Name / Janet Sohal, MSN, RN
Gertrude Tiangco, BSN, RN
Email /

Region / Northern California Kaiser Permanente
Affiliation/Site / Sacramento Medical Center



TITLE / The “Novices”
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE / Why did your team do this work?
Voice of Nursing is a professional practice model that is definitely needed for our nurses at our medical center, so they can become engaged in the work, motivated, take accountability for their practice and reignite their core values of their professional practice standards and Code of Ethics – ensuring patient centric care is harnessed, nurtured and thriving. Our nurses have needed a vision, and this work is the guidance which will provide structure and an established framework through evidence based practices. We have noted amongst some of our nurses fatigue, burnout, dis-engagement and lack of drive and passion. We want all of our nurses to reflect on their practice, re-engage in their work and feel pride. Our care experience scores need to improve, as well as our people pulse scores.
·  Develop a strategy around a certain metric that can be tracked and followed to ensure VON is making an impact.
·  Establish the framework and start the journey towards a magnet facility, especially as we transition to our new facility in 2022.
·  Increase our overall HCAHPS – star rating scores
·  Increase RN staff satisfaction scores
PROCESS / What steps did you take?
·  Completed the 3 day workshop
·  Established Nursing Evidence Based Practices (NEBP) committee that will look at best practices, policies and educational component to teach other nurses on VON
·  Sent out a survey monkey to over 400 nurses
·  Planning VON fair for Nurses Day May, 2017 as our first introduction to other nurses at the facility
·  Think Tank group formed to analyze SWOT analysis and next steps
·  Implemented VON into New Nurse orientation
·  Implemented VON into the preceptor class
·  Researching components of LEAN methodology and VON and see if impact with both frameworks can impact staff engagement
RESULTS / What were the results?
·  NEBP committee highly engaged
·  Leadership changes – new CNE to start in May, some leaders have left so need to re-engage new leaders in this work
·  Moving forward with Think Tank group to strategize the work
·  LEAN is moving forward on all units – we have to ensure we use similar language and find a way to introduce VON at every point with interaction with nursing
·  See Me as a Person workshop (Mary Kolorutis work) – workshops monthly – trained over 250 people at the medical site. Intent to have every nurse go through workshop. Incorporated VON work into this workshop.
CONCLUSION / What did you learn? What advice would you give to others who would like to do the same or similar efforts?
·  Need to ensure leadership is stable before implementation of program. With CNE leaving, this has impacted the work…but we are moving forward
·  Need strong senior leadership support
·  Hard to get staff off units for education – so have to have innovative approaches for this work
·  This work is important as we look at transforming our culture – the drive is to be the best we can be as we move to our new home in 2022
·  Need guidance for perhaps step by step approach for implementation of VON
FUTURE PLANS / What are your next steps?
·  VON fair
·  Education
·  All PCS meetings – branded with VON logo – agendas always has a segment of VON application
·  Establish Council to lead the work
·  Breakdown SWOT analysis – look at quick wins