Minutes of the last branch meeting

Warminster Royal BritishLegion

Reg charity number219279

Conservative Club 21st February 2017 7.30pm

Exhortation & Act of Remembrance

By Bob Wright Branch Chairman

Members Present

C.Wright, M.Neal,T.Wilson,E Martin, M.Gale, G.Gale, C.Grant, P.Grant, M.Airey, Br.Darvill, Bl. Darvill, J.Simpson, M.Walsh, R.Wright, D.Atkinson, R.Atkinson, C.Bosley,S.Morrissey, J.Morrissey, A.Clark, L.Fudge, R.Kingshott, V.Kingshott,


G.Hooker, S.Aiken, M.Aiken, S.Royce-Rogers, T.Woodyatt,R.Courtney, J.Cobbold, J.Wilson, P.Marsh, B.Adams, B.Loveday, H.Loveday, J.Bosley, S.Moss, H.Moss, C.Marsh,

Matters Arising

Chairman Bob Wright welcomed two new members, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan and Mr John Morrisey. No matters arising from the last minutes.

Acceptance of the minutes of the last meeting as a true record, proposed by Ted Wilson, seconded Jim Simpson, passed unanimously.

Chairmans Report

Bob Wright reminded members of the Skittles Lunch Thursday 30th March 2017 at the Cons Club 11.00am for a 11.30 start. All welcome £10 a head.

He then ran briefly through the County Conference Report and reminded that the full report is available on the County Website.

He thanked Andy Clark for his sterling work in keeping our membership losses to a minimum.

He praised the speech by Terry Whittles, National Chairman, at Conference, including a five day visit and tour to The Menin Gate to be attended by branch Standard Bearers and Branch Chairmen. This will cover the period 8th August 2018 and culminate in a march to the gate of 2000 Standard Bearers and a further 8000 members

He promised a branch visit to the National Arboretum for the warmer weather.

Service of dedication 2017-2018 was voted to be held at Royal Wootton Bassett.

Just to remind you, the whole speech is available on the County Website and well worth reading in full.

Executive Report.

The Area Manager Alistair Maxwell praised Warminster as an example of branches engaging with the local community.

More information about the pilgrimage to the Menin Gate will be forthcomingat the April Executive Meeting.

Bob was elected on to the CountyManagement board.

He reported on the repair and refurbishment of CountyTrophy’s.

Selwood Steam Fair 27th, 28th, 29th May. We have the chance of having a stall at the fair subject to the availability of manpower, see the next item from the Vice Chairman.

Vice Chairmans Report

Brian Darvill introduced the subject of the annual water point at The Red Lion, Heytesbury, in support of The Royal Green Jackets Association,Wiltshire Branch, for the Forces March in aid of military charities on the 28th May. The Water point is our priority but if we can get enough people interested we can do the water point and the steam fair. Water Point setting up is at 9am on 28th May.

Branch Secretaries Report

Due to the Conservative Club being unable to give us a date for our Spring/St. Georges Lunch and being unable to provide us with a menu I have arranged an alternative venue for the lunch, which we are holding in conjunction with The Royal Green Jackets Association Wiltshire Branch. The lunch will be held at The George, Longbridge Deverell on Saturday 22nd April and a menu is attached to The February Newsletter. You will have a choice of which courses you would like, which will be reflected in the price

My apologies for the content of this month’s newsletter. A lot went on without any outcome.

The CountyCircular was also a little sparse this month. Phil Davies has been re-elected to the membership council as Wilts and Somerset Representative.

Anyone who would like to visit the Swindon Pop in centre, this can be arranged, contact Roger on 01985 510271

The Queens Birthday Parade.

I have details of how to apply for tickets to the Trooping of the colour at £35 each, The Colonels Review at £10 each and The Major Generals Review FOC. Very short notice. the applications have to be in by the end of February so if you want to apply call me and I will email the details across 01985 510271.

Alabare Wiltshire Ambassadors invite you to a talk on the Falklands war entitled Personal Reflections from the War and its Aftermath, by Commodore Richard Lord CBE RN and Commodore Jamie Miller CBE RN.,at St John’s Place, Lower Bemerton SP2 9NP. £10 per head tickets from

Don’t forget to keep an eye on our website Google RBL Warminster to find us. Its constantly updated and as soon as anything happens its straight on the website.

PAO and Welfare report

Lesley Fudge reported that the poppy fund was approaching£31,000. She would be holding a presentation of awards to poppy sellers on 23rd February at the Civic Centre where a cheque for £500 will be presented by Ted Wilson from Plain crazy.

It was reported that Lt Col Tim Illingworth had recently passed away. Col Illingworth was the organiser of the team who collected at Morrisons.

Membership Secretaries Report

Andy Clark reported a total 469 members plus two more who joined today.

Treasurers Report

Derek’s report

Plain Crazy

Ted Wilson reported that he had a further cheque for £500.00 from Plain Crazy to present to Lesley for the Poppy Appeal. It was decided to present the cheque at the Poppy Sellers awards Presentation on Thursday. A vote of thanks was recorded for Teds running of the annual Plain Crazy event and an appeal launched for a member (or more) to continue running the event. If we don’t keep it going another organisation will take it over and we will lose the income, so think about it, it can be organised gradually over the year so that it spreads the load. Ted has offered to continue manufacturing the trophies and give his advice. His Phone number is 01985 300552.


Bob Wright reported that Hidden Hearing was approaching recipients of their hearing aids and offering to insure the aids for £110 per year. They can be added to your house insurance for a few pence, so be aware.

Brian Darvill reported that a successful site survey and sound check had been carried out at St JohnsChurch, Sutton Veny, on behalf of Warminster Community Radio with a view to doing an outside broadcast for the ANZAC Day service on 23rd April 2017.

Dates for your Diary

Armed Forces Day Service at St Lawrence’s 25th June at 3.30pm All welcome.

Next Committee Meeting 14th March Cons Club 7.30pm

Next Branch Meeting 21st March Cons Club 7 for 7.30pm

The meeting closed with the Kohima Epitaph at 8.20pm

There followed a short War Story which seemed to be well received. If you have a short story you would be willing to share with us, come along and tell it after the next meeting.

Branch Vice Chairman Branch Secretary