Take Action for HB 62 and SB 235- Contact Sheet, Phone Call Talking Points, and E-mail Sample

Below is the list of legislators/elected officials to contact. They are numbered in the priority of contact so if you only have time for one call please call the first person on the list.

Priority #1

President Bill Harris - District 19

Statehouse Phone- (614) 466-8086

District Phone- (419) 281-2955

Fax- 614-752-8632


Priority #2

Senator Jim Hughes - District 16

Judiciary Criminal Justice Committee, Vice Chair

Statehouse Phone- (614) 466-5981

District Phone- (614) 267-0371

Fax- 614-466-7662


Priority #3

Senator Timothy Grendell - District 18

Judiciary Criminal Justice Committee, Chair

Statehouse Phone- (614)644-7718

District Phone- (440) 729-6145


Priority #4

Speaker Armond Budish – District 8

Statehouse Phone- (614) 466-5441

Fax- 614-719-0008


Priority #5

Governor Ted Strickland

Phone: (614) 466-3555

Visit to send an e-mail.

Phone Call Talking Points

Hello, My name is ______, and I am a member of the National Association of Social Workers, Ohio Chapter. I am calling to urge ______scheduling committee hearings and full session votes for Senate Bill 235 and House Bill 62.

SB 235 would create the offense of trafficking in persons in the State of Ohio. We are one of 6 states that does not have such a law, and we have a huge human trafficking problem, especially in Toledo. We must protect our vulnerable women and children with strong laws.

HB 62 would require relevant military experience to be considered by state licensing boards and agencies and by private state contractors. The bill would assist our Veterans as they return home after bravely serving our country to find employment.

Ohioans are counting on you passing HB 62 and SB 235. Please do the right thing for our state.

E-mail Sample

Dear Governor Strickland, Senate President Harris, Speaker Budish, Senator Grendell and Senator Hughes:

I am writing to urge the 128th General Assembly to convene this year to consider Senate Bill 235 and House Bill 62. SB 235 would create the offense of trafficking in persons in the State of Ohio and HB 62 would require relevant military experience to be considered by state licensing boards and agencies and by private state contractors.

SB 235 is in the Senate’s Judiciary Criminal Justice Committee and has wide bi-partisan support. Ohio is one of only five states that have not created an offense of human trafficking. We must protect Ohioans against labor and sex trafficking and not allow Ohio to become a destination state for perpetrators due to lax laws. Please support the legislative process for SB 235 by scheduling committee hearings and full session votes.

HB 62 is in the Senate’s State & Local Government & Veterans Affairs committee after it passed the Ohio House unanimously in December 2009. The bill would assist our Veterans as they return home after bravely serving our country to find employment. We must do all that we can to support our service men and women including the successful passage of HB 62. Please support the legislative process for HB 62 by scheduling committee hearings and full session votes.

Ohioans are counting on you passing HB 62 and SB 235. Please do the right thing for our state.