Back-to-School Workshop Series for Educational Interpreters
Signsfor Sports and P.E.
With Fred Farrior
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
This workshop will act as a medium for learning, sharing and discussingappropriate educational signs for sports. The focus will include appropriate technical signs, use of classifiers, fingerspelling techniques and somehands-on experience practice. This workshop will be presented in ASL; sign-to-voice interpreters will NOT be provided.
To See or Not To See?
Creative Signing Techniques
With Justin Coleman
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
This workshop will give participants an opportunity to play with ASL in creative ways. Practice exercises will include translating 2D information into 3D format, and developing techniques for use during ASL storytelling.
Signing the Pledge of Allegiance
And Star Spangled Banner
With Julie Simon
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
This workshop will provide interpreters with an opportunity to understand the nature of frozen texts and to practice interpreting the Star Spangled Banner and the National Anthem from English frozen texts into ASL and/or English-like signing.
5:45 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
All sessions will be taught in ASL. Interpreters will not be provided.
RID CEUs: Each session is worth 0.3 RID CEUsProfessional Studies
offered through The Language Door, an RID-Approved CMP & ACET Sponsor.
Pre-registration received by or on 8/10//07 – $29.95 Per Session
At-the-door or received after 8/10/07 – $39.95 Per Session – SPACE PERMITTING*
Registration cancellation must be received in writing.
Prior to or on August 10, 2007, refund less $15. After August 10, 2007, no refund
The Language DoorParksideBusinessPark,CourtyardBuilding
8285 SW Nimbus Ave. Suite 112Off Hall Blvd. at Hwy 217
Beaverton, ORPark on east side of building
For additional information, contact Julie Simon at
503-641-7950, VP or .
Fred Farrior, born deaf, holds a BA from the Oregon College of Education and a MA from WesternOregonUniversity. He taught at the OregonSchool for the Deaf for 28 years, as well as in the LaneRegionalProgramCyberSchool (ASL online courses) for 3 years, until his retirement in 2003. He currently teaches ASL classes at WOU, SouthSalemHigh School, and LinfieldCollege. Fred has served as a Board member of the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching (COFLT) and worked closely with the Oregon Legislature regarding passage of legislation in 1995 granting acceptance of ASL in meeting foreign language requirement in Oregon’s public schools.
Justin Coleman recently graduated from PortlandStateUniversity with a Master’s in Theatre Arts and holds a Bachelor’s in ASL/English Interpreting from WesternOregonUniversity. He has experience as an actor, director, scriptwriter and storyteller and was involved with Northwest Theater of the Deaf for three years and with National Theater of the Deaf. He has worked as a Deaf interpreter and translator, having translated several plays for WesternOregonUniversity and Portland Center Stage.
Julie Simon., Ph.D., CI, CT, has been an American Sign Language/English Interpreter for over 25 years and an interpreter educator for over 17 years, having taught in both pre-service and in-service settings. In March 2007, Julie opened The Language Door: An Education and Resource Network for Interpreters and Translators. Prior to that, she served for over 11 years as Administrator for the Western Region (formerly Region X) InterpreterEducationCenter at WesternOregonUniversity.
Back-to-School Workshops for Educational Interpreters
August 14, 21, 28, 2007
VP IP #:
Please sign me up for the following workshop(s):
_____ August 14, 2007 – Pre-registration cost: $29.95
_____ August 21, 2007 – Pre-registration cost: $29.95
_____ August 28, 2007 – Pre-registration cost: $29.95
Number of workshops ______at $29.95 each = $ ______
Enclosed is a check for $______, payable to The Language Door.
Pre-registration must be received by or on August 10, 2007.
Mail registration to: The Language Door, P.O. Box 23998, Tigard, OR97281-3998.