Exercise: What is Behaviour
Statement / GoodExample / Bad
- I consider she had been the leader of the group
- While doing a day release course, she saw that an exam and the end of a major work project would be in the same week. She asked her tutor if she could take the exam a week earlier
- From what she said it was clear that she breaks down under pressure
- She made some very creative statements
- When she was the club Treasurer, she invested surplus funds in a building society account
- She was a very good Administrator in her last job
- She saw inconsistencies in the different ways Advisors demoed products. Therefore, on her own, she wrote a ‘best practice’ guide for them to follow
- She was a very pretty girl
- He was very sincere when he told me about his social work with the hospital
- When I asked her about her career plans, she said that she wants to work in a senior position with responsibility for policy making
- He was smoking a cigarette when he came into the room
- He gave me a lot of information about his role as Senior Sales
- She asked me eight questions about our pension scheme, three of which I had never considered
- She took notes during the appraisal and referred to them when I gave her a chance to ask questions
- Her reasons for not being able to achieve the standard required were very good
- She was most diligent in following up her questions to me
- While I was asking him questions, he sat well back in his chair, with his legs crossed, and frequently smiled when he replied
- When I asked her a question, she would often pause for up to ten seconds before replying
- He knew a lot about the OTIS system
- He told me that he was not able to attend the meeting on the first date given, as his Senior Sales was on holiday
- When I asked her how she allocated time between routine work and special projects, she said that both had deadlines and she used the deadlines for establishing priorities and allocating time
- When I told her how I would handle the meeting she was most interested
- When I asked him what he had found most difficult in planning for this meeting, he said deciding what to wear
- There is no doubt that he interviewed very well, but I consider that he would not be acceptable in that job
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