Alison E. Regan
University of Utah 11668 Harvest Crest Way
J. Willard Marriott Library South Jordan, UT 84095
Research and Learning Services 801-502-4611
295 South 1500 East Rm. 2110N
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0495
University of Maryland-College Park, (expected 2012) M.L.I.S.
University of Pennsylvania, B.A. (1986), English, with honors.
University of Pennsylvania, M.S.Ed. (1986), Secondary Education.
University of TexasAustin, M.A. (1991), English.
University of TexasAustin, Ph.D. (1996), English.
Associate Librarian, Head of Education Services, University of Utah Marriott Library (2011-present).
Acting Head, Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Utah Marriott Library (2011-present).
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Communication and University Writing Program, University of Utah (2010-present).
Associate Librarian, Head of Scholarship & Education Services, University of Utah Marriott Library (2010-2011).
Faculty Outreach Fellow and Head, Technology Assisted Curriculum Center, University of Utah Marriott Library (2002-2008).
Visiting Assistant Professor of Writing, University of Utah Writing Program (1999-2001).
Faculty Instructional Design Consultant, University of Utah Technology Assisted Curriculum Center (2000-2001).
Assistant Professor of English, University of Hawaii at Manoa (19951999).
Assistant Instructor of English, University of Texas at Austin (198995).
Writing Specialist, Office of the Dean of Students Summer Program, UT-Austin (199193).
Instructor, Ethnic Literature, University of CaliforniaBerkeley PreCollege Academy (1987-90).
Teacher, Middle School English, Hamlin School, San Francisco (198889).
Teacher, High School English, History, and Math, Olympic Valley School, Squaw Valley, (198788).
Regan, Alison, Susan Romano and Beth E. Kolko. Writing In An Electronic World: Communities, Culture and Composition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. 2000.
Regan, Alison, Stephen Dobranski and Elizabeth BurowFlak. Student Guide to FirstYear Writing. New York: McGrawHill, 1994.
Chapters in Books:
Regan, Alison. and John. Zuern. "Making the Virtual Real: University-Community Partnerships." In Beth Kolko (Ed.), Virtual Publics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.
Regan, Alison. "'Type Normal Like the Rest of Us': Writing, Power and Homophobia in the Networked Composition Classroom." Situating College English: Lessons from an American University. Ed. Evan Carton and Alan Friedman. New York: Greenwood P, 1996.181191.
Regan, Alison. "'Type Normal Like the Rest of Us': Writing, Power and Homophobia in the Networked Composition Classroom." Tilting the Tower. Ed. Linda Garber. New York: Routledge, 1994. 154167.
Regan, Alison, and James Kinneavey. "Contemporary Rhetoric: Women's Studies/Gender Studies" The Present State of Scholarship in Historical and Contemporary Rhetoric. Ed. Winifred Bryan Homer. Columbia: U Missouri P, 1990. 206208.
Regan, Alison E. and Sheldon Walcher. "Environmentalist Approaches to Portals and Course Management Systems." Portals and Libraries. Ed Sarah Michalak.New York: Haworth Press, 2005.
Regan, Alison E. and Sheldon Walcher. "Environmentalist Approaches to Portals and Course Management Systems." Journal of Library Administration 43:1/2 (2005).
Malloy, Thomas E., Gary C. Jensen, Alison Regan and Mary Reddick, "Open Courseware and Shared Knowledge in Higher Education." Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers 32.2 (2002): 200-203.
Regan, Alison and John Zuern "Community Service Learning, Advanced Writing Instruction, and Technology Training: The "Going to Class, Getting OnLine and Giving Back: University of Hawaii Students Building Community Information Networks" Project. Computers and Composition. (August, 2000).
Regan, Alison. "Rhetoric and Political Process in the HillThomas Hearings." Political Communication 11 (1994): 17785.
Regan, Alison. "'Type Normal Like the Rest of Us': Writing, Power and Homophobia in the Networked Composition Classroom." Computers and Composition 10.4 (1993): 1123.
(With the HyperCard Collective) Written Argumentation. Santa Barbara, CA: Intellimation Library for the Macintosh, 1993.
"Promises, Problems, and Politics: The History of Rhetoric, English Studies, and Writing Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin, 18831994."
Committee: Linda FerreiraBuckley (Director), Lester Faigley, James Kinneavy, Jerome Bump, Winifred Bryan Homer.
“Models of Information Literacy Instruction: Upper vs. Lower Level: When is the Best Time to Reach Students?” (Debate Moderator) Utah Library Association Conference, Layton UT, May 2011.
“Teaching Digital Storytelling” (with Anthony Sams) Digital Scholarship Fair, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2010.
“ACRL Visual Literacy Standards and the University of Utah VITL Project.” Webinar for Art Libraries Society of North America, November 2010.
"Institutional Context in Histories of Rhetoric and Composition." Rhetoric Society of America. Pittsburgh, PA, June, 1998.
"Only Connect": Community Service, Communitybased Computer Education, and Technology-Intensive Composition Courses." Computers and Writing Conference. Gainesville, FL, June, 1998.
"Adding Value to Volunteerism: Community Service Learning in Higher Education." Governor's Conference on Volunteerism. Honolulu, HI, March, 1998.
"Outreach on Line: The Going to Class, Getting Online, and Giving Back Project." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL, March 1998.
"Graduate Student Writing Program Administrators: Negotiating Conflicting Roles." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, WI, March, 1996.
"Research Issues in Composing a Case History of Institutional Politics and Practices." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Washington, D.C., March, 1995.
"Ethics and Politics in the Writing Classroom from John Witherspoon to Robert Bellah: Teaching and Critiquing the Communitarians." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Nashville, March, 1994.
"Fortunate and Unfortunate Travelers in Electronic Space." Computers and Writing Conference. Ann Arbor, May, 1993.
"A Brief History of Journal Keeping and a Review of Contemporary Expressive Writing Pedagogy." California Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, March, 1993.
"Composing Community over the Internet: Some Reflections on Distance Teaching." Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Diego, March, 1993.
"Advice on Training Graduate Student Instructors." University of Texas Orientation for Graduate Faculty Teaching E 398T (Teaching Methods for Graduate Student Instructors). Austin, July, 1994.
"Technology in the English Department." College of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics Showcase for Prospective Students." October, 1998.
"Internet Research for Graduate Students and English Studies Professionals. "April, 1998.
"Service Learning." Presentation to English Department Faculty. December, 1997.
"The Role of Responsibilities of the Written Student Media on Campus." Represented the Faculty Senate in a forum sponsored by the Campus Center Board. October, 1997.
"Teaching in a Networked Environment." Office of Faculty Development and Support Teaching and Technology Series. November, 1996.
"Smashing Abstracts: Writing Effective Summaries for Conference Applications" (For Graduate Students.) October, 1996.
"Writing in Graduate School and the Workplace: Old Technologies, New Technologies" (Writing Workshop for new graduate students in the School of Public Policy.) September, 1996.
"The Web, English Studies, and Us" Presentation to English Department faculty and students. October, 1996.
"Teaching English using a Local Area Network" Presentation to English Department faculty and students. March, 1996.
"Internet Resources for English Studies" Presentation to English Department faculty and students . April, 1996.
"Teaching Languages Using the Daedalus Integrated Learning Environment" October, 1995. Workshop for the College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature.
"Constructive Building of Networked Learning Environments: The Possibilities and Realities of Virtual Space Learning." Honolulu, HI. Ka Hui Heluhelu Literacy Conference. October, 1995. Workshop for K12 teachers and librarians.
Undergraduate Courses:
Digital Storytelling
Professional Writing
Expository writing
Intermediate Expository Writing
Technical Writing
Advanced Expository Writing
Written Argumentation
Rhetoric, Composition & Computers
Sexual Identity in Literature
Critical Approaches to Literature
The Rhetorical Tradition.
Rhetoric and Composition for High School Teachers
Senior Seminar: Ethics, Rhetoric, Law, and Literature
Digital Storytelling
Graduate Courses:
Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric
The Profession of English
Writing for Publication (for Humanities and Social Sciences)
Writing for Publication (for Sciences and Engineering)
Teaching Colloquium: Professional Writing
Digital Storytelling
Writing for Electronic Publication
Library Workshops:
Microsoft Word
Intro to HTML
Endnote, Endnote Web
Research Databases
Creating a Lit Review
Publishing 101 for Grad Students
Habits of Successful and Prolific Scholarly Writers
Course Integrated Instruction for:
Writing 2010
Writing 1010
Educational Psychology
Mechanical Engineering
Social Work
GRANTS and other funding:
2011 UTA Fellowship awarded to Fiona Harris-Rambsy for work on the VITL project.
2008 UTA Fellowship (written with Alfred Mowdood) awarded to Pattie Dunn, for patron training on statistical software and using data sets.
2003 Library Services and Technology Act Grant "My My Marriott—Personalizing Library Services to Suit Individual Needs" ($50,000)
2004 UTA Fellowship awarded to Sheldon Walcher for work at TACC and on the Scholar’s Portal
TACC Fellowship for developing Writing 2010 Online Content. (2001: $5,000)
"English and Technology 100." 199697 President's Educational Improvement Fund. ($10,735.00)
"Going to Class, Getting online and Giving Back: University of Hawaii Students Building
Community Information Networks." Seed Money. (1995: $10,000)
Center for English Studies Technology. Women's Campus Club. (1995: $2500)
2001 Ellen Nold Award for the Best Article of the Year in Computers and Composition.
Thomas Gething Award for Service Learning, University of Hawaii, 1998. (With John Zuern; selected for this award from among faculty on ten U.H. system campuses).
University of TexasAustin Teaching Excellence Award, 1990.
Professional Service:
CoChair, 1997 Computers and Writing Conference, Honolulu, HI.
CCCC Convention Concerns Committee (199798)
Reviewer, Journal of Advanced Composition.
Reviewer, Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting Granting Agencies.
Reviewer, SAGE Publications Reading/Writing/ Rhetoric Software.
Reviewer, University of West Virginia Grants for Public Service.
Library/Departmental/University Service:
University of Utah:
Faculty Senate 2010-2013
Student Behavior Committee 2010-2013
University Press Advisory Board 2010-2013
Innovation Program Enrichment Grant Committee, member 2007-8, chair 2008-9
Hiring Committees for the Library, University Writing Program, and Student Services 2003-present
Chair, Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, 2003-05 (Member 2002-2009)
Chair, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center Advisory Board 2004-2007
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center Advisory Board 2003-2005 (Member 2002-2009)
Chair, Marriott Library Diversity Committee 2002-2003
Member, Marriott Library Serials Working Group 2003-2204
University of Hawaii:
Faculty Senate Representative 19971999.
University Council on Articulation (19981999).
Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Service (19981999).
Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Planning and Policy (199798).
Vice President/Vice Chancellor Eastman's University of Hawaii Standards Committee (199697).
The Virtual University Committee (1997).
Department of English Advising Committee (19951999).
Department of English Hiring Committee (19961999).
Department of English Composition Committee (19951999).
Department of English Policy Committee (19961999).
Department of English ComputerMediated Communication Committee (19951999).
Department of English World Wide Web Page Committee (19951999t).
College of Languages, Literature and Linguistics Language Telecom Advisory Committee (1996-1999).
University of Hawaii ComputerMediated Pedagogy Committee (19951999).
Consultant, Summer Session Distance Learning Project (19961999t).
Consultant, "Learning Library Skills Through the Web" Project (19961999).
Acting Head of Instruction, University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library, Spring 2004.
Supervisor, University of Utah Writing Program Distance Education Courses, 1999-2001.
CoDirector, University of Hawaii Center for English Studies Technology, 19971999.
Interim Director, Critique Computer Lab. University of Hawaii Department of English. Fall 1995.
Assistant Program Coordinator, 1995 Conference on College Composition and Communication. Worked with Program Chair Lester Faigley and the National Council of Teachers of English to plan and organize the conference program. Responsible for development of comprehensive database as well as management of blind review of over 2,100 proposals.
Assistant Director of University of Texas Lower Division English, 199293. Observed classes, supervised new teachers, and helped advise over ninety graduate student assistant instructors.
Curriculum Coordinator, University of Texas Student Success Program, 1993. Developed Curriculum and trained writing teachers working in a retention program for atrisk minority students.
Research Assistant, University of Texas Computer Writing and Research Lab, three semesters. Conducted research in ComputerMediated Communication, developed hypertextual teaching documents and assisted students and instructors working in networked IBM and Macintosh classrooms.
University Mentor for University of Texas Student Success Program, 199293. Served as advisor and university liaison for atrisk minority students.
President, University of TexasAustin Association of Graduate Students in English, 199091.
Utah Interactive <>
· Advised on matters of web design, information design, content, grammar and style. (Utah Interactive managed the information and e-commerce web sites for the State of Utah.)
Salt Lake City Corporation.
· Taught professional writing workshops for city workers. Prepared document templates for the mayor’s office and consulted with employees on matters of document presentation and design.
Western Governor’s University. <>
· Member of the Liberal Arts Council 1999-present
Pearson Higher Education Media Group.
· Review and evaluate electronic learning environments.