Year / 2016-17 / Teacher
Name / LorettaO’Brien RN, MSN
Elizabeth Wong, ScienceIntegration
Office / Room125 and 131 / Website /
Phone / O’Brien 720-972-5845
Wong720-972-5846 / Educational
Resource /
Address /

CourseName / Medical Science2 CNA - Pathophysiology
CourseDescription / CourseDescription:
This courseintroduces students to the concept of thediseaseprocesses based on specificbodysystems. Most of the diseases would beseen in acaresetting wheremostnurse aides work. This class also reviews some basic skills forlifeand college. It will preparethestudents to perform the fundamental skills ofthe nurse assistant such as the basic nursing skills, communication skills, restorativeservices, and personal care skills. Safetyandemergencycareissues are covered, including knowledge and/or principles of asepsis, OSHA and HIPAA regulations. Ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivityand principles ofmental health willalso be addressed,as wellas patient/resident rights. Thestudents learn theskills necessaryforBasicLife Support and firstaid. Students will be able to applythe knowledge and skills in a clinical environment. Students are expected to participatein HOSA (Heath Occupation Students of America) whosepurposeis to promote career opportunities in health care and toprepare students to successfullypursue ahealth carecareer.
Introduces students to customer service theory and techniques specifically in the healthcare arena. This course will discuss therapeutic communication, conflict resolution and negotiation, as well as employee/employer relations. Exploration of diverse populations and cultural sensitivity will be addressed.
Demonstrates knowledge of medical terminology with emphasis on combining complex prefixes, roots and suffixes. Includes pathophysiology for major body systems. Includes terms related to diagnostic tools per body systems, as well as commonly used medical abbreviations. Applies medical terminology knowledge in interpreting the medical record.
HPR 116 - Computers in Health Care (1) Introduces the learner to the use of personal computer technology and the concepts of software applicable to health care. Basic features of selected software, terminology related to hardware, software and online resources (which include PC, word processing, e-mail) and electronic health-based research will be emphasized. Provides opportunities for practical applications of computer skills to nursing care.
Unit of Study / Program/Content StandardsandGrade Level
Expectations (whereapplicable) / Approximate
TimeSpent orPercent of timeSpent / Targeted
Pathophysiology1 / Introduction to Pathophysiology
Demonstratethe anatomical reference system.
Demonstrateknowledgeof medical terminology.
Analyzethe main causesof disease/disorders. Explain how to prevent disease. / 8 hours / Test
Pathophysiology2 / Muscular & Skeletal System Diseases
Identify at least amputation,arthritis, carpal tunnel, factures and related DVT, osteoporosis, gout and kyphosis.
Chart the common sign and symptoms for each disease.(use afrequencydistribution)
Explain the normal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Compareand contrast the causes of Musculoskeletal diseasesversus thenormal aging process.
Determine thehealthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 8 hours / Test
Pathophysiology 3 / Cardiovascular System Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of arrhythmias, anemia, angina, MI, arthrosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, phlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, aneurysm, CAD, and transfusion reaction.
Identify diagnostic tests and the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Return demonstrates taking a pulseand practices
B/P and apical pulse.
Explain the normal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes of cardiovascular disease versus thenormal aging process.
Dramatizethe cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with a Cardiovascular disease. Determine thehealthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 13 hours / Test
Pathophysiology 4 / Respiratory System Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of pneumonia, pleurisy, COPD, PE, Cancer, flu, cold, sleep apneaTB.
Analyzediagnostictests and the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Return demonstrates taking a respiratory rate and O2 sat.
Explain the normaltreatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes ofrespiratorydiseaseversus the normal aging process.
Illustrate the cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with a Respiratorydisease.
Explain the healthy lifestylepracticeneed to prevent disease. / 8 hours / Test
Pathophysiology 5 / Gastrointestinal and GenitourinarySystem Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of FTT,Cirrhosis,
diverticulosis, gallstones,hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcers, hiatalhernia, constipation,
halitosis, GERD, UTI, renal failure, BPH,renal calculi.
Analyzediagnostictests and the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Return demonstrates IO.
Calculate IO in mL anddosages fornormal medication used for this system.
Explain the normal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes of diseases of Elimination versus thenormal aging process.
Illustrate the cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with an elimination system disease.
Explain the healthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 11 hours / Test
Pathophysiology 6 / ReproductiveSystem Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of Breast-cancer, BPH, Prostate cancer, PID, STD, ED,Other Cancers.
Calculate medication dosages related to medication used in theReproductiveSystems. Investigate diagnostic tests and the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Calculate dosagefor medication commonlyused in this system.
Identify thenormal treatment plan for medical,
nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes of diseases of the Reproductive Systems versus thenormal aging process.
Analyzethe cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with a Reproductive System disease.
Explain the healthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 7 hours / Test
Pathophysiology 7 / Nervous System and Special Senses (Eye, Ear) Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of CVA, seizures, head injuries, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson, Myasthenia Gravis, meningitis, cataract, glaucoma, hearing loss, macular degeneration, and presbyopia.
Identify the normal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes of diseases of the Nervous systemand specialsenses versus thenormal aging process.
Analyzethe cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with a Nervous System or special senses disease.
Explain the healthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 8 hours / Test
Pathophysiology 8 / Psychological Disease/Disorders
Identify causes and prognosis of depression, panic attaches, suicide, behavior problems relatedto Alzheimer’s and dementia, anxiety,bipolar disease.
Identify thenormal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes of mental health diseases.
Analyzethe cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with mentalhealth disease.
Explain the healthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 5 hours / Paper and Presentation is the exam
Final / PathophysiologySemesterFinal / 2 hours / Final
Class Party / End of Semester Class Party / 12/14/16
Pathophysiology 9 / EndocrineSystem Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of Graves disease, DMIII, hypothyroidism,Cushing syndrome.
Calculate medicationdosages related to medication used in theEndocrine System. Investigate diagnostic tests and the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Identify thenormal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternativefor patients with each disease.
Identify the causes of diseases of the Endocrine Systems versus thenormal aging process. Analyzethe cultural impacts ofbeing diagnosed with an Endocrine System disease.
Explain the healthylifestyle practiceneed to prevent disease. / 9 hours / Test
Pathophysiology Unit 10 / Integumentary System Diseases
Identify causes and prognosis of pressure ulcers, shearing ulcer, dry skin, shingles, cellulitis, impetigo, VRE, herpes simplex, tinea pedis, candidiasis, MRSA, cancer (skin), warts, pediculosis, skin tears & burns.
Describe the diagnostic tests required for each disease.
Compare the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Investigate the normal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternative for patients care with each disease.
Identify the causes of skindisease versus the normal aging process.
Discuss the cultural impacts of being diagnosed with a Skin disease.
Explain the healthy lifestyle practice need to prevent disease. / 9 hours / Test
Pathophysiology Unit 11 / Immune SystemDiseases
Identify causes and prognosis of HIV/AIDS, allergy, immune compromised, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, anaphylaxis, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, organ rejection,& hives.
Describe the diagnostic test for each disease.
Compare the common sign and symptoms for each disease.
Investigate the normal treatment plan for medical, nursing, and alternative for patients care with each disease.
Identify the causes of Immunesystem disease versus the normal aging process.
Discuss the cultural impacts of being diagnosed with an Immunesystem disease.
Explain the healthy lifestyle practice need to prevent disease. / 11 hours / Test
Final / PathophysiologyFinal / 1.5 hours / Final 3/23/17
CNAUnit 1 / The role ofthe CNA, Communication, and
Culture / 10 hours / Test1/19/17
CNAUnit 2 / Infection Control, Abdominal Thrust, and
Emergencyprocedures. / 12 hours / Test1/24/17
CNAUnit 3 / Bodymechanics and lifting / 16 hours / Test2/2/17
CNAUnit 4 / Vital Signs / 16 hours / Test2/17/17
CNAUnit 5 / Hygiene / 27 hours / Test3/9/17
CNAUnit 6 / Elimination (I0, bed pan, beside commodes,
pericare, cathetercare) / 19 hour / Test3/17/17
CNA Unit 7 / Feeding and Dining room / 11 hours / Test3/21/17
CNAUnit 8 / Rehabilitation and Deathand Dying / 12 hours / Test3/24/17
Pathophysiology / Final / 1.5 hour / Final
CNA Final Written / Written final / 1.5 hours / Test4/4/17
CNAUnit 9 / Clinicals / At least 36
hours per student with two 8 hour days / 4/5/17-
Final Skills / Final Skills Must be there every day / 9 hours / Test 5/4/17
End / End of year Party / 1 hour / 5/10/17
Pinning / Pinning Ceremony(award ceremony) / 1 hour / 5/11/17
Standard-Reference / Infinite Campus / Adams 12 Grading Scale
4.0 / 100% / A+
3.5 / 92% / A
3.0 / 85% / B
2.5 / 77% / C+
2.0 / 70% / C
1.5 / 62% / D
1.0 / 50% / F
0.5 / 35% / F
0.0 / 0% / F
CNA/Categories / Weights
21stCenturyWorkplaceSkills (only most resent for MS II) / 20%
Summative Assessments / 80%
Formative Assignments / 0%
Pathophysiology/Categories / Weights
Summative Assessments / 80%
Formative Assignments / 20%


Gradesarebased uponthedemonstrationof proficiencyonunits associatedwithastandardgiven during each formativeor summativeassessment. Formativegradesinadditiontosummativeunit assessments willbeused toholistically determineyourgrade.

Summativemeasuresof achievementaretaken whenunit masterisexpected.(i.e., unit tests,culmination of aproject,embedded assessments,etc.).Formativeassessmentsmeasurethescaffoldingskillsand/or contentembedded inthe unit. Formativeassessments aretakenfrequently, after a studenthas practiced a skillor becomefamiliarwith content.Examplesof formativeassessmentsincludebutarenotlimitedto

exittickets,paragraphs,oral checkforunderstanding,warm-ups, stagesinalargeproject,etc.

Assessmentswill begradedbased onteacher/district/staterubrics.

Ongroupprojects, students will receiveagradefor individual work andagroupgrade.

GradesarebasedonachievementofProgramand/orContentStandards andGrade LevelExpectations



Missingorincompleteassignments/assessmentsforthiscourse:Superintendent Policies 6280Homework and6281Make-UpWork,willbefollowedforthis course. All class work while be on


Assignments:Youwillbe informedastotheduedatesforassignments,whetheritisinclassworkor homework,aquiz/test,oraproject. Thedaytheassignmentisgiveninclassitwillbepostedontheweb site. Therewillbebiweeklyprogressreports oninfinitecampuswhichwillincludeemployability,skills,and current coursegrade. ThiswillbepostedbyThursday.

References:WorkthatrequiresreferenceswillnotbeacceptedorgradedwithoutreferencesinAPAformat. A URLisNOTa referenceitisa part ofareference.

AbsencePolicy:Youareexpected tomakeupanywork missed because of anyabsence. Youare responsible to requestthemake-upassignment(s)onthedayyou return.(Please checkEdmodoasassignment willbe postedthere.)You willhavethenumber ofdaysabsentplusoneadditionaldaytomakeup missed workfor anabsence. However,long-termassignments(oneweek ormorefromtheassignmentdatetotheduedate)

aredueonthestateddue date,regardlessoftheabsenceandarenotaccordedextradaysuponreturnto school.Long-termillnesses will bedealtwithonan individual basis.

TardyPolicy: Attendanceis reviewed as part ofdeterminingadmittancetosecondsemesterthis includes tardiness. All studentsthataretardy mustgotothe frontdeskandgeta pass.All homeworkmustbeturned inuponarrival to theclassroom.

Late Home Work Policy: All homeworkmustbeturnedin atthestartofclass. Homeworkturned attheend of class until thestartof class thenextdaywillreceivea 5%penalty.Homeworkassignmentsuptotwo days latewillreceivea10%penalty.

RetestPolicy:Rewritesareonlyavailableforunittests. Inordertoqualifyforarewritestudents mustcompleteallpriorassignmentsfor thatunitandmustcompletea qualifyingassignment. Once thequalifyingassignmentisturnedinandapprovedby theteacher,thestudentmay thenschedulean appointmenttowritethetest. Appointmenttimesare:Tuesdaysbeforeschool,Tuesdaysafter school, Wednesdaysbefore school,Thursdaysbefore schoolandThursdaysduring5thperiod. Reschedulingmustbe done 24hours inadvance of appointmenttime. Ifappointmentismissed, the opportunity torewritethetestwillberevoked.Unittestsmayonlyberewrittenonce. Thescorefor the rewriteis thefinal score forthat unittest.

Student IntegrityOath

Iagreetoconductmyselfwithintegrity inallregards.Icommittopresentingmy own work,writing, words, andideas at alltimes,unlessotherwise attributed.Inaddition,Iwill notcopy, usecommunicationdevices duringtests,postassessmentsforpublicaccess,falsely identifymyself,or useinappropriatematerials. Engagingin any oftheseactivitiesrepresentsabreachof this oath andsubjects metothe disciplinarycode of BollmanTechnicalEducationCenterandthe Adams12Five StarSchoolDistrict.It is myhonest intention toupholdthisoath.

Plagiarism/Cheating Policy:


ofsomeoneelse. (Sourcescouldbepublishedorunpublished.) Cheatingissupplying,receivingor usingdevices.(Examples:lookingatorusingsomeone else’swork,usingcribnotes/stolennotes,or using disallowed equipment, etc.)

Consequencesforplagiarismandcheating(coversallclassesanddisciplinecarriesoveryear-to- year):


1st–0ontheassignment, teacher calls homeandreferral

2nd–0ontheassignment,1daysuspension,parent/teacher conference,referral


4th–0ontheassignment, referral toDistrictDisciplineHearing


Assessmentandgradingstandards areapplied consistentlyto studentsofsimilarlydemonstrated ability.

Assessmentresultsarebased solelyondemonstratedstudent progressandachievementofreasonable and clear standards.

Studentswhoparticipateingroupprojectswill receivea gradefor work asan individual as wellasa group performancegrade.

Text Books:

Stateof Colorado.(2014). ColoradoNursesAide Handbook.PearsonVue.AuroraCO.

IfSuccessful NursingCarewith studyguidewas on loanto thestudenttheyareexpectedtobereturned during the lastweekofclass.TheColorado Nurse’sAide Handbookis yourstokeep.

ReadingforPathophysiology will comefromwebsites,mostlyfrom theNational Instituteof Healthandthe


All textbooksaresupplied bytheschoolor areavailable onlineatEdmodo.

In order toreceiveaccurateinformationregardingyour learning,itis vitalforyoutocompleteall assignments.Ifyouexperienceproblems withassignments,pleasesee one of usindividually or message us on Edmodo

Course Syllabus 2016-2017Acknowledgment ofReceipt Form

Course Title:Medical Sciences IICertified Nurse Aide Pathophysiology

Parents/Guardiansand Student,

Your signaturesindicate that youhavereadandunderstandall of theinformationcontainedintheCourse


Pleaseshareyourpreferredcontactinformationbeforesigningandreturningthisformtotheclassroom teacher.

Student Name (Pleaseprint)Student E-mailAddress





or Parent/GuardianE-mailAddress(s) PhoneNumber(s)


or Parent/GuardianE-mailAddress(s) PhoneNumber(s)

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate