Rodriguez, Crystal
1.) What is obesity?
- Obesity is a medical condition where a person has excess body fat. Obesity is not a disease, it's a condition that can increase a person's risk of developing certain health problems. Having a body mass index (bmi) of more than 30 is considered obese.
2.) What's the percentage of obesity in the U.S?
- The percentage of obese adults age 20 and over is about 35.9%. Adults of age 20 and over who are considered over weight or obese is about 69.2%. Adolescents age 12-19 are 18.4% obese. This data is for people who live in the United States.
3.) Can obesity lead to any diseases?
- Obesity increases the chance to get many different diseases. For example obesity can lead to Cardiovascular disease which is a heart disease and can cause a stroke. Diabetes type 2 is another disease that obesity leads to. Obesity can lead to musculoskeletal disorders especially osteoarthritis. These diseases puts many Americans who are obese in danger.
4.) Is there a cure for obesity?
- Lifestyle changes can help with weight-loss, including cutting back on calories. Having 1,200-1,600 a day can help lose weight safely without any medical risks. Eating healthy and exercising well everyday helps a lot. Eating fruits, vegetables, and fat free or low fat dairy products can be a good way to start.
5.) What are causes to child obesity?
- A leading cause for child obesity is an unhealthy diet and eating too much junk food. Another cause is lack of exercise because kids are usually playing video games or watching tv so they're not active. Some kids might be obese by genetic factors, it's not too common but can be a reason.

Obesity Research Questions: Michael Villalobos
1.) How do you know if your child is overweight or obese?
- Doctors can most definitely inform you by checking your child's BMI which is also known as body mass index. It's used to see if their weight is appropriate for their height.
2.) Does obesity affect school performance?
- It is shown that obese students have lower test scores than the skinnier students. Obese students are most likely to get held back a year or not even attend college. (ex. Kindergarten- 5th grade obese students scored lower in math tests than their slimmer piers).
3.) What are some over eating risks?
- It can damage your physical and mental health. It can degrade your self esteem. Separate you from your social and family life. Lastly, you can end up with diabetes and heart disease.
4.) What are some treatments for obesity?
- You can make a long term plan with your doctor and make some goals. You can attend counseling and the most common treatment, just plain dieting.
5.) How can you prevent obesity?
- Most people become obese due to the lack of physical activity so one thing people should do is exercise more. They should also change their eating habits, reduce the amount of time they spend watching tv, eat slower because that gets you full faster and eat healthier foods.

Rangel, Vivian
1.) Can children under the age of 10 become obese?
- Studies show that more blacks & hispanics are obese compared to whites. More are obese between the ages of 2-19 and can be at risk of Type 2 diabetes. A big reason why this is more common is because children spend more time watching tv then they are outside enjoying the outdoors.
2.) How many pounds over do you need to be in order to be considered obese?
- It all has to do with your BMI (body mass index). This is what doctors can do to see if you're in you right weight stage. If your BMI is 25-29.9 you are overweight. If your BMI is 30 or higher you are now considered obese.
3.) What are the risks of obesity?
- Some risks are Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, gallstones and signs of heart disease.
4.) Can obesity affect your relationships with others?
- In a relationship where two people are quite big and one is bigger than the other, one feels more hopeless than the other. It can also bring down your self esteem, dignity and you'll have emotional imbalance. Your sad energy can bring everybody else down.
5.) By how many years can obesity shorten your life?
- Obesity reduces your life for approximately 3 years. Severe obesity shortens your life for a good 10 years. 10 years is how much your life would reduce if you have been smoking your whole life. (BMI: 30-35 obese ; 40-50 severe).

Alexis Torres

1) How much money does an obese person spend on healthcare?

Obese people spend $1,429 more on health insurance than people with a health weight do.

“ Harvard School of Public Health > The Obesity Prevention > Economic Cost.” The Obesity Prevention Source. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2013

2) How much does the government spend on obese people?

The government spends approximately $147 billion each year.

“HHS HealthBeat (Spetember 28, 2011).” Billions on Obesity. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2013.

3) How come diet don’t work? Or sometimes exercise?

Diet’s don’t work because they have extremely strict eating guidelines that are unrealistic. Most of these diets result in muscle loss, so your metabolism slows down. Thus causing the restriction of more calories. At a certain point the dieter can no longer sustain a stable set of mind so they quit to save themselves from physical and psychological strife. Exercise only works when you burn off more calories than you consume. In the event that the number of calories that you burned off is less than the number of calories consumed, you will gain weight.

“Heathy Michigan – Why Diets Fail.” Healthy Michigan- Why Diets Fail. N.P., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2013,4675,7-216-33084_33092_33097---,00.html

4). Any type of food should be eaten in moderation, pending on what part of the food group(s) it falls under. The amounts vary on age, se and activity level but for any person on a 2000 calorie diet, the portions should follow as such: 6 ounces of grains, 2 ½ cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruit, 3 cups of dairy, and 51/2 ounces of meat per day. Fats and oils should not be consumed often.

“How Much Do I Need to Eat?” How Much Do I Need to Eat? N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2013

5) How much does it cost to eat healthy?

For a family of four (a couple, and two offspring) the cost is about $175 per week.

Jennifer Rico

·  On average, about how many fast food advertisements are shown to minors on television per day?

v  A typical preschooler (ages 2-5) sees 2.8 TV advertisements; children (ages 6-11) see 3.5 TV ads; teenagers (12-17) see 4.7 ads per day.

http:// aspx

·  What health risks could obesity lead to?

v  Obesity could lead to: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, joint problems (osteoarthritis) sleep apnea, respiratory problems, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and psychosocial effects.

·  What is the world’s fattest country?

v  The world’s fattest country is currently Mexico with 32.8 percent of adults obese, but not far behind is The United States with 31.8 percent of adults obese.

·  How many people have died from obesity over the years?

v  Obesity has doubled since 1980. At least 2.8 million adults die from obesity each year, leading to the 5th leading risks of global deaths.

·  Are poor people more likely to be obese than wealthy people?

v  Yes, a study in Utah showed that people making $25,000 or less had 30% of adults obese compared to people making $75,000 or more who had 23% of adults obese. This could be due to lack of exercise from working too much, not being able to afford gyms or fitness centers, buying food that has more calories because it’s cheaper.

Yesenia Devora

What causes overweight and obesity? There are many causes that make obesity possible. One of many is a lack of energy balance. Lack of energy balance is when you don’t balance the food you eat because you don’t exercise.

1.  What are the health risks of overweight and obesity? Coronary Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Cancer, and many more.

2.  How can we prevent obesity? Following a healthy lifestyle can help you prevent overweight and obesity

3.  How has the childhood obesity rate changed over the years?

The percentage of the childhood obesity has skyrocketed. From the year of 1980 to 2008, in only 28 years, obesity has nearly tripled in the group ages from 18 years and under.

4.  Who is to blame for obesity? There is no reason to blame the individual because the society has motivated many people to buy fast food than vegetables. No one can say that they saw a commercial to buy carrots and tomatoes.

Guadalupe Lopez

11. How often do people eat fast food every week?

People (Americans) eat fast food about 4 to 5 (4.8) times a week. For other nations this ratio is lower: 1-3 ratios. This is due to the fact that other societies haven’t really adopted to the “American way” – our daily lifestyle. Other countries have different traditions as well as different life styles.

11 Facts HYPERLINK ""AboutHYPERLINK "" American Eating Habits | Do Something "file:///E:/"outHYPERLINK "file:///E:/"-HYPERLINK "file:///E:/"americanHYPERLINK "file:///E:/"-HYPERLINK "file:///E:/"eatingHYPERLINK "file:///E:/"-habits

11 Facts About American Eating Habits. Recommend . Tweet Widget , , , , , , , , , ,

12. How much health care does obesity cost?

•  As a nation the “ U.S. spends as much as $147 billion annually on the costs of obesity, CDC squ” (indirect medical costs)

-In 2006obesity accounted for 9.1% of medical spending’s”

•  “People who are obese spend almost $1,500 more each yr. on health care”

-…almost 41% more than an average weight person.

Fact Check: The cost of obesity - "file:///E:/"HEALTHHYPERLINK "file:///E:/"/02/09/fact.check.HYPERLINK "file:///E:/"obesityHYPERLINK "file:///E:/"/index.html

Feb 09, 2010 · The White House on Tuesday unveiled its campaign to fight childhood obesity. First lady Michelle Obama is spearheading the effort.

The Cost of Obesity: $147 Billion Per Year, Almost 10 Percent of U ... › Health

Jul 28, 2013 · Obesity in the United States now carries the hefty price tag of $147 billion per year in direct medical costs, just over 9 percent of all medical spending ...

13. What are some solutions to control obesity, have they helped?

Solutions to control obesity include: exercising, dieting (going on diets), taking pills, and surgery. These solutions aren’t very effective due to every one’s different body. The solutions mentioned above take a lot of time in one way or another include dedication/effort and can damage your health if done incorrectly, as well as hurt your pocket.

Helpful tips to control obesity - The Problem of Obesity

Diet Some people go on dieting or very strict diet regime to control obesity but that is not safe solution ... they are low in fat content. Some ... and good health. ...

Weight Loss Surgery HYPERLINK ""HYPERLINK "" The Most Effective Solution To HYPERLINK ""Obesity ...

www.HYPERLINK "file:///E:/"obesitycontrolHYPERLINK "file:///E:/"

Weight loss surgery can be a life-changing solution for those ... we list some of the most common and effective bariatric ... The Obesity Control Center is the ...

Home Remedies for Obesity, Causes of Obesity, Treatment "file:///E:/"obesityHYPERLINK "file:///E:/".htm

Home remedies for Obesity: Information on Obesity Treatment, Obesity Causes and Obesity Symptoms

Natural ways to prevent obesity | Obesity Facts HYPERLINK ""

Healthy diet to prevent obesity. Eat plenty ... Walking is the best exercise that every body can do. ... Get off from the bus one or two stops before your destination.

14. How has the solution helped?

The solutions mentioned above can help to stop people from becoming more obese. Depending on your body and what solution you choose can also make you not obese. Also different methods can help prevent others from becoming obese as well as encourage other obese people to try these methods. Spreading the word to others about solutions that have worked to stop/ end you from being obese also creates new “much effective” methods, and “inspires” others.

Preventing Obesity - Western Washington University HYPERLINK ""

Jul 6, 2010 - Activities of Daily Living (ADL); Diet; Non-exercise Activity ... Further, exercise can help prevent obesity from hypokinesis (lack of regular physical activity). ... and the decrease in HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) that is ...

Helpful tips to control obesity - The Problem of Obesity

Preventing Childhood Obesity: Tips for Parents › Resources for Child Care Staff and Parents HYPERLINK ""

The most important strategies for preventing obesity are healthy eating behaviors, regular physical activity, and reduced sedentary activity (such as watching ...

Exercise Without Diet Not Enough To Prevent Childhood Obesity HYPERLINK "/search?biw=792&bih=478&"

Oct 6, 2006 - Exercise Without Diet Not Enough To Prevent Childhood Obesity .... All opinions are moderated before being included (to stop spam).

15. does fast food really have part in saying that it’s part of the cause of the obeisity problem/who are it’s companions?

Everyone likes to blame obesity on fast food but really the fast food chain has its companions. One of the fast food chains best friends is the American Life style” our own society Our society is focused on the working the whole day sitting down on a chair next to a desk and not having any time to cook something g when we get home. The time limit forces people to consume fast food.