All Staff Meeting Notes, February 22, 2017
1. Recognitions
25 Years of Service
· Greg Johnson
· Marina Maes
· Janet Henderson
20 Years
· Di Davis
15 Years
· Emily Murdock
· Amory Eilander
· Lisa Anderson
10 Years of Service
· Nora Hom-Booher
· Katie Cougevan
· Romana Naqvi
· Claudia Rodriguez
2. Raffle for coffee cards. Winners: Janet Henderson, Stephanie Lake x2
3. Employee Engagement Survey Results—Mayte Frias, Center for Student Affairs Assessment (CSAA)
CSAA conducted staff engagement survey to receive feedback from staff in various areas.
The survey received a total of 117 responses (61% response rate). Responses were anonymous.
· Staff had a strong understanding of the SHCS mission, vision, and values, but not as aware of the Strategic Plan.
· Staff felt they received timely information to do their job, but not as timely about changes in the organization.
· Staff feel comfortable sharing with other staff. Don't feel as comfortable sharing communication with other units.
· Over 50% of staff felt recognized by their supervisor.
· Staff believe they receive clear job expectations from their supervisor, but performance may not be fairly evaluated.
· About 59% of respondents are given opportunity for growth. Fewer staff are aware of advancement opportunities
· Over half of respondents said there is not enough staff to do the work, and not enough time to do their job.
CSAA acknowledged the department for doing a survey and staff for participating.
Vice Chancellor De La Torre would like to implement a survey across all of the Student Affairs units. There will be a follow up survey of staff in Fall 2017.
4. Employee Engagement Survey Action Plan—Cory Vu
Quote: “Change happens when enough people speak up in one voice.”
Four areas to continue to expand:
· Transparency
· Communication
· Engagement needed
· More voices
Action 1: Expanded Management Team
Action 2: Streamlining the organizational structure of committees. Provided chart of new structure. Currently in the process of drafting the committee charters.
Added Employee Advisory Committee (EAC). This committee will start in March 2017. Gives staff direct communication to the exec team. It will consist of mainly non-supervisory staff. The committee will provide input and recommendations on issues affecting employees, the SHCS environment, and/or work-life balance. They will examine the employee engagement survey, and identify areas for improvement and recommended SMART goals.
The What If project suggestions will be reviewed by EAC.
The Social Committee has expanded, and has helped to change the SHCS environment.
Worksite Wellness Committee. This committee will start this summer.
Action 3: Regular email updates to staff from the Counseling Services Director, Medical Director, and Executive Director.
5. Mid-Year Financial Review—Julienne DeGeyter
The Mid-year report assists the organization in determining projections for the coming fiscal year.
The Report reviewed the major funding sources, percentage of total funding for the department, and the positions that are covered by each funding source. Powerpoint provided.
Health Service Fee (HF): 25% of total funding. Funds a variety of medical and clinic support staff, plus Health Education. Students pay $144/year. So far we have spent 44%.
Student Service Fee (SSF): 18% of total funding. These funds are allocated to both Counseling Services, and Student Health Services. So far this year we have spent 52%.
Mental Health Initiative (MHI): 14% of total funding. These funds are allocated to Counseling Services. We have spent 60% so far this year. We received new funding this year for mental health services that increases the number of Counselors and Psychiatrists.
CEI Fee: 21% of total funding. These funds cover building related operational costs. SA has directed us to move administrative staff to other funding source. We are working on a transition plan for these expenses.
Income: 22% of total funding. This is payment for services rendered. We projected $9.5 million for this year, and have generated 47%.
SHIP Admin: Not quite 1% of budget. This covers the insurance services staff, some marketing, and case management.
The totals for this year are an 8% increase in revenue, with a 7% increase in expenses.