Executive Board Conference Call
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Present: Mark Maki, Loretta Shelley, Kathryn Castelloes, Lewis Brown, Bev Donati, Glen Forman.
President Mark Maki called the meeting to order.
Mark shared information on his meeting with John Ladd and Ron Johnson prior to ACA meeting. The discussion centered on the revised 29-29, but also included a discussion on relationships between NASTAD and OA National Office. John thought that reciprocity and deregistration issues could be reconciled to reach a middle ground. If a NASTAD member has an issue with a piece of their continued recognition, they need to develop a rational justification and submit it to OA; be sure to site state law and give some history. OA might be able to reach a compromise. OA sounded more proactive and want to make things right. Mark reminded OA they’ve got a lot of irons in the fire that they will need state cooperation on; they won’t get it at this point. People are having a difficult time dealing with all the compliance issues and not reaching a middle ground. If they want to have a unified national apprenticeship system, they aren’t going to get there if they continue to deal with the “small issues”.
Mark talked with OA about having NASTAD – OA webinars on specific issues. In addressing the state councils with statute authority, they didn’t have a lot of room to give. 29-29 requires an ongoing government-driven entity that has solvency to be the recognized registration agency. Councils don’t register apprentices; government agencies do. So that is the authority they will recognize.
Mark suggested we start up an OA-NASTAD E-Board conference call like we used to have through the former Partnership Team. OA will consider it.
Mark also attended the ACA Meeting. The current ACA has much more experience and a better relationship with Registered Apprenticeship than previous committees. They discussed the cost effectiveness of RA and return on investment of RA. Various under secretaries spoke. There was a discussion on the 75th anniversary of registered apprenticeship. OA is looking at an August 16, 2012 ACA meetingand then vendor displays at the National Mall in DC. OA is trying to get congress to make a proclamation for the 75thanniversary. Mark suggested sending the states a set of guidelines on suggestions for what they could voluntarily do in their states to recognize the75th anniversary.
Regarding 29-30, OA is looking for a spring release in the Federal Register. It could be sometime between now and May. There was not much discussion on it.
Loretta gave a report on NASTAD membership. Second and Third notices have been sent to states who are not current on their dues. A report on the accounts was also given as follows:
Check book balance $28,020.13
Credit union $5,544.63
As there are a number of members who dues are not current, it was suggested that Glen identify those states as “affiliate members” on the NASTAD website. We do not want to shun any members but until dues are up to date, affiliate members will not have the right to vote or voice an opinion on NASTAD issues. The door is always open for a states’ return to active membership.
E-Board members were asked to develop a couple of survey questions to be sent to NASTAD members via a Survey Monkey.
The NASTAD 2012 Conference will be held the week of August 5 – 10in Louisville, KY.
The NASTAD Website was discussed. Members are being asked to send items of interest directly to Glen to be added.
The conference call was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Loretta Shelley