AAKPE Minutes

September 29, 2005

Executive Committee Meeting

Solana Marriott

Westlake, TX

Present: B. Ainsworth (Member-at-Large), J. Clark (President-elect), J. Morrow (Past President), G. Payne (Secretary/Treasurer), G. Reeve (President), K. Scott (Business Manager), M. Sherman (Member-at-Large), S. Silverman (Guest)

Called to order (2:00pm) by President G. Reeve.

1.0  A motion was made to approve the minutes from the EC conference call meeting of March 30, 2005. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2.0  President Reeve announced that there was a room change for the upcoming conference program. The breakfast for new Fellows would be held in Salon E/F.

3.0  J. Morrow announced that two historical libraries will be set-up in the hallways during the conference in recognition of the conference theme, “Pass it On.” Attendees can read the information at their leisure. Morrow also announced that he had acquired pictures form nearly 90% of Fellows to this point.

G. Reeve showed a sample of the medallion that will be presented to all Fellows in attendance at the conference. A brief discussion ensued on how to distribute the medallions. The group agreed that all Fellows could simply pick-up their medallion from a table as they entered the banquet area prior to the banquet on Saturday night.

4.0  K. Scott spoke briefly about the financial report (September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005). Investments had grown by 18% over the past year. A brief deficit was shown on the Annual Meeting budget as a result of not reconciling all expenses and revenues from the Dallas conference. The group also discussed the need to recognize donations to AAKPE and how that money should be sent. G. Reeve indicated that he had prepared a letter to send to donors, but no resolution was achieved as to how donations should be used.

J. Cark indicated that we have over $100,000 in reserves and should consider what to do with that money. G. Reeve recommended that J. Clark consider forming an ad hoc committee to examine possible uses of the reserves.

G. Reeve also noted that we have been advised to consider having an outside entity review the Academy’s finances in general. K. Scott offered to identify a CPA in the Champaign, IL area.

Regarding the finances for this year, Rainer and Julie Martens and Kim Scott were lauded for their work. On behalf of the Academy, the Executive Committee thanked Rainer, Julie, and Kim for their help with finances.

5.0  The Executive Committee reviewed the officer reports and committee operating codes.

The report from J. Clark (President-elect) indicated that the election process went smoothly with a voter increase of about 15%. This increase was attributed to online voting for the first time. Clark expressed her gratitude to K. Scott for facilitating the new voting process.

The report from J. Morrow (Past President) indicated that his time was largely spent on conference planning.

The report from D. Magill (Chair, Committee on Documents of Governance) contained several motions regarding changes to Academy By-Laws. Magill will be asked to present these motions at the upcoming Business Meeting.

The report from the A. Jackson (Chair, Awards Committee) indicated that they had received two nominees for the Hetherington Award. G. Krahenbuhl was selected to receive the award. It was also announced that T. Lohman will be the Academy’s nominee this year for the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Award – the Science Board Honor Award.

The report from P. McCullough (Chair, Membership Committee) asked if feedback should be supplied to those nominees for fellow who were not selected. Discussion also ensued regarding the criteria for membership into the Academy. The recommendation was made for the President to convene an annual conference call with members of the Membership Committee to consider these issues. It was also recommended that the same discussion be held at the upcoming Business Meeting.

6.0  G. Reeve informed the group that the ad hoc Committee on Accreditation of Programs had recommended that the Academy not endorse or sponsor the ACSM/CAAHEP effort to accredit undergraduate programs in exercise science. He also noted that the ACSM has agreed to examine names of programs (e.g., exercise science) as a result of the feedback provided by the Academy. According to G. Reeve, the question now remains as to whether President-elect, J. Clark, should maintain this ad hoc committee.

7.0  M. Sherman, in charge of the Academy website, presented several prospects for redesigning the site. Some discussion also ensued regarding how the site might be changed to make it more aesthetically pleasing. The recommendation was made to move ahead on the proposed changes and to work with Human Kinetics (HK) on the idea presented by Sherman. The Academy will seek a satisfactory contract with HK for refurbishing the website. M. Sherman was praised and thanked for the work he had presented to the Executive Committee.

The group briefly discussed the idea of having a communications director rather than a director for the website and the newsletter. The recommendation was made to have the Documents of Governance Committee examine this recommendation in regards to Academy By-Laws.

8.0  G. Reeve presented his idea for a theme for the 2006 conference to be held at the Westward Look Resort in Tucson, AZ. The theme under consideration is, “Defining the Academic Discipline of Kinesiology.” The theme will include sub-areas like, “How do We Assess Student Learning?” and “The Relationship Between Kinesiology and Other Fields.” The conference dates will be September 28-30, 2006.

9.0  The Committee discussed the upcoming Business Meeting (October 1, 2005), and noted that it would include such items as the reading of memorials, an Accreditation Committee update, and a discussion on criteria for membership. Executive Committee members were asked to present any other ideas for the meeting to President G. Reeve.

10.0  The Committee discussed the possibility of multi-year memberships. K. Scott was asked if such a change would be an administrative burden for the Academy Business Manager. The motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to have a three year membership option with no discounts.

11.0  The recommendation was made to list all Academy Fellows, Past and Present on the Academy website. In addition, the recommendation was made to remove all reference to resignations or any other negative inferences on the list of current Fellows. Finally, the recommendation was made to ask S. Kretchmar about removing all asterisks next to deceased former Presidents of the Academy. Is there an historical importance to maintaining that practice?