Committee Reports for November 2015 Staff Senate Meeting
Committee Name: Staff Senate Executive Committee
Report Submitted by: Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma
Presiding Chair: Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma
Date of Meeting: 10/29/15
Attendees: Maggie Linder, Rochelle Krahn, Angie Weisenburger, Maria Mangold, Shauna McGoldrick, Judy Wellert
Tasks Performed: *Discussed agenda for November meeting *Reviewed topics for shared governance meeting that was changed to November *Discussed GSA and ASUM update *Discussion of resolution SB 4 15/16 - motion to amend previous adopted vote *Overview of University Budget Committee status, Maggie Linder will represent Staff Senate as Treasurer *Updates on Diploma Dash from Rochelle *Budgeting Technology in the plan for future budgets - ie: current issues with Judy's monitor
Summary of Information and Facts: *Rochelle gave an overview of the details in progress for the race to be held on Mar. 26th at 9:00 a.m. - will communicate with University Relations to get it on the calendar, talked about the insurance issues, working with Scott Richter from HHP on Risk Management, Runner's Edge is involved and Judy is working on the permit. *Not enough votes on the resolution for the sensitivity of the material, concern for support of an expense to UM when we are in budget difficulties, motion to amend previous adopted vote to be discussed at November meeting. *Discussion of December meeting and holiday party options and funding for event
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: *Adding budgeting for technology in the Staff Senate budget for future processes. *Potential speakers for future meetings: Brent Hildebrand for Student Health and Awareness, Diverse U update and conversation, Bike Ambassadors
Next meeting date/time/location: Thursday, Nov. 19th, 12-1, UC207
Committee Name: Fundraising Committee
Report Submitted by: Rochelle Krahn
Presiding Chair: Rochelle Krahn
Date of Meeting: 10/22/2015
Attendees: Maggie Linder, Angela Weisenburger, Jefferson Heath, Renee Valley, Judy Wellert, Rochelle Krahn
Tasks Performed: Collaborate on the risk management plan, discuss and assign areas of expertise for the 5K.
Summary of Information and Facts: Reviewed the Risk Management Plan, Rochelle applied for Certificate of Insurance (necessary to apply for City Permit), discussed pricing, sponsors, date, time, swag, registration.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: Follow-up on task to keep the race on a good timeline.
Recommendations to Staff Senate: Diploma Dash 5K run/walk, March 26th @ 9:00 am.
Next meeting date/time/location: 11/3/2015 Room 215
Committee Name: Bylaws & Resolutions Committee Meeting
Report Submitted by: Gloria Phillip
Presiding Chair: Gloria Phillip
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Attendees: Candy Patrick, David Crowley, Judy Wellert, Gloria Phillip
Tasks Performed: The committee reviewed SB 4 15/16 for grammar and clarity and made grammatical revisions to the document. The committee found the document to be clear and precise, and forwarded it on to the Staff Senate for purposes of a vote.
Summary of Information and Facts: SB 4 15/16 was revised grammatically and passed to the Staff Senate for a vote.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: To review five documents of policies and/or procedures, which have been submitted to Staff Senate, for grammatical clarity and precision before the next Staff Senate meeting.
Recommendations to Staff Senate: Submit new resolutions to Gloria Phillip for numbering and processing by the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee in advance of Staff Senate meetings.
Next meeting date/time/location: Tuesday, November 17, 1:00 p.m. - LO 225
Committee Name: Survey & Assessment
Report Submitted by: Grace Gardner
Presiding Chair: Grace Gardner
Date of Meeting: 11/9/15
Attendees: Rochelle Krahn Judy Wellert Maggie Linder Cynthia Boies Karin Fried Rozlyn Haley
Tasks Performed: Went through the results of the Professional Development Climate survey
Summary of Information and Facts: We will have our completed report finished by January 13th 386 total electronic responses and 11 hard copy paper responses. Good information in the results so far. The committee is at the beginning stages of analyzing.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: Designate question summaries to each member
Recommendations to Staff Senate: Hang tight!
Next meeting date/time/location: TBD
Executive Officers meeting with the President’s Cabinet
Wed., Oct. 21, 7:30 a.m.
Present: Perry Brown, Theresa Branch, Maria Mangold, Judy Wellert, Bill Johnston, Scott Whittenburg, Shaunagh McGoldrick, Rochelle Krahn, Kent Haslam, Mike Reid, Shane Giese, Jessica Weltman, Lucy France, Angela Weisenburger, Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma, Matt Riley
UM Minutes –
*Provost Brown mentioned a faculty member Doug Emlen has been awarded the 2015 Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science for his book, “Animal Weapons: The Evolution of Battle.”
*Bill Johnston mentioned the We Are MT Tour is continuing, and they will be going to Kalispell, Bozeman, Billings
*Scott Whittenburg shared updates on the success of the Broader Impacts Group and the high schools involved as well as the Stem Fest efforts with high school students.
· Read the current wording on SB 4 15/16 Resolution on Sustainability. Jen mentioned Staff Senate’s position on reaffirming the commitment to sustainability but not at UM’s expense. Staff Senate is in the process of recreating a resolution in support of sustainability and will vote on the resolution and share those after the next Staff Senate meeting.
· Jen requested updates on the conversation from last meetings on Death Announcements.
· Jen stated our concern that a faculty union member sits on the University Budget Committee, but other unions are not represented. Lucy France and Mike Reid will check the Collective Bargaining Agreement to see if faculty union membership is required.
· Roz asked for input on the Margaret Heffernan TED talk and conversation about supporting professional development on campus. Kent appreciated the mention of the importance of candor. Emphasis was placed on the importance of staff spending time on networking and building social capital.
· Judy expressed the wish that there be a campus-wide leadership for Can the Cats campaign.
· Maria described the feedback from the NACADA Conference. The lack of faculty participation was discussed with the suggestion that a special workshop be provided for UM faculty and staff on advising – i.e.: UM Faculty/Staff Advising Day.
· Mike Reid announced that the Motor Pool is going to be contracted out, and Campus Mail is going to cut back to picking up mail only once per day.
Committee Name: Nominations and Elections
Report Submitted by: Denise May
Presiding Chair: Denise May
Summary of Information and Facts: No meeting needed.
Committee Name: University Planning Committee
Report Submitted by: Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma
Presiding Chair: Provost Brown
Date of Meeting: November 6th, 2015
Attendees: Mark LoParco, Teresa Branch, Cody Meixner, Bill Borrie, Andrew Ware, Wayne Freimund, Steven Shen, Dawn Ressel, Perry Brown, Peggy Kuhr, Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma
Tasks Performed: The agenda today included: *UM Minute *Finalize discussion of strategic initiatives submitted by sectors at October 12 meeting *Formulate recommendations to the University Budget Committee
Summary of Information and Facts: I was not able to attend the Oct. 12th meeting where goals of the University Address were discussed, UM Assessment Committee report, priorities for FY 16 and 17, as well as initiatives submitted to UPC. During the Nov. 6th meeting we discussed prior obligations due in FY 2017 that had been initiated but thus not supported that would need to be supported. We discussed 27 new initiatives for review if appropriate to submit as recommendations to the Budget Committee. We discussed the conversation that there is no new money so any prior obligations and approved initiatives from the Budget Committee will be part of reallocations.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: Provost Brown will submit recommendations to the Budget Committee
Recommendations to Staff Senate: None at this time, please be aware of the dialogues happening on campus in regards to budgets as we are at serious time right now.
Next meeting date/time/location: None set at this time
Committee Name: Communications and Visibility Committee
Report Submitted by: Angela Weisenburger
Presiding Chair: Angela Weisenburger
Date of Meeting: October 21, 2015
Attendees: Matt Cragwick, Mark Fritch, Roz Haley, Angela Weisenburger, Judy Wellert
Tasks Performed: Planned the co-sponsored event at the Iron Griz for Friday, October 30. Also discussed plans for the November 19th staff event at the Payne Family Native American Center rotunda and fire pit areas.
Summary of Information and Facts:
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: Finalize catering menu, find a storyteller, publicize on UM Events calendar.
Recommendations to Staff Senate: We need volunteers to help us at the Soup, Stories, S'mores & Stargazing event November 19th. We also are looking for additional marshmallow roasting skewers to use that night.
Next meeting date/time/location: TBD
Committee Name: Drug & Alcohol Advisory Committee
Report Submitted by: Angela Weisenburger
Presiding Chair: Mike Frost
Date of Meeting: October 27, 2015
Attendees: Mike Frost, Rhondie Voorhees, Chris Comer, Claudia Denker-Eccles, Adrianne Donald, Linda Green, Emily Hansen, Kerry Haney, Cody Meixner, Isaac La’a, Cathy Jenni, Ryan Martin, Melissa Neidigh, Caitlin Parker, Angela Weisenburger, Nancy Wilson, Wyatt Smith, Mary Ann Lorette-Rust
Tasks Performed: 1) Brief overview of UM’s alcohol and other drug prevention strategies; 2) Revisit DAAC’s charge and membership composition; 3) Frequency of meetings and goals for the year.
Summary of Information and Facts: 1) Mike began the meeting by noting that all members were provided an electronic copy of our Strategic Plan, NCHA Trend data and an Executive Summary in preparation for this meeting. Members were asked to review what had been done in the past with an eye toward identifying educational opportunities and responses and how we, as a campus, can better measure our successes in the area of drug and alcohol prevention, intervention and response. The purpose of this committee, he noted, has been to provide administration with advice on policy and inform prevention strategies from a variety of perspectives across disciplines. The committee membership is a good representation of staff, faculty, students and community. As such, each member is a valued resource in informing the committee goals. Claudia monitors compliance for the campus with various federal regulations. There was discussion about the resources available to staff and faculty whose substance use impacts work performance (employee wellness benefits and insurance), as well resources for students (Behavioral Health Options). The Strategic Plan was last updated in 2012 and is due scheduled to be updated again, which may be one of this year’s goals. The committee also needs to finish recruiting members, e.g. UMPD and City police, community representative, etc.) 2) Membership: Members were provided with a list of members and the department or interest they represent. Introductions were made of new and returning members. It was agreed the structure of the core committee should remain as is with a suggestion being made that we invite non-core committee consulting persons to address issues of concern, and that our efforts will be directed toward keeping this committee functional and agenda dependent. Committee charge: In reviewing the committee charge, members noted that it was out-of-date. The current charge was written in the 1980’s when policy and programs were being formed. For instance, policy review now occurs through different offices on campus and not through the DAAC. The charge also needs to more explicitly state the connection between alcohol and sexual assault and the importance of collaborating with those on campus involved in addressing sexual assault. Since this is an advisory committee to the President, it was suggested that a subcommittee meet to address the charge in consultation with the President. Rhondie said that she would talk with Vice President Branch who has oversight of the committee. A request was made for volunteers should a workgroup be needed to update the charge. The Charge sub-committee volunteers are Emily Hansen, Kerry Haney, Cody Meixner, Wyatt Smith and Adrianne Donald. Rhondie will chair this group. 3) The members discussed the frequency of committee meetings and the establishment of goals for the committee. It was agreed that the committee will meet initially every two weeks on Tuesdays until the committee has established goals.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: The Charge sub-committee will meet under Rhondie’ s direction to revisit our charge and convey conclusions to Dr. Branch. Mike will contact UMPD about assigning a representative. Rhondie will contact City Police about a representative.
Next meeting date/time/location: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 2:10 p.m. in Curry Health Center conference room 073.
Committee Name: University Athletic Committee
Report Submitted by: Angela Weisenburger
Presiding Chair: Annie Belcourt
Date of Meeting: October 27, 2015
Attendees: Jean Gee, Barb Seekins, Angela Weisenburger, Wilena Old Person, Dave Beck, Bambi Douma, Pierce Frazier (ASUM), Mekayla Isaak (SAAC), Guest Coach Matt Higgins (Women's Golf Head Coach)
Tasks Performed: 1. Approval of September Minutes 2. Introduction of new members from ASUM (Pierce Frazier) and SAAC (Mekayla Isaak) 3. Grizzly Athletics Minute (New, noteworthy, upcoming events, etc) 4. Guest Coach: Matt Higgins, Women’s Golf Head Coach 5. Review academic progress rates and graduation rates of athletes by team, gender, race, and method of coming to UM (i.e., freshman enrollee vs. transfer); compare the graduation rates for the above categories of athletes to the graduation rate of all UM students. (Jean) 6. Grizzly Athletics updates (Jean) 7. Other
Summary of Information and Facts: Review of Academic Progress Rates and Graduation Success Rates of athletes by team (2008-09 is the current data) show the GSR is at or above in all sports. The new Ranch Club indoor golf practice facility scheduled to have its ribbon-cutting ceremony Wed. Nov. 4. The women's golf team has the second highest GPA NATIONALLY of all divisions, they are to top team in Div II schools. Golf is fully funded with scholarships and currently has 8 women on the team. The Cost of Attendance discussion was notably absent at the recent Big Sky Conference meetings, though the future of the size of the conference was discussed. Possibility of adding NM State and Idaho in the future.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members:
Recommendations to Staff Senate:
Next meeting date/time/location: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. in DAH 401
Committee Name: IT Senate
Report Submitted by: Stella Phipps
Presiding Chair: Allen Szalda-Petree
Date of Meeting: 11/10/2015
Tasks Performed: IT Senate spent a considerable amount of time exploring the IT utilities budget and discussing each utility at great length.
Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: Due to the amount of time devoted to exploring the utilities budget, reports from the standing committees were postponed until next meeting.
Next meeting date/time/location: 12/8/2015, UC 326-327, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM