Concordia Students’ Association
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2016 @ 10:00 A.M.
1. Call to order: February 25, 2016 Executive Council meeting called to order at 10:06 AM.
2. Roll Call: Cody Weger-President, Shannon Peacocke, VP Finance, Kelsea Gillespie- VP Internal, Madeline Ludlage- VP Marketing, Patrick McGinley- VP Student Life, Meagan Strachan- Executive Director, Barb Van Ingen- Dean of Students.
3. February 11, 2016 Action Item Summary:
3.1. Executives: Complete final review of bylaws
3.2. President: send all student email with information on elections, referendum and bylaws attached.
3.3. Executive Director: Schedule Budget meetings
3.4. Executives: Work on your portion of budget, to be ready for March 1 meeting.
3.5. Student Life: prepare a proposition for CSA volunteer appreciation
3.6. Executives: Read over ASEC strategic Plan.
3.7. VP Internal: Follow up with students on black history month.
3.8. Executive Director: Book room for second all candidates meeting
3.9. Executive Director: Update elections information sheet.
3.10. VP Marketing: Update CSA calendar on website.
3.11. Executive Director: Put Mittens in the bookstore.
3.12. Executive Director: Collect food bank donations.
3.13. President: Book rooms for By-law Town halls.
3.14. Executive Director: Look into prices of new hard drive.
3.15. Executives: Return MAC cards.
4. Approval of Agenda:
4.1. MOTION: To approve the February 25, 2016 Executive Council agenda as presented. Moved by VP Student Life McGinley, seconded by VP Internal Gillespie. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Approval of Minutes:
5.1. MOTION: To approve the February 11, 2016 Executive Council Meeting Minutes. Moved by VP Marketing Ludlage, seconded by VP Internal Gillespie. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Unfinished Business
6.1. Bylaw Town Hall: March 1st, Noon to 1:00 pm, HA 206 is available for town hall. March 4th, 2016 noon to 1:00 pm a second bylaw town hall will take place in Tegler.
6.2. Budget: Will meet on March 1, 2016 to go over positional budget changes.
6.3. ASEC: Leaving this weekend ( February 26, 27, 28) to Calgary for ASEC Assessment conference. Executive Director Strachan will be attending the ASEC conference with executives.
6.4. Volunteer appreciation: Would like to see a volunteer appreciation event in April in Tegler. VP Student Life will begin working on an event charter and present more information at the next EC meeting.
7. New Business:
7.1. Wellness Alberta: Watched a video on the purpose of Wellness Alberta. Concordia Students’ Association has been asked to endorse the program. Other Universities such as Macewan have already endorsed Wellness Alberta.
7.1.1. MOTION: To approve Concordia Students’ Association endorsement of Wellness Alberta. Moved by VP Internal Gillespie, Seconded by VP Marketing Ludlage. MOTION CARRIED.
7.2. Election Debate: The election debate will take place March 9, 2016 in room HA 017. Only an hour is available so the debate will need to be timed appropriately. Time frames will be determined once we have a confirmed number of candidates. Debate questions will be given to candidates in advance at the all candidates meeting on February 29, 2016. Questions from last year will be sent to the Executive Director to look over and prep for this year’s debate.
7.3. Meet your candidate pub night: Reservation has been made at O2’s on Jasper for 7:00 PM. Appetizers will be purchased and tickets for the event will be sold for $5, available in the bookstore or online. CSA swag will be used as door prizes. Election candidates and current executives will attend the event for free.
7.4. Thunderwear Friday: New executives will assist with the final thunderwear Friday. An event charter will be created for the next EC meeting on how the last thunderwear Friday will run.
8. Information:
8.1. Now able to book with Uniglobe. Working on a travel booking template. The booking form will need to be approved by either VP Finance, Executive Director or President.
9. Round Table:
9.1. VP Marketing: Will be doing a scrapbooking event with Annie Chow alongside the Parks Club farmers market event.
9.2. Dean of Students: Wednesday March 2, 2016 Concordia will be holding a meeting to discuss further ways the school can assist refugees in Edmonton. On March 5, 2016 Concordia will be hosting a Concordia Talks centred around Sexual violence. The documentary Hunting Grounds will be shown and an RCMP will be attend. A new Health Assessment survey is now being distributed via email, it is important that as many students as possible fill out the survey. The CSA will use our marketing channels to help promote filling out the survey.
9.3. Executive Director: Cody to speak to high school teachers March 7, 2016 at 10:00 am. Library is hosting a study evening on March 30th. An opportunity to study & take breaks with fellow students.
9.4. VP Finance: Participating in a shoe drive and will be bringing a box to Concordia to collect shoe donations. All MAC card receipts are in. Happy to hear Mocktails went well last week.
9.5. VP Internal: This week is science week, Clubs continue to be active ( refer to master calendar for all event dates). Will be attending a Rachel Notley event on March 8th.
9.6. President: Momentum on placing a Starbucks at the food kiosk continues with ARAMARK. Met with Norma and determined the CSA may be able to work with Concordia to find more funding for mental health initiatives. March 17th EC meeting will need to be rescheduled due to the meeting with the ESA.
10. Adjournment :
10.1. MOTION: To adjourn the Executive Council meeting at 11:12 AM. Moved by VP Finance Peacocke, seconded by VP Student Life McGinley. MOTION CARRIED.
February 25, 2016 ACTION ITEM SUMMARY:
1. VP Marketing: Adverstise By law town halls on social media and website.
2. Executives: Begin preparing your positions portion of budget to be presented at March 1 meeting.
3. VP Finance: send out budget templates.
4. VP Student Life: Work on charters for volunteer appreciation event and final thunderwear.
5. Executive Director: Determine date of mental health appreciation event.
6. VP Marketing: Create marketing material and tickets for Pub Night.
7. VP Internal/President: Send old debate questions to Executive Debate.
8. Executive Director: Create structure and questions for debate.
9. Executive Director: See if The BOLT can film candidate speeches.
10. Executive Director: create CSA travel booking form based off template.
11. Executive Director: Book Midsummers night dream date.
12. Executive Director: Send out doodle to reschedule EC March 17, 2016 meeting.