Minutes of the meeting of The Crypt School Governors 10th October, 2016

The Crypt School

Minutes of the meeting of the full Governing Body held on 10th October 2016 at 5.30pm – 8.10pm

Present:Richard James (Chair), Nick Dyer (Headmaster), Gordon Taylor, Alison Borley, Birgit Whitman, David Hall, David Preece, Des Coates, Phil Stanlake, James Price, Jeremy Bird, Matthew Hughes, Rachel Jackson, Dylan Green.

Attendees:Joanne Hitchings (Company Secretary/Bursar), Janette Hicks (Clerk)

Apologies:Glenn Webster, Grant Stevens.

Presentation: Governor Visits delivered by Hayley James (HJ)

Hayley James firstly introduced herself; providing Governors with details of her background and experience within school governance. The presentation commenced with reference to the Governance Handbook 2015, including the purpose of school visits and governor focus on key questions such as ‘Our school’s strengths & weaknesses’, ‘How our school is going to address areas of weakness’ and ‘What evidence Governors have to demonstrate the impact of governor support and challenge within our school’.

Hayley James outlined the visits procedure, detailing types of visit to be performed (formal & informal) and the visit requirements. Expanding on visit requirements Hayley explained to Governors the visit preparation that would be needed prior to the visit and the record of visit required after the visit. Hayley guided governors through a Formal Visit Pack and Record of Formal Governor Visit using Modern Foreign Languages as an example. In addition to this Governors were also shown a Record of Informal Visit. A Governor Visit timetable for 2016/17 was proposed to Governors by Hayley. The timetable outlined the focus of 6 formal visits to be completed by Feb 2017.

Governors asked the following questions during & after the presentation. Governor noted that in conducting an informal visit there could be some difficultly switching from parent to governor mode. Governor asked how schools are determined as comparable when doing the benchmarking exercise as part of the visit prep. ND replied that it is based on entry type & size. HJ suggested picking only a couple of schools to compare against. Governor asked if the formal visits are instead of the departmental reviews? ND replied that the formal visits are in addition to the department reviews. Governor asked if the formal visit focus would be aligned with the departmental link? Chair specified that it was not necessary for the same departmental link Governor to undertake the same formal visit. Chair also stated that the ‘Record of Formal Governor Visit’ form would go to the Heads of Department before publication.

Governor expressed concern that the record of formal visit looked like an audit exercise? HJ stipulated that the purpose of the visit was to gather information and capture what’s happening within the school. Governor asked what has prompted this need for formal school visits? Chair replied that firstly there is a need to demonstrate that governors are connected to the school.

Secondly, governors had previously requested templates and procedures to assist them with school visits. Chair recommended that the presented school visit structure is used and tested for its level of detail. Chair also recommended that Governors are accompanied by a member of SLT for the first year of visits. Governor asked if the formal visit was part of the SLT audit? ND stated that the SLT cycle is separate and that the formal visit gives assurance that you as a Governor know what’s going on within the school. Governor raised concern regarding the checking of policies as part of the formal visit. ND stated that during a visit a Governor is not asking if a policy is right but is checking that a policy is working. Governor expressed concern that the presented school visit procedure was ‘stepping over the line’ from strategic to managerial and in doing so the governing body would lose strategic oversight. HJ stated that the visiting governor would not be proposing actions or telling teachers how to do their job but merely observing and recording. Governor asked what is the difference between the SLT audit and Governor visit? ND replied that the school visit process enables Governors to be content that the school is running how they are being told it is and following the visit any concerns are passed back to the Head. Guidelines indicate that leadership and management of a school are as one. With regard to the school visit procedure; if Governors are uncomfortable with the level of scrutiny then the process can be reviewed and potentially modified. Process to be reviewed Jan 17. Chair to attend next Head of Department meeting to introduce Governor school visits.

12 / Apologies: As above, approved by Governors.
Clerks Business: None
13 / Declaration of Interest: There was nothing to declare.
14 / Minutes of the last meeting: Amendments to be made & re-issued. / JTH
15.3 / Matters arising from previous minutes:
Captain (Matt Hughes) and Vice-Captain (Rachel Jackson) appointed as Student Governors.
Appeal training to be conducted by Dylan Green for Alison Borley and Richard James.
Pupil Welfare Terms of Reference to be completed 12.10.16 / JTH
16.3 / Chairman
Staff Governor Update – 2 members of staff to be interviewed shortly.
School Visits – See presentation above.
Welcome Student Governors – Rachel Jackson & Matt Hughes. Chair welcomed Rachel & Matt.
17.1 / Student Governors:
Presentation: The Student Executive delivered by Matt Hughes (MH) and Rachel Jackson (RJ).
Matt and Rachel delivered an informative presentation entitled ‘Life at The Crypt – Sixth Form’. MH & RJ highlighted to Governors four aspects of 6th form life:
  • Enrichment opportunities – with 22 different options available on a weds afternoon.
  • Independence – Free study time supported.
  • Sixth Form growth - student numbers increasing, up 25 pupils in 2 years.
  • Leadership opportunities. Student Executive membership, prefects, RYLA.
MH & RJ outlined for Governors the Student Executive objectives which include funding for a new signing in system, student rep on the PTA, mentoring and student volunteer privileges. MH & RJ then summarised the vision for 6th from which included; increased social space, student lead café and improved ICT facilities.
Governor asked what type of signing in system they were looking at? MH & RJ are working with ND & Rob Briggs on system specifications and associated costs. Governor asked how the school council is represented on the Student Executive? MH & RJ outlined the structure & the provision of school council minutes. Governor asked how the mentoring programme works? RJ explained that the programme has started in History with year 13 pupils supporting year 12 pupils. Governor asked how the student volunteer privileges works? RJ explained that 1 hour per week volunteering equals an hour of home study. Students receive information of volunteering opportunities from Rob Briggs.
18.5 / Headmaster’s Report
Governors were provided with a copy of the Headmasters report prior to the meeting.
Exam Results – Governors provided with three sets of data as follows: Alps A level, Alis Executive Summary 2016 and KS4 Performance Tables – unvalidated. A Level results best ever achieved (625 A*-B). AS Levels very good. GCSE grades A*- B grades down year on year. Underperforming subjects as follow; English Language, History & PE. Charlotte Sturge to review and present to RSP Governors. Nick Dyer reminded Governors of the new grading system for maths and English with no clear guidelines from the Government. Governors discussed at length the increase in the number of students who do not routinely speak English at home and the impact this has on them succeeding at English Language.
Vote of Thanks to Staff – Performance measures for 185 days to be reviewed to ensure on track.
Staffing Update – All new staff have joined as expected in September.
Build Update.
Admissions – Pupils on roll – 934. Awaiting official permission to become a co-ed school.
19.2 / Deputy Headmaster
Proposed Term Dates –. Presented to Governors. Approved by Governors.
SLT Review Schedule – Phil Stanlake guided Governors through the 2016-17 cycle. Governor asked how the process works when SLT understand the problem and therefore an action plan is not required. Phil Stanlake advised Governors that in this situation a quick turnaround is sought with the HoD providing solutions to the recognised problems within the department.
20.5 / Company Secretary/Bursar Report:
Business Declarations – All business delegations received.
Scheme of Delegation –Jo Hitching requested that the scheme of delegation is checked and reviewed at the first committee meetings.
Terms of Reference - Jo Hitching requested that terms of reference are checked and reviewed at the first committee meetings.
Academy Handbook – Issued to all Governors. Governors requested to read the handbook. Peter Lauener letter to be reviewed at the next audit committee meeting.
YE Financial Summary – Full report to be issued to RSP next Weds. Year-end result in line with forecast.
21.1 / Committee Reports:
Admissions - Nick Dyer asked Governors to approve the school plan to increase PAN to 150 for 2018. Governors approved the increase.
22.4 / Policy Reviews:
Fixed Assets – no changes approved
Admissions – Subject to EFA approval
Assessment – to be included within marking policy
Fire Procedure - approved
Next Meeting Date: 5th December 2016
Agenda Item / Action / By Who / By When / Progress / Update & Impact
5.4 / Appeal training and school visit support to be arranged with Hayley James / JTH / Sep-16 / Dylan Green to assist Appeals training for Alison Borley & Richard James / Governors to receive appeals training.
5.5 / Produce Terms of Reference for Pupil Welfare Committee. / RDJ / Oct-16 / Expected completion 12.10.16 / To support new Pupil Welfare Committee
6.2 / Produce trends in Qtrly Management Accounts / JH / Oct-16 / To be issued when trend is applicable / Governor request to aid identification of trends.
16.1 / Staff Governor interviews / RDJ / Nov-16 / Applications received / Appointment of new staff Governor
20.4 / Peter Lauener letter reviewed / JH / Dec-16 / Audit meeting 05.12.16 / Understand letter content

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