Exegetical Tools SuggestionsNAME:
NOTE: The following are only suggestions! The idea here is that you will work with concordances, a synopsis, Bible dictionaries, maps, grammars, etc. You can use books, but a lot of this work is greatly simplified with Bible software.
Matthew 5.43-48
The first thing you should do is simply read through the text and record any questions or comments that come to mind.
Does the story remind you of any other story in Matthew or in the Bible?
Now look and see what happens just before this account and just after it.
Part of longer account of Sermon on the Mount; preceded by oaths and retaliation; followed by giving and prayer
Does this account appear in any other Gospel? If so, list the parallel texts:Luke 6.27f; 32-36
We will compare the accounts more closely in another exercise, but for now, does anything jump out that is different between the accounts?Luke 6.29-31; Mt: τελειος / perfect < Luke: οἰκτίρμων / merciful
Some specific things to consider:
- Where is Jesus when he speaks these words?on “the mountain”
- Who is the audience?disciples and maybe crowds cf 5.1
- 5:43: What is Jesus quoting?Lev 19.18
- 5.43: What are the tense and mood of ἀγαπήσειςand μισήσεις?Fut Indic
- 5:44: What are the tense and mood of ἀγαπᾶτεand προσεύχεσθε?PresImpv
- 5:44: Is anyone specific in mind when Jesus mentions “enemies” and the “persecuting” ones?????? cf 10.23 > people who persecute Xns
- 5:44: Where else is διώκω used in Matthew?Matt 5:10ff, 44; 10:23; 23:34
- 5:45: Is the text saying we have to do the things in v44 in order to become children of our heavenly father?note the NET translation and fn; even more, cf Message translation
- 5:46: Are τελῶναιconsistently regarded so negatively in Matthew?cf 9.10f; 10.3; 11.19; 21.31f (otoh, 18.17)
- 5:47: Are ἐθνικοὶconsistently regarded so negatively in Matthew?yes, cf 6.7 and 18.17
- 5.48: What is the tense and mood of ἔσεσθε?FutIndic
- 5:48: What is meant by the word τέλειός? (I.e., look it up in BDAG or another lexicon)
- τέλειος, α, ονhaving attained the end or purpose, complete, perfect—1. of things Js 1:4a, 17, 25; Hb 9:11; 1 J 4:18. τὸτέλειονwhat is perfect Ro 12:2; 1 Cor 13:10.—2. of persons—a. full-grown, mature, adult adj. 1 Cor 14:20; Eph 4:13; subst. Hb 5:14. For 1 Cor 2:6 the sense may be adult, or it may belong under b below.—b. the initiate into mystic rites, perh. 1 Cor 2:6(see a above); probably Phil 3:15; Col 1:28.—c. perfect, fully developed in a moral sense Mt 5:48a; 19:21; Col 4:12; Js 1:4b; 3:2.—d. of God as absolutely perfect Mt 5:48b.* [teleo-, combining form, as in teleology] [pg 198]
- 5:48: Look in the outer margin of the Greek text of the NET Bible. What OT texts does it suggest that you look up?Lev 19:2 or 'Deu 18:13 : "you must be holy as I am holy."
- In 5:45 and 47, Matthew refers to “sons” and “brothers.” Does he really only have male persons in mind, or is this an instance where inclusive language is good?inclusive