V. SEPT 12

Contingency Engineer Management Course


This pretest serves several purposes. The first is to let you, the student, know what your entry level of contingency engineering knowledge is prior to entering the Contingency Engineer Management Course (CEMC). A similar test will be given at the conclusion of the course – the posttest. The delta between the two tests will serve to let you know what knowledge and aptitude have been gained through the instruction.

The CEMC course cadre will also use this information to shape your class, as well as all subsequent classes. Shaping will orient around areas where students appear to be particularly strong or particularly weak. Also, students who excel in a particular area on the pretest may be asked to assist in the course instruction.

This test is not scored or graded as a means to determine student success or failure in the course, but, rather as a means of helping to identify to the student focus areas, as well as to shape the course, so that students get the best instruction possible.

Please proceed to the next page, after filling out the information below, and take the 25 pretest questions.



Unit of Assignment:

Potential Deployment Date:

Deployment Area:

Previous Deployments to Named Operations and Positions Held:

CEMC Class Attending (show dates):


V. February 2012

1.  Yes or No – You have a requirement to add an additional guard tower to a facility currently under a construction contract. Can the work be funded with appropriations used to fund the original contract, even if they are expired?

2.  True or False – It is appropriate under the Joint Ethics Regulation to write a letter of recommendation in your official capacity endorsing a contractor that has successfully completed a construction project.

3.  Select the answer that best completes the following sentence: The Purpose of master planning is to______.

a.  Update CAPCES database and fully integrate turnkey operations into the planning process

b.  Serve as a construction document

c.  Integrate requirements into a long-term vision for camp development.

d.  Transition a camp from temporary to semi-permanent construction standards.

4.  What is the dollar threshold for contingency construction funded with Operations and Maintenance Funds for non-life, health, and safety work that has been delegated to the heads of the Service Departments?

5.  True or False – Work classification is critical to determining the correct appropriation to use for a construction project.

6.  In general, a minimum distance of ____ is used as a safety radius from munitions. (select one best answer):

a.  50’

b.  250’

c.  750’

d.  1250’

e.  1950’

7.  True or False - Military Construction laws and regulations do not apply to construction that is incidental to performance of a LOGCAP service, like a Dining Facility being constructed in support of a feeding contract, since the Government already awarded the LOGCAP contract and the contractors are prequalified?

8.  During what step of the Project Life Cycle does master planning typically occur?(select one best answer):

a.  Planning and Programming

b.  Acquisition

c.  Construction

d.  Post Construction

e.  Operations and Maintenance

f.  All the above

9. Which of the following organizations is typically responsible for writing, updating, and maintaining the base Master Plan?

a. Base Operations Staff (S3/C3/G3)


c. Base Safety

d. LOGCAP Contractor

10. Fire Protection is (select one best answer)?

a.  The responsibility of the SAA

b.  Is a BOS-I responsibility

c.  USARCENT Engineer staff responsibility

d.  Not required in the CENTCOM AOR

e.  Controlled by Force Protection Office

11. True or False – Timely response by the entire Project Delivery Team reduces contract costs?

12. True or False – The Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD) is defined as the customer’s need date. BOD allows the customer to use and possess the facility (or portion thereof) prior to construction completion?

13. True or False – there are no enduring posts/camps/stations in Afghanistan; post 2014 all installations shall be turned over to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan?

14. Knowing the operational constraints on base will prevent encroachment of (select one best answer):

a.  Antiterrorism force protection (AT/FP) standoffs

b.  Airfield imaginary surfaces

c.  Explosive safety quantity distance arcs

d.  All of the above

15. True or False - Both DoD and USCENTCOM have identified a Lead DoD Construction Agent (LDCA) (normally USACE, AFCEE, or NAVFAC) for all countries within the USCENTCOM Area of responsibility. The local USACE Field Office can change the LDCA from that designated in DoD and USCENTCOM directives provided that the change makes sense, and will save money?

16. The ___ provides the forum for the base leadership to make comprehensive, balanced decisions for the future growth of base facilities and infrastructure.

a. Senior Airfield Authority (SAA)

b. Base Operation Support-Integrator (BOS-I)

c. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)

d. Base Camp Planning Board (BCPB)

17. True or False – The PRT program is a priority joint Department of State (DOS)/ Department of Defense (DOD) Initiative to bolster moderates, support U.S. counterinsurgency strategy, and to hasten the transition to self-sufficiency?

18. In order for CCA to be considered for approval by the Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), submitted requests must meet all of the section 2808 criteria EXCEPT which of the following:

a. The construction is necessary to meet urgent military operational requirements of a temporary nature involving the use of Armed Forces in support of a declaration of war, the declaration by the President of a national emergency under section 201 of the National Emergencies Act, or a contingency operation.

b. The construction is required within 90 days of identification of need, and the first General Officer in the chain of command has provided written project and funding approval.

c. The construction is not carried out at a military installation where the United States is reasonably expected to have a long term presence.

d. The level of construction is the minimum necessary to meet the temporary operational requirements.

19. True or False – in Master Planning, the acronym BOS-I stands for Battlefield Operating System for Installations?

20. True or False – construction in a contingency environment does not have to be built to US DoD and USCENTCOM Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) standards because we are at war?

21. True or False – the contingency construction authorization from US Congress allows the first Flag Officer in the chain of command to approve the use of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funds up to $1.5M US Dollars for any projects whose sole purpose it is to correct an existing Life-Health-Safety deficiency?

22. True or False – The missions of the US Department of State and the US Department of Defense in Afghanistan are purposely kept separate and distinct so as to NOT allow the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Heads of Ministries play the US military operation against the US political objectives provided in the US National Security Strategy?

23. True or False – Master Planning for any contingency location that possesses a fixed-wing airfield or runway is the responsibility of the US Air Force (or Air Force component)?

24. Which list BEST describes what should be separated out from each camp’s solid waste stream?

a. Hazardous waste, hazardous materials, medical waste, munitions.

b. Hazardous waste, DFAC waste, medical waste, munitions.

c. Hazardous waste, hazardous materials, medical waste, munitions, cardboard.

d. Hazardous waste, hazardous tree’s, medical waste water, recyclable clothes.

25. True or False - US Army Corps of Engineers Contingency Real Estate Teams (CREST) can purchase land and/or real estate in support of US military operations?

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