

WIN Voting members from Sponsors Organisation: Sylvette Kruck (AFMCE), Vijayal (AFMCE), Heveen Sharma Kejjiou (JCI Curepipe), Viloshna Luxmi Sonoo (JCI Curepipe)

WIN Core Team Members, WIN members and guests

1.  Welcome and introduction by the Chairperson

The Chairperson welcomed all those present and the meeting started at 18.15.

The voting members from WIN and Sponsors Organisations (AFMCE, JCI Curepipe) were introduced. As voting members from Soroptimist and Media Watch Organisation were not present, Jane Valls & Swarnalata Ramdenee stepped in as voting members from Soroptimist while Georgina Ragaven & Jean-Max Appanah stepped in as voting members from Media Watch Organisation. There were a total of 14 voting members in all.

A short presentation about the history of WIN, the organisation structure and achievements was given. It was highlighted that WIN is an apolitical organisation, was open for both men and women to become members and membership was free.

Acknowledgment was given to all the WIN Champions for their hard work & achievements. and their respective team members present were introduced. The Executive Director, present & past WIN administrative secretaries were also acknowledged for their contributions.

The Chairperson announced that she is stepping down from her current position.

2.  Ordinary Business

·  The Annual Report 2014 of WIN was presented and approved by WIN members present.

·  The report of CAYS Associates, the auditors of WIN was approved.

·  The audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2014 was presented by Bruneau Woomed. He explained that there was a high level of receivables in the accounts due to funds that were received by the WIP team for the WE Campaign at a later stage, after the campaign ended. Jean-Max Appanah pointed out about the Rs 10,000 donated by WIN. It was explained that WIN had offered this amount to Soroptimist as donation.

·  Voting procedure began. The following nominated directors were elected, re-appointed and appointed as WIN Board Directors:

Valls Jane, Appadoo Vimi, Appanah Jean-Max, Gobhurdhan Adarsh, Gunnoo Nushrat,

Lallah Ranveer Prashant, Luximon Veenandibye, Ragaven Georgina, Ramdenee

Swarnalata, Samy Chamary Marie France, Sorefan Ameenah, Woomed Bruneau

The new WIN Board Members were congratulated.

·  CAYS Associates was appointed as auditors of WIN to hold office until the next annual meeting of members.

3.  The WIN Champions presented the activities & upcoming projects by the Men Against Violence, WIN Leadership training, Women In Politics and Networking teams.

4.  It was announced that WIN had received apologies from Minister of Gender Equality, Mrs Aurore Perraud

There being no further business, meeting was closed at 19.25. Networking session followed till 20.00.