How to fix “Encountered invalid record index” error when importing a STEP file

Have you “Encountered invalid record index” when importing a STEP file into SOLIDWORKS?

Encountered invalid record index

To fix the file try the following:

  1. Deactivate “3D Interconnect” in SOLIDWORKS Options > System Options > Import
  2. Open the STEP file using text editor such as Notepad. The file will open as text.
  3. Use Search/Find, and search for: PRESENTATION_STYLE_ASSIGNMENT
    If this problematic data is found, replace it using the Search/Find & Replace command with: PRES


  1. Save the file. This parameter will now be skipped during the import’s parsing process, and thus the warning will not display and the STEP should import as expected.
  2. Retry the Import into SOLIDWORKS.

STEP File imported into SOLIDWORKS