Executive Meeting 2/26/18

DRAFT Minutes

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Executive Committee Meeting

February 26, 2018


Action Items:

  • Approve January 22, 2018, Draft Minutes
  • At the next Executive Committee meeting, there will be further discussion of Bcc use on SILC announcements.
  • Mr. Duron will pass Ms. Pazdral’s request for a DOR facilitator to be available during the funding formula conversation at the April in-person SILC meeting.
  • Ms. Pazdral will look into hiring a paid graduate student to assist the SILC with the Needs Assessment and Resource Development.
  • Ms. Pazdral will share SILC Member recruitment ideal characteristics with SILC Members and ILC Directors, and Mr. Mendoza will forward those to the Systems Change Network.
  • SILC Staff will submit a formal letter to DGS CFS about how rising costs are affecting the SILC’s abilities to carry out mandated tasks.
  • SILC staff will explore the possibility of holding a webinar for Asset Mapping training.
  1. Call to Order – 1:31
  1. Introductions

Peter Mendoza – SILC Vice-Chair

Jacqueline Jackson – SPIL Chair

Linda Schaedle – Former SILC Chair

Victor Duron – Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)

Tink Miller – Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS)

Elizabeth Pazdral – SILC Staff

Cheryl Kasai – SILC Staff

Danielle Hess – SILC Staff

  1. Public Comment


  1. Review and approve minutes from January 22, 2018, Committee Meeting

No Quorum, this item was held for future approval

  1. Using Bind carbon copy (Bcc) on SILC email communications

Meeting attendees did not have a strong feeling on use of Bcc or CC. SILC Members and most members of the IL network have publicly available email addresses, but some members of the public may prefer that their email address is not made publicly available.

It was agreed that Bcc should only ever be used when making general announcements, not when holding an email conversation with a person or group. Ms. Jackson also reminded the committee to be careful about unauthorized serial meetings.

This item will remain on the agenda for future discussion.

  1. DOR Updates
  2. Systems Change Network Grant

As requested, DOR completed research on using a Sole Source process when creating the Systems Change Grant. They determined that it is not possible at this time, and if it is explored in the future it will need to be supported strongly by law and regulations.

Ms. Miller shared that she had recently found some California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) files from when the Systems Change Grant was a sole source contract and will forward any information she finds about the use of that classification.

Ms. Pazdral suggested the SILC could support DOR in choosing an effective vendor by ensuring that the description in the SPIL clearly states the expected characteristics of a Systems Change Network administrator.

  1. ILATS Project – creating an equitable funding formula
  2. Sample funding scenarios

DOR presented at the February CFILC meeting about creating an equitable funding formula. They feel there was a consensus that there are two issues, determining a funding formula that would work in an ideal world, and developing a formula that could be implemented as things are now. A high-level concept paper about this was sent to the IL network last week.

Mr. Duron stated that this is not an item that has a deadline, and that DOR will follow the will of the community in making this happen. This will be on the next SILC in-person meeting agenda as a longer discussion. Ms. Pazdral requested that DOR helps by providing a facilitator, and Mr. Duron will pass on that request to Irene Walela.

  1. Other updates

Mr. Duron is taking a new position at DOR, and will no longer be representing the Independent Living Section on SILC committee calls. He encourages members to reach out to Carrie England and CC Irene Walela if they have any questions.

  1. Committee Updates and Rubric reviews
  2. Executive Committee Rubric
  3. Fund development sub-committee
  4. Suggestion to acquire intern

It was recommended that the SILC find a student to work on the needs assessment or SILC resource development. They would be a paid student but would be more cost effective than hiring a consultant.

Ms. Schaedle thought this would be a great idea, and they could be a critical part of formulating the questions that the SILC want to answer. She thinks that the Health and Human Services, Public Policy, and Business departments would be good places to look for a student. Mr. Mendoza and Ms. Jackson agreed.

  1. SPIL
  2. DOR updates

Mr. Duron reported that the Systems Change grant packet has been received and executed, so the program is running. They are adjusting to working under the priorities of the 2017-2019 SPIL, and the SILC and DOR are developing methods to support them and get the data that is needed. In the future, System Change reports will be sent to both DOR and the SILC at the same time.

The positive impact of increased IL transition funding and allowable grant amounts have shown in the use of the transition fund. In this Federal Fiscal Year, there have been 52 transition grant requests with a total of $166,000 being encumbered. There have been 13 transitions completed, compared to 8 at this time last year.

  1. Continue non-ILC consumer surveys at Abilities Expo in Los Angeles, February 23 – 25, 2018

SILC Staff and volunteers collected surveys at the Abilities Expo and received over 200. The information will be entered and used in the Needs Assessment.

  1. Needs Assessment
  2. ILC Director surveys

There is now a SPIL committee workgroup to develop a questionnaire to use within the IL Network. They have reviewed prior year surveys and contacted a consultant on survey writing.

Ms. Jackson thanked the SILC staff for reaching out to get 25 out of 28 centers to respond to the ILC Director Surveys, and for completing an anonymized report of answers for the SPIL committee members.

The 2017-2019 SPIL Year 1 report has been completed and will be formatted and printed by the April SILC meeting. In addition, Ms. Pazdral is working to add Asset Mapping and the Needs Assessment to the SPIL Rubric.

  1. Governance
  2. Update on ILC/Member for SILC liaison activities

Ms. Hess has received text of the emails from Governance Chair Ms. Bazyn and will be sending the emails out to both ILC Directors and SILC Members.

  1. New member recruitment

The Governance committee reviewed a batch of resumes in December 2017 and chose 3 candidates to move forward. Those application packets were submitted to the Governor’s Office on January 7. It is possible that they may be appointed by the April SILC Meeting in Long Beach.

  1. ACL feedback on SILC 704 report

Ms. Pazdral received a report that the SILC is out of compliance with membership composition, with more than half of the members being ILC or State employees. She submitted a written response with a plan to be in compliance by June by appointing new members who do not work for ILCs or the State.

Ms. Pazdral was asked to share the current recruiting characteristics with both the SILC Members and ILC Directors. Mr. Mendoza would also like to have it sent to him so he can share with the Systems Change Network.

  1. Communication and Collaboration
  2. Legislation and other committee updates

Ms. Kasai reported that Mr. Soto has joined the C and C committee and been appointed Vice-Chair, and the ILC Kern County Public Policy Coordinator Claudia Villalobos will be attending C and C meetings.

The committee decided to focus their targeted outreach on a small number of bills, rather than spread attention across many bills. They have also determined monthly social media newsletter themes for April through June.

  1. Executive Director Update
  2. SILC Internal Capacity Building status

The SILC continues to be fully staffed. A contract is being developed with Lyn Paleo to assist with the Needs Assessment Surveys.

  1. Budget/financial statement
  2. Current budget estimates

There were no questions on the current Budget summary, and Ms. Hess encouraged members to reach out to her if they have any questions. The SILC is on track to come in on budget for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.

  1. Projection of additional funds and uses for these funds

The SILC spending authority for FY17 has increased by $16,000 because of a budget drill involving increased personnel and benefit costs. According to the Administration on Community Living (ACL), an amendment to the SPIL would need to happen in order to access those additional funds. Because the SILC had budgeted without this money and is on track financially, staff recommend that the money is allowed to be added to the carry forward fund. The committee agreed that the SILC will not pursue the additional $16,000 at this time.

  1. Separation from DGS Contracted Fiscal Services (CFS)

DGS CFS has informed the SILC that accounting costs in FY18/19 will be $142,000. The Department of Finance has announced that no departments will be allowed to separate from DGS CFS in FY18/19.

This large of an increase will have an effect on SILC operations in the upcoming year. The SILC will be asking questions about how this increase was calculated and how the charges are determined. Additionally, Mr. Mendoza has recommended submitting a formal letter protesting these costs. This should express the difficulties the costs are causing, and the impact they are having on the SILC’s abilities to carry out responsibilities as mandated by law.

  1. Future In-person Meetings
  2. Next meeting - April 9 and 10, 2018, at the Courtyard Marriott Downtown Long Beach

Planning for this meeting is on track, and several members have contacted Ms. Hess about travel arrangements.

Ms. Pazdral has completed a draft agenda and asked committee members if they have any sessions they would like to include. The committee would like SILC staff to explore holding a Webinar about Asset Mapping to allow more ILCs to attend. Ms. Hess will check with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) to see if they have the capacity to assist like they have in the past and explore possible opportunities for DOR to fund the training.

  1. Summary of activities requiring follow-up at next meeting
  2. Next meeting – March 26, 2018, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm

**Closed Session, Executive Committee Members Only**