EXECUTIVE SUMMIT: Northwest Data Sharing

May 28, 2008, 10:00 AM — 12:00 PM

Call-in #: (641) 715-3399

Passcode: 161-549-921

Webinar Link:

Webinar ID: 490-860-308

Goals for the Call

·  Provide updates on task progress since October 2 Executive Summit

·  Agree on next steps and additional tasks

·  Discuss development of MOU and Fall Executive Summit

10:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Background (Barry Thom, Tom Karier, John Stein – Executive Leads)

10:15 Updates on Tasks Identified at October 2007 Summit

·  Task 1: Executive Vision Statement – Tom Karier, NW Council

In the Pacific Northwest we are making priority regional decisions with environmental information acquired using a documented, systematic and efficient approach to collecting, sharing and accessing that information.

o  Next Steps

·  Task 2: Salmon Population Status and Trend Data Pilot – Barry Thom, NOAA Fisheries

Develop a pilot project for salmon population status and trends data. Identify and understand existing protocols and potential approaches to development of a regional monitoring strategy across agencies and outline the required steps to define a regional monitoring protocol (see Handout on Task 2)

o  Next Steps

·  Task 3: Watershed and Ecosystem Health Assessment – John Stein, NW Fisheries Science Center, Josh Baldi, WA Dept of Ecology

Outline an approach for assessing watershed and ecosystem health (see Handout on Task 3).

o  Next Steps

·  Task 4: Data Management and Technology Approaches – Executive Lead TBD (Stewart Toshach, NW Fisheries Science Center)

Begin exploration of means to organize existing data through various management and technology approaches such as development of data portals for distributed access.

o  Next Steps

11:00 Identify Additional Tasks (e.g., High Level Indicators) - All

11:40 Discuss MOU and Fall Executive Summit – All

12:00 Adjourn