
7th Grade Math

Instructor: Caroline Brittain Email:

Tutorials: I will be available on Tuesday afternoons from 3:05-3:35 for tutoring. Feel free to drop in during this time.

Welcome to my class, I am excited to be here! I am here to guide each class toward being successful in math but also successful in life. Guide is the keyword, because it takes willing students to learn, and I will give you an opportunity to do just that.

General Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be in your seat and working on the bellringer when the tardy bell rings
  2. Cell phones must be turned out and put away in a purse or backpack, never visible.
  3. Respect the teacher, classroom, and other students at all times. I try to cultivate a respectful and welcoming environment in my classroom and that means we need to be courteous of each other.
  4. Be ready to learn EVERY day. This means coming to class prepared with a pencil, homework done on time, and something to take notes in.
  5. No food or drink, except water.
  6. Obey all Life School Rules at all times.

Everyday Expectations:

IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to get any work that is missed when absent, even for school related events. Students will have a period equal to the number of days missed plus one day to make up work. I will not remind students or find them to ensure the work is turned in.

 Raise your hand to ask questions

When the Bell rings to leave class, the teacher will release you, not the bell.

When I stand in front of the room, it means that I am waiting on the attention of the class. Please stop what you are doing and listen.


  • First offense: 1 Tally requiring parent signature
  • Second offense: 1 Tally requiring parent signature
  • Third offense: 1 Tally requiring parent signature, a call will be made to parents, and a referral to the principal.

I reserve the right to skip any/all steps depending on the type of disruption as well as call parents immediately or notify coaches to rectify behavior.

Communication:A key to success is great communication. I can only help those who ask for help and tell me if they do not understand a concept that has been discussed in class. Parents are encouraged to email me and Isend out reminders/class updates to parents via email.

I will be using Remind101 to communicate reminders and updates on the class to parents throughout the year. Please look at the Remind handout that is being sent home with students.

Life School Expectations

  1. Instant Obedience
  2. Respect for Others
  3. Respect for Property
  4. Diligence to Duty
  5. Listening Learning Position

Ms. Brittain’s Course Information

7th Grade Math

My signature on this form indicates that the procedures relating to class as listed on the course information sheet have been carefully read, reviewed, and explained to me. My parent/guardians have read and discussed the policy sheet with me as well. I will do everything in my power to follow the policies so that I can have a successful and productive year in 7th grade math.

Parent Signature ______Date______

Parent’s Email______

Parent’s Phone______

Student Name (printed)______Date______

Student Signature______Date______