Executive Committee Meeting (Draft)

September 11, 2013

WH A420 from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.


Present: Jerry Moore, Chair; Caroline Bordinaro, Vice Chair; Matt Jones, Parliamentarian; EPC Chair, Kate Esposito; Clare Weber, FPC Chair; Pat Kalayjian and Kate Fawver, Statewide Senators and Mary Brooks.

Moore opened the meeting and said that he has received many good comments on the Senate meeting. He said that we have a couple of initiatives: 1) Should we create a resolution of support for the Office of Undergraduate Research. 2) and, Jan Gasco will have information on internationalization programs and should we have a resolution on this? It is not necessarily needed.

There was some discussion about the Office of Undergraduate Research. Esposito asked business students will be involved and who will be in charge. Moore said that Senator McGlynn was the only member of the original committee and he is also a senator. This was Former Provost Ramon Torrecilha initiative to go 9out. Kind of like a call (phone call) went out.

Weber suggested that instead of a resolution we should share discussion and let it go back to the original committee.

Moore said that with regard to internationalization, Jan will present what do we do as a follow-up. The information will be taken back to the committee working on this.

Moore asked if in 2012-2013 if it was true that no student grade appeals were processed. Esposito said yes, but because of the backlog they processed from 2011 to 2012.

There was a discussion about changing the classroom observation procedure of part-time faculty document. Moore said that a change like this should go through the senate. Moore will contact Rene Castro in Faculty Affairs.

We discussion the Agenda Items for our September 18, 2013 meeting

Fawver will bring Second Reading Item EPC 13-08 Guidelines for campus Implementation of title 5 40508 “The Bachelor’s Degree: total Units

Weber will bring First Reading Item FPC 13-09 Procedures for Hiring Full-Time Academic Administrator III and IV Positions. Weber will revise document and send it to Brooks for printing.

Larry Goldstein visited with the Exec Committee to go over what he was doing for the President.

Matt Jones, Parliamentarian gave his report. Jones said that he has had several searches he is working on. The most recent is the Search Committee for the AVP of Diversity and Equity. It is a Human Resources position.

There was a discussion about the GE Committee. Kalayjian said that she went to the first meeting and Marek Suchenak was elected as chair. Kalayjian said that Lorna Fitzsimmons is on sabbatical. Moore asked if the Chair of GE receives release time and the answer was no. Moore said that we need to get release time back.

Vice Provost Mitch Maki brought his PowerPoint presentation that he presented at senate on March 20, 2013. There was discussion on the return of GE FTES back to the departments. Maki said that there is a problem with creating new prefixes and that APDB is limited to 5 letters. The 5 options presented are from Academic Affairs. GE recommends option 1 and 2. Fawver suggested we take this again to senate. Put it on the agenda and say that we will be seeking action on a vote for 1 of the options. It’s been 3 years since the senate recommended FTES go back. Kalayjian suggested that a small committee be put together to review GE in total and make faculty recommendations. Fawver said that it should be faculty driven.

The Exec made a plan for EPC to work on a resolution incorporating one of the options and to bring it to the senate for consideration.

Jan Gasco visited and discussed the internationalization task force of 25 people on the campus. Currently DH has the lowest percentage of international students and we are working to change that. Our first meeting will be 9/24/13 and Gasco said that they will divide into sub committees. Gasco had an information sheet she passed out which is included at the end of these minutes.’

Meeting Adjourned