Exec Voting Members:  Kathy Schultz,  Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson,  Brian Sanders

Rsrc/Lsn MembersKlaus Tenbergen,Melissa Raby,  Joe Ryan, Raelene Juarez, Bella Lacazotte, Lesley Mitchavy, Marnie Shively

Full Members: Melissa Colon,  Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Joe Manlove

Others Invited:

Approval of Minutes: April 12, and September 20, 2016

Call to order: 3:00 pm

Action: Move to approve the minutes from September 20th and April 12, 2016 as amendedM/S/P (Schultz/Olson/Pfleging VOTES FOR:Pfleging, Schultz)

Action: Move to amend the agenda to add the C-ID SPCOM Columbia/MJC to the agenda M/S/P (Pfleging/Schultz/OlsonVOTES FOR: Pfleging, Schultz, Olson)

Information Items:

1. Catalog Addendum Kathy Schultz

  • We had agreed that the addendum will go out at the end of June but, this year, it was decided to extend the deadline to be able to add 2 transferable degrees, CHEM and BIOL. These 2 degrees were not approved at the Chancellor’s Office until recently.
  • 3 other modifications were also waiting for final approval at the Chancellor Office but, the committee decided not to wait any longer, and to go ahead and get the addendum published
  • Several modifications to the addendum draft were made:
  • 2 minor changes from the Academic Senate in the GE CSU Breadth
  • Added AS-Ts to CHEM and BIOL
  • Language Art Emphasis in Communication
  • Degree audits will be honored the way they are built in the original catalog, the changes in the addendum will not affect the students already enrolled for this year.
  • Bella will post the addendum online, and send a PDF to all the counselors.

Discussion Items

2. Audits and Clean up Kathy Schultz

  • Records must be accurate at the Chancellor’s Office.Our Financial Aid Office turns in a report of certificates and degrees for which we want students to receive financial aid. Those Federal data base records must match the Chancellor’s Office records to be approved.
  • After looking at the CC programs list, Kathy Schultz found out that there are numerous non-substantial changes that have not be processed at the State Chancellor Office level
  • Decision needs to be made on what to do with these non-substantial changes that haven’t been processed
  • If it is decided to update those records, we may be asked, before being approved, to provide information we no longer have
  • Chancellor is not asking Colleges to update their records before the migration over to their new system
  • Before deciding if we need to update our records prior to the migration, questions need to be asked of the Chancellor’s Office before taking any step forward. Answers need to be clear from the Chancellor’s Office on the consequences of updating our records if we cannot provide the requested information
  • Maybe ask if we can just change the units, to be accurate, without having to bring more information
  • If we don’t update, as far as Letitia Miller knows, Chancellor Office, takes data from our catalog, and doesn’t look at the old records
  • Most of the non-substantial changes are units, some course’s name, program’s name changes
  • Some items have nothing in their COR, fixing all these records would take a tremendous amount of time
  • Dr. Sanders reiteratedCurricUNET should be our base, as it is the most accurate database we have.
  • Dr. Sanders believes that five-way audit, between databases is needed to bring and keep records up-to-date
  • Decision was to not attempt to correct non-substantial changes prior to the CO move to the new database

3. COCI (Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory) MigrationKathy Schultz

  • Time line:
  • Pilot Colleges
  • Early adopters
  • Final wave
  • Maybe Columbia could be in the early adopters. Dr. Sanders thinks it may be very challenging to be in the early adopters due to all our staffing changes.
  • Kathy Schultz has the impression that action will be taken on all the items sent to CO during the migration, as the Chancellor Office wants to meet its deadline

4. CurricUNET programing changesKathy Schultz

  • As soon as we have a space for it, we could add the program SLOs into CurricUNET.
  • Dr. Sanders announced that an additional staff will be hired (Grant funded) to help with SLOs, and data entry
  • If Governet cannot provide a space for the program SLOs, faculty will keep on adding the Program SLOs in the description.
  • Some Program SLOs have been added in the descriptive some have been added in the narrative, in the past
  • Governet need to make immediate changes:
  • must remove the “/activity”(Lab/Activity)
  • Must change the repeatability criteria on the cover sheet
  • Introductory phrase for the SLOs on the print out of the COR and Programs

4. C-ID SPCOM Columbia/MJC Elizabeth Pfleging

  • When CC turned in SPCOM class to match descriptor, it was matched to C-ID descriptor 180 while, MJC went with C-ID descriptor 115
  • CC and MJC have an agreement that classes are the same but, C-ID are different which could bring some confusions
  • Maybe SPCOM classes have evolved to be different, resulting in different C-ID results
  • A meeting should be organized between CC. and MJC to facilitate a discussion on course equivalency. Dr. Sanders will schedule and facilitate this meeting.

Adjourn 4:00Olson

Next Curriculum Meeting September 20, 2016 in Buckeye 4 from 2:40-4:30pm

October 4, 2016 EXEC CC Minutes 1