Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, ASQ Section 1414

Vision:To be the Austin area’s leader, advocate, and visionary source of quality and progress towards excellence

Mission:To sustain and contribute our resources to the membership and community by promoting and providing professional learning, mentoring, networking and supporting quality efforts.

To seek supporters and achievers of quality endeavors and recognize their accomplishments.

To demonstrate our beliefs, we practice what we preach through internal quality initiatives aimed at continual improvement.


6/21 / 7/18 / 8/23 / 9/10 / 10/8 / 11/12 / 12/10 / 1/7 / 2/11 / 3/11 / 4/8 / 5/6 / 6/10
Chair / Francisco Russi / X / X / X / X / X
Secretary / Mike Harkins / X / X / X / X / X
Treasurer / Stephanie Reed / X / X / X / X / X / X
Vice Chair / Todd Minnick / X / X / X / X / X / X
Arrangements / Sherry Popiolek / X / X / X / X / X
Audit / Tony Perez
Education/cert / Norma Antunano / X / X / X / X / X
Examining / Forrest Breyfogle
Internet Liaison / A.J. Scotka / X / X
Membership / David Wight / X / X / X / X / X
Newsletter / Kevin Byckovski
Nominations / Francisco Russi / X
Proctor / Andrew Davison
Programs / Cindi Manning / X / X / X
Publicity / Eva Esparza / X / X / X / X
QMP / Scott Berman / X / X
Recertification / Stacy Foreman
Voice of Customer / Mark Petersen / X

Additional Attendees (this meeting): None

Meeting Location: Flextronics

Agenda Items

  1. New member introductions
  2. Action Items
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. 2012 Financial Audit
  5. 2012 Input for IRS 1099
  6. Readiness for third membership meeting (tour)
  7. Readiness for Christmas holidays dinner meeting
  8. Plans for speakers / tours at future meetings
  9. ASQ Southwest Conference 2013
  10. Round table
  11. New business

Meeting Minutes

Meeting was started at 6:26 PM on Monday, November 12, 2012.

Meeting quorum achieved. October minutes approval by email acclimation. Secretary sent out for posting.

  1. New Member Introduction: Mark Petersen was introduced. He is a project manager at Dell. He is a master black belt. He has scored the ASQ CSBB exams. He teaches the black belt program there. Mark will be the incoming VOC chair. The VOC chair generally is involved in membership surveys and what the members are looking for in terms of education, training, events, etc. Scott indicated that he has used a program called Qualtrex for surveys for the purpose of learning meeting attendee opinions. The program is free for any VOC chair to use. David Wight, the membership chair suggested that the surveys be coordinated since he is also surveying the membership.
  1. Action Items: Updated action log shown at end of these meeting minutes.
  1. Treasurer’s report: Balance is $23,904.04 as of Oct. 31.
  1. 2012 Financial Audit: Due February, 2012. Audit is for the full year through the 31st of December. Tony has to call a meeting of the audit committee before the due date. Expenses need to be turned in by the December dinner meeting. Notifications to be sent out and transportation for our treasurer is needed. Email from Francisco to define.
  1. 2012 Input for IRS 1099: The information was found and can be used for turning in to headquarters.
  1. Readiness for third membership meeting (tour of K&N Management): The following checklist was brought up and will be used for the November meeting:

1)S. Popiolek – AttendanceSlips - Done

2)C. Manning –certificate, survey (Francisco will follow-up)

3)F. Russi –laptop in case needed

4)Todd Minnick – camera for meeting

5)November Facility Tour of Rudy’s BBQ:

6)Limit of 40 people (2 groups of 20)

7)See website for details

8)RSVP required

  1. ASQ members get priority
  2. Status check on RSVP people on 11/07/12
  3. Non-ASQ people on waiting list added if openings still exist on 11/09/12
  4. RSVPs shall be collected via ‘eventbright’

9)No door prizes for this tour meeting

  1. Readiness for Christmas Holidays Dinner meeting

1)Limited to 45 persons at this time (member + 1 guest)

2)Registration is $10 only through PayPal including credit card option

3)Cash bar

4)Post on website by this weekend; AJ will work with Stephanie

  1. Plans for speakers / tours at future meetings- no update at this time.
  1. ASQ Southwest Conference: Under review by the education committee.
  1. Round Table:

1)A lesson-learned recommendation was presented to the board regarding treatment of speakers.

2)Norma talked about publicity for courses. She suggested post card publicity to members.

  1. New Business:


1)– Motion to absorb fees for reservation passed at this meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.

Secretary’s note: The action log is shown on the next page.

Current Active Action Items

Date Assigned / Owner / Action Item Description / Due Date / Status
June 21, 2012 / Norma Antunano / Work with chair and education committee to define parameters around a potential “ASQ Southwest Conference” / TBD / In progress. Board agreed to move to the Fall of 2013.
New Action Items assigned at Oct. 8 meeting
Date Assigned / Owner / Action Item Description / Due Date / Status
October 8, 2012 / Cindi Manning / Provide survey for October meeting including tour options question by / October 10, 1012 / Complete – results pending
October 8, 2012 / Todd Minnick / Update posting for November facility tour / October 12, 1012 / Complete
October 8, 2012 / Todd Minnick / Provide St David’s contact information to C Manning as possible tour option / October 12, 2012 / Complete – results pending
October 8, 2012 / Stephanie Reed / Quarterly Cash Reporting to ASQ HQ / October 20, 2012 / Complete
October 8, 2012 / Sherry Popiolek / Set up location for the December Holiday Dinner meeting / October 26, 2012 / Complete
October 8, 2012 / Cindi Manning / Schedule speaker for January / November 16, 2012 / Partially complete
October 8, 2012 / Cindi Manning / Set up location for February facility tour / November 16, 2012 / Open
October 8, 2012 / Kevin Byckovski / Publish Winter Newsletter for FY 2012-13 / November 30, 2012 / Open
October 8, 2012 / Scott Berman / Provide update on web site maintenance for Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. / Date TBD / Complete
October 8, 2012 / Cindi Manning / Purchase electronic remote for section use / Date TBD / Open
October 8, 2012 / Cindi Manning / Purchase speaker gifts and speaker certificate paper / Date TBD / Open
October 8, 2012 / Eva Esparza / Investigate contact of “Launchpad Job Club” for ASQ Refresher Courses / Date TBD / Open
New action items
Nov. 12, 2012 / Tony Perez / Call audit committee meeting / Open
Nov. 12, 2012 / All / Turn in check requests by December dinner meeting. / Open
Nov. 12, 2012 / Francisco Russi / Notify Cindi of meeting needs for November meeting / Open
Nov. 12, 2012 / Francisco Russi / Proposal for ASQ Southwestern conference details needed / Open
Nov. 12, 2012 / Francisco and Norma / Determine if the San Antonio section or other sections are willing to allow us to mail postcards on upcoming classes. Follow-up required to prepare and send post cards. / Open
Nov. 12, 2012 / Todd Minnick / Email blast on upcoming classes. / Open

Submitted by,

Mike Harkins

Section Secretary, ASQ Austin Section 1414

CC: asqaustin.org website

Electronic Vote Motion to accept meeting minutes:

Name / Vote
David Wight / Yes
Todd Minnick / Yes
Sherry Popiolek / Yes
Mike Harkins / Yes
Others / Abstain