Executive Committee Meeting
September 8, 2010(Revised)
The meeting opened at 2:30 p.m.
Present: Vasquez, Brooks, White, Verba, Fawver, Kalayjian, Norman, Gasco.
Agenda Approved MSP
2:30 p.m. Time Certain-President Garcia-Garcia reported that with regard to the budget we are further apart than what we have ever been. She said that hopefully the budget will be signed by September 23, 2010.
Points of Pride
Garcia reported that at 3:00 p.m. she would be meeting at the University House with the Presidential Scholars and their families. She said that we have 11 new scholars and they have a GPA of 3.96.
Garcia reported that we have received a $150,000 grant to assist high school teachers and global education.
Henry Cisneros will be on campus on September 30, 2010.
The Guitar Festival is coming up and is a tribute to Rod Butler.
There was an article in the Daily Breeze about the Manifest Diversity Mural in the Daily Breeze that is located on our campus.
There will be a Town Gown event in Compton tomorrow, Dr. Garcia will attend.
Our FTE is 9721 which is above the 9520 target.
Garcia congratulated the Exec about the Newsletter.
With regard to the graduation initiative we have work to do and with regard to retention how do we get students to graduation.
Annualized FTEs equal fall, spring and summer divided by 2, but because we moved our classes to extended education this past summer they won’t count.
Garcia has asked the deans to work with the chairs at how they will look at retention.
Gasco asked if next summer would be moved to extended ed and Garcia said she did not know because there is not budget.
Garcia said that all 7 campuses that were affected by the over enrollment problem are working to get their money back. Garcia said that stateside classes count towards FTE and Extended Education does not. Kalayjian said that faculty don’t always get to offer classes they want it is up to the deans.
Campus wide Security Risk Assessment Interviews-Vasquez said that we need to identify 4 to 5 people that can meet next week with this group. They are on campus the 14, 15 and 16th.
Time Certain 3:00 p.m. Ron Vogel-Vogel went over the outstanding resolutions that do not have AM’s or PM’s yet:
Academic Senate Resolutions with No PM or AM (Revised)
Past 3 Years
EPC 07-06 RSCAAP Mini Grant Policy (MSP 9/5/07) No PM or No AM-
Will forward through PM process.
EPC 08-02 Resolution on Articulation of International Baccalaureate Exams (MSP 3/5/08) No PM or AM-Sam Wiley did not sign off but it was implemented anyway.
Will forward through PM process.
FPC 08-03 Resolution on Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) Instrument (MSP 3/19/08) No PM or AM-
Will send back to FPC for Clarification.
EPC 08-09 Resolution on Definitions of a Service Learning Course and a Civic Engagement Course (MSP 10-15/08) No PM or AM-
Will forward through PM process
Exec 09-01 Sense of the Senate Resolution on the Reorganization of the College of Health and Human Services and the College of Education (MSP 2/18/09) No PM for AM-
Sense of Senate, No PM required
EPC 09-02 Guidelines on Academic Technology and Distance Learning Classes (MSP 04/08/09) No PM or AM-
Will need to go back to EPC for more work write a policy statement out of complex guidelines.
FPC 09-03 Resolution on Shared Governance (MSP 4/22/09) No PM or AM-
Reject with recommendations and improvements, Back to EPC and then to floor of senate for approval.
EPC 09-04 Resolution on Computer Literacy (MSP 4/22/09) No PM or AM-
All Recommendations and No Resolves, Send back to EPC and Exec will follow up.
Exec 09-05 Criteria and Policy for Temporary Suspension of Programs at CSUDH (MSP 5/6/09) No PM or AM-
Conflicts with Exec 01-05, will send back to Exec for revisions.
FAC 09-09 Resolution on the Program Planning Process (MSP 9/16/09) No PM or AM-
Sense of Senate
Exec 09-10 Resolution on the Timeline of the Academic Affairs Fall 2009 Program Planning Process (MSP 10/2109) No PM or AM-
Sense of Senate
EPC 10-01 Resolution on Advising Holds (MSP 3/17/10) No PM or AM-
Should not be a resolution, already in the catalogue.
EPC 10-04 Resolution on GPA Computation for Graduate Program Courses (MSP 4/21/10) No PM or AM-
Will forward through PM process.
FAC 10-05 Resolution: W* Call for Action by the Senate Executive Committee (MSP 3/3/10) No PM or AM ???
Rewrite and start out with statement of intention, Vice Chair should follow up.
FAC 10-08 Resolution on the Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs (MSP 9/1/10) No PM or AM-
Sense of Senate
Michael White stood in as Acting Chair for Irene Vasquez who left the meeting for a priority commitment. Vogel discussed the RTP situation and said that there was so much to clean up. There was discussion and Vogel said that he would like to see a 1st and 2nd year mini review and then the 3rd year would be the full review.
There was discussion on the early tenure standards. Fawver said that we need department standards for unusually meritorious. We need formal feedback from Vogel. What is the standard for normal tenure?
Tenure and Promotion have independent reviews at various levels. Vogel has seen a lack of evaluation from beginning to end. Vogel has seen where early tenure has been requested with little scholarly activity and good but not unusually meritorious teaching. White said that there should be a developed directive with steps sent out to the colleges. Fawver said that her department already has standards and White asked if they could be shared. Fawver suggested a PM for every department to have RTP standards. Vogel said that other Universities have policies at the department, college and university level. Although there are college RTP committees, they are not guided by college level standards.
We talked about the agenda. We are requesting an adhoc committee to look into the RTP process, need about 5 or 6 people.
We will save the waitlist policy for next meeting.
Gasco presented EPC 10-12 which will fix the problems with FAC 09-12. It will be a first reading item at senate this week.