Location: Minnesota State Council on Disability Office
121 East 7th Place, Suite 107, St. Paul, MN 55101
August 7, 2013 (Approved)
Joan Willshire, Executive Director (in person)
Elizabeth Demski, MSCOD staff (in person)
Dave Schwartzkopf, Committee chair (via phone)
Barbara Stensland, council member (via phone)
Bob Johnson, council member (via phone)
Kathy Peterson, council member (absent)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Dave Schwartzkopf at 2:15 p.m.
Barb Stensland motioned to approve the agenda. It was seconded by Dave Schwartzkopf. It was approved by voice vote.
Bob Johnson motioned to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2013 meeting. Barb Stensland seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote.
ADA Celebration
Joan Wilshire reported the ADA celebration would be from 1 to 3 p.m. with music. Next year will be a bigger production in preparation for the 25th anniversary.
ACTION: Legacy Funds
Colin Stemper is the temporary employee for the Legacy fund. MSCOD has a contract with the Humanities Center, which will payout funds quarterly from Legacy funds. Barb Stensland motioned to approve the contract. Bob Johnson seconded the motion. It passed by unanimous voice vote.
ACTION: State Fair Council Member Reimbursement
Bob Johnson motioned for approval of funds to reimburse council members for expenses incurred for working at the State Fair. Barb Stensland seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote. Joan Willshire reported there would be fair training for volunteers on Aug. 7 and Aug. 8, 2013.
40th Annual Awards Update
Joan Willshire reported that we need award nominees. The RFP for the venue went out, but there is debate whether we should have a local or national speaker. She suggested the board approve funds to discuss funding with a keynote speaker. Bob Johnson motioned the board approve up to $3000 to discuss financial details with a keynote speaker. Barb Stensland seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote.
The Awards celebration schedule will have a morning council meeting. Lunch will be from 12 to 1 p.m. followed by a meet and greet with coffee and cookies from 1 to 1:30 p.m. Our speaker will talk from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Awards will then be given.
Staffing Discussion
Joan Willshire reported that Tricia’s position has been posted, resumes received, and interviews will begin next week. The events portion of the job description has been removed.
The director is trying to get additional funding for Margot’s increased workload on emergency preparedness and create a half-time position to assist on events, DNR and other projects.
Joan also discussed the possibility of hiring a legislative/employment specialist.
Budget Action: Encumbrances
Barb Stensland motioned for approval of blanket purchase orders totaling $100,494.16 for the fiscal year. Bob Johnson seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote.
Bob Johnson motioned for approval of MSCOD POs FY14 expenditures July 1, 2013-July 25, 2013 totaling $11,323.62. Barb Stensland seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote.
Barb Stensland motioned for approval of contracts from July 1, 2013-July 25, 2013 totaling $5,220.00. Bob Johnson seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote.
Other Business and Exec. Director Updates
Joan Willshire reported on the training for new council members; a question arose regarding the by-law stating a member can only serve 2 years on the executive committee. A discussion followed and members were in favor of changing the by-law. The director will circulate possible changes to the committee so that the full council may examine it 15 days prior to the full meeting in October.
The executive director suggested that MSCOD approach the governor to remove our sunset provision. Barb Stensland motioned that MSCOD discuss with the governor the removal of the sunset provision. Bob Johnson seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote.
The next executive committee meeting will be September 11, 2013. Bob Johnson motioned to adjourn. The chair adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth A. Demski