Exercise prescription and promotion of cardiopulmonary function

Institute of Physical Therapy, NCKU

Semester: Spring, 2007

Class Time: Fri 9:10 ~ 12:00

Classroom: B02

Course Coordinator: 洪菁霞(ext. 5939; E-mail: )

Class Syllabus:

Date / Topic / Instructor
2-Mar / Introduction / 洪菁霞
9-Mar / Exercise physiology I / 洪菁霞
16-Mar / Exercise physiology II / 洪菁霞
28-Mar / Cardiopulmonary function test / 周偉倪
6-Apr / spring break
10-Apr / Site visit (chi-mei) / 洪菁霞
13-Apr / Physical fitness / 洪菁霞
20-Apr / Fitness test / 洪菁霞
27-Apr / Midterm assessment / 洪菁霞
4-May / Exercise prescription for child, adolescent and adult / 洪菁霞
11-May / Exercise prescription for aging / 洪菁霞
18-May / Exercise prescription for asthma and COPD / 洪菁霞
25-May / Exercise prescription for obesity / 洪菁霞
31-May / Exercise prescription for pregnancy and osteoporosis / 陳勝咸
8-Jun / Exercise prescription for diabetes mellitus / 洪菁霞
15-Jun / Exercise prescription for hypertension and heart disease / 洪菁霞
22-Jun / Final assessment / 洪菁霞


  1. AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine. ACSM fitness book. Human Kinetics, 2003.
  2. AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
  3. Durstine J.L., Moore G.E. ACSM's Exercise Management for Persons With Chronic Diseases and Disabilities. Human Kinetics Publishers, 2002.
  4. Corbin C.B. Concepts of fitness and wellness: a comprehensive lifestyle approach. McGraw-Hill, 2004.
  5. Plowman S.A. and Smith. D.L. Exercise physiology for health, fitness, and performance. Benjamin Cummings, 2003.
  6. Rimmer J.H. Fitness and Rehabilitation Programs for Special Populations. Brown & Benchmark, 1994.

Course Description:

This course is designed to familiarize the students with the physical therapy rehabilitation tools that are used to assist healthy and unhealthy individuals towards optimal health. It is also designed to provide the necessary foundations for prescribing and monitoring exercise for all populations. The course will draw the student's attention to the growing role that Physical Therapists have in developing adult fitness/wellness programs. Basic exercise prescription will be introduced. Since the public is aging, there is a great need to understand exercise prescription for a variety of special populations including a large healthy elderly population. In addition, men and women are increasing their risk of cardiac disease because they are becoming increasingly less active and more overweight. It will be necessary for the students to understand the principles of exercise prescription and be able to organize a meaningful exercise program for a variety of patient populations. Patient populations of interest to Physical Therapists include: patients with arthritis, the healthy elderly, the very old & frail elderly, type I and type II diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (asthma and emphysema), pregnancy, cystic fibrosis, hypertension, osteoporosis, obesity, exercise-induced asthma and hyperlipidemia. Case studies are utilized throughout the course to develop the student's decision-making skills.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the key elements of an adult fitness assessment and be able to design a comprehensive exercise prescription for the average low risk healthy adult.
  2. Write an exercise prescription specifically addressing the intensity, frequency and duration of exercise for a variety of special populations who have special conditions or disease pathologies.
  3. Describe the Physical Therapist's role in the provision of preventative care through the development of an adult fitness program.
  4. Read the current journal literature and determine how the new findings might impact current practice.
  5. Administer a pulmonary function test and interpret the results of that test.


Class participation (10%)

PBL performance (30%)

Presentation (30%)

Report (30%)