Esp. 1 Semana del 11 al 15 de enero de 2016

►lunes, 11 de enero

-go over this week’s plans together

-more practice with the words for chapter 2A by translating (See pg. 96)

-oral practice

-take Vocabulary 2A Quiz

-prepare Repaso # 1 for Vocabulary 2A test that will be tomorrow.

Cubierta(cover) Repaso # 1 para el Ex. Del Voc 2A Nombre/Periodo/fecha(See Pg. 96)

Pagina 1: A-Wds to talk about your school1-14

B- Wds. To describe school activities 1-3

C- The Subject Pronouns in Spanish are: 1-12 (See the chart on pg 96)

Pagina 2: A- Wds. to talk about the order of things (Ordinal numbers) 1-10

B- Wds. to talk about things you need for school 1-5

Pagina 3: A- Wds. to describe classes 1-8

B- Other useful words1-6

*While you are making review 1 I’ll finish listening to your amazing dialogues asking about class periods and school subjects!! YAY!! I love to hear YOU talk in Español!!” “¡ Eres Jefe!”

Asignación:Study from your review!!!

►martes, 12 de enero

-brief review before the test.

-respond to Chapter 2A Vocabulary Test “Buena Suerte”

-after the test pick up your verb wheel, cut it, put it together and start trying to understand what this learning tool is trying to help you with!!

►miércoles, 13 de enero

-recalling verbs we have learned by translating them

-oral practice

-presentation of the Present tense of –ar ending, -er ending and –ir ending verbs by watching, listening and taking notes from the Gramatica book presentations from pg. 84 and 132.

-after the presentation copy the chart of the verb HABLAR from pg. 84 and the the charts of the verbs COMER and COMPARTIR from pg. 132.

-talk about notes taken and practice using the verb chart to help us talk in present tense.

-Practice conjugating estudiar/beber/abrir using the Verb Chart.

Asignación:To better understand how to form the Present Tense of -ar, -er and -ir ending verbs go online to the following links:

►jueves, 14 de enero

-practicewith the Present Tense of –ar, -er, and –ir ending verbs by completing sentences using the Verb Wheel device.

-watch the You-tube of Sr. Jordan, to help us learn how to express ourselves in the Present:

-then we will write and say what we and others do every day, with copiar, leer and escribir!

For example: copiar-to copy

Yo copio en la clase de Español todos los días. Nosotros(as)copiamos en la clase de Español todos los días.

Tú copias en la clase de Español todos los días Ellos copian en la clase de Español todos los días.

Él copia en la clase de Español todos los días. Ellas copian en la clase de Español todos los días.

Ella copiaen la clase de Español todos los días. Ustedes copian en la clase de Español todos los días.

Usted copiaen la clase de Español todos los días. Vosotros(as)copiáis en la clase de Español todos los días.

►viernes, 15 de enero

-morepractice with the Present Tense of –ar, -er, and –ir ending verbs by completing sentences with the correct form of the verb.

-work on a Present Tense Project, where you identify the action in the clip art, and you write a sentence saying what they are doing and then translate. See example below.

nadir – to swim
El nada todos los días.
He swimseveryday. / bailar- to dance
Ellos bailan muy bien.
They dance verywell.

If not done in class finish for home work!! The more you practice the better your grade will be on the test next week!!

“¡¡ Buen Fín de Semana. Me encanta ser tu maestra de Español !!”