
Quiz 12 (April 26, 2004 Monday)

Turn it in until 9 am (April, 27, 2004 Tuesday) only to blocker 447

Each question worth 9 pt. plus the bonus 11pt. with the total of 110 pt. for the quiz

Make sure to write your answers here. They will not be graded if they are anywhere else.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.


The following data are DC output from a windmill (y) and wind velocity(x) in MPH.

x / y / x / y / x / y / x / y / x / y / x / y / x / y
2.45 / .123 / 3.40 / 1.057 / 4.60 / 1.562 / 6.00 / 1.822 / 7.40 / 2.088 / 9.10 / 2.303 / 10.20 / 2.310
2.70 / .500 / 3.60 / 1.137 / 5.00 / 1.582 / 6.20 / 1.866 / 7.85 / 2.179 / 9.55 / 2.294
2.90 / .653 / 3.95 / 1.144 / 5.45 / 1.501 / 6.35 / 1.930 / 8.15 / 2.166 / 9.70 / 2.386
3.05 / .558 / 4.10 / 1.194 / 5.80 / 1.737 / 7.00 / 1.800 / 8.80 / 2.112 / 10.00 / 2.236

We regress windmill (y) on velocity (x) and fit the model, .

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 0.1309 0.1260 1.04 0.310

velocity 0.24115 0.01905 12.66 0.000

S = 0.2361 R-Sq = 87.4% R-Sq(adj) = 86.9%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 8.9296 8.9296 160.26 0.000

Residual Error 23 1.2816 0.0557

Total 24 10.2112

Unusual Observations

Obs velocity windmill Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid

1 2.45 0.1230 0.7217 0.0845 -0.5987 -2.72R

Answer the following questions using the information on this page and the previous page.

  1. Regress y on x. Which of the following is the least squares regression line?

(a)  Y = 0.1309 + 0.24115x

(b)  Y = 0.24115 + 0.1309x

(c)  X = 0.1309 + 0.24115y

(d)  X = 0.24115 + 0.1309y

  1. Which of the following is the average change in the windmill when velocity was 100 MPH more?

(a)  0.1309 (b) 0.24115 (c) 13.09 (d) 24.115

  1. I am not sure if windmill is really related with the velocity. Which of the following hypothesis would you use to test this?





(e)  and

  1. Which of the following is the pearsons correlation coefficient between windmill and velocity?

(a)  0.564 (b) 0.723 (c) 0.874 (d) 0.935 (e) 0.967

  1. Which of the following is the point estimate for the constant standard deviation for residuals?

(a)  0.0031 (b) 0.0557 (c) 0.2360 (d) 0.3463 (e)0.4786

  1. Which of the following is the estimated mean value of windmill when the velocity is 3.05 MPH?

(a)  0.13359 (b) 0.44200 (c) 0.55800 (d) 0.64055 (e) 0.86641

  1. Which of the following is the residual when the velocity is 3.05 MPH?

(a)  -2.18395 (b) -0.30841 (c) 0 (d) 0.30841 (e) 2.18395

  1. Which of the following is the conclusion for failing to reject using a=0.05?

(a)  Windmill and velocity are linearly related

(b)  Windmill and velocity are not linearly related

(c)  The line connects windmill and velocity goes through the origin

(d)  The line connects windmill and velocity does not go through the origin

  1. Which of the following is the test statistics for testing ?

(a)  t=-3.0892 (b) t=-2.249 (c) t=1.039 (d) t=12.659 (e) F=160.257

  1. I decided to take the square root of velocity (called it sqrtvelocity) and regress windmill on sqrtvelocity. I called this as Model 2 whereas the first one was Model 1. The R2 computed was 92.2% this time. Which of those models would you use?

(a)  Model 1

(b)  Model 2