Minutes of the Corner Canyon High School Meeting Held February 2, 2017, in the Counseling Center Conference Room.
Present: Malisa Bowen, Heather Burton – Chair, Kelli Davey, Wayne Dittmore, Daniela Dulger – Vice Chair, Bruce Eschler – Assistant Principal, Heidi Grimshaw, Amy Hardcastle – Counselor, Darrell Jensen – Principal, Melanie Knaphus, Lisa McDonald, Kimberly Miller, Kathryn Myers, Robin Perry, Brenda Staples, Britt Thompson, Jan Williams, and Amy Zaharis.
Excused: Donna Dawson and Susan Edwards
Staff: Kathy Hilton
- Welcome
Heather welcomed all in attendance. She called the meeting to order at 5:05pm. She informed the SCC members that Kristin Kelly had resigned from the SCC.
- SCC Business
- Review and vote on approval of minutes
The SCC members reviewed the minutes.
Motion: Kathryn Meyers made the motion to accept the minutes as amended. Motion was seconded by Malisa Bowen.
Vote:18 – 0 (Vote unanimous)
- Assure all information on SCC roster is accurate.
The SCC roster was sent around so all SCC members in attendancecould check their contact information and make corrections if needed.
- Counseling Corner – Amy Hardcastle
Amy reported that the Charger Fair/Freshman Orientation was a great success.There were many parents and students in attendance. Registration info and Course Catalogs were given to parent and students in attendance. The students who were not in attendance their information was taken to Draper Park Middle School. New Students were given information when they registered.
The Counselors will be going to the Sophomore English Classes on February 6th and February 9th, to hand out course request. All registration is on line. After course request are in the administration will build “The Board”. (The Board is the all teacher’s schedules for next year.)
Juniors will be taking the ACT Test on February 28, 2017. It will be late start for all other students. The ASVAB Test is optional this year. The school may have 20 – 30 student taking the AVBAB Test. AP Testing will be May 1st thru May 12th. Students may only sign up for AP Test on-line. Registration for the AP Test is February 13, 2017 thru March 12, 2017. AP Test are $98.00 each. The cost of the AP Test will go up to $120.00 if paid for after March 12, 2017. There will also be mandatory pre-registration meetings for all student taking an AP Test. This process will help the students the day of their AP Test. It takes about 45 minutes to pre-register for each AP Test. The Counseling Center will send home a letter with information for all testing.
- School Improvement Plan – Darrell Jensen/Bruce Eschler
- Review progress – 2016 -2017
- Review timeline for 2017 – 2018 goals
- LAND Trust – Darrell Jensen/Bruce Eschler
- Review progress for 2016 – 2017
- Review timeline for 2017 – 2018 Plan
- Formation of subcommittee to work on 2017 – 2018 LAND (Learning and Nurturing Development) Trust Plan which is due March 16, 2017 – Heather Burton
The administration review the CSIP timeline.
- On February 6th the admin and achievement coaches met with the district in the triumvirate meeting draft the CSIP goals.
- On February 7th the BLT reviews and gives input on the goals.
- On February 10th the faculty will provide additional input on the goals in a faculty PD.
- SSC CSIP and LAND Trust Sub Committee met with the administration and achievement coaches to provide input on the SCIP and start drafting the LAND Trust goals.
- The SCC CSIP and LAND Trust Sub-Committee will report back on the CSIP and LAND Trust in the next SCC meeting.
Bruce Eschler also discussed that the school is interested in moving away from SAGE data for CSIP and LAND Trust and to the percentage of students who meet benchmark in ACT sub-test (Math, English, Science, and Reading). Currently, 70% CCHS students meet the English benchmark and between 43% and 50% of students meet the other benchmarks.
Bruce Eschler reviewed possible LAND Trust priorities and allocations for next year based on the previous year’s LAND Trust and input from the teachers and the administration. This document is attached to the notes and represents suggestions for the school to the SCC.
The LAND Trust and CSIP subcommittee members are Darrell Jensen, Bruce Eschler, Kristian Miskin, Kathryn Myers, Heidi Grimshaw, Susan Edwards, and Heather Burton.
- Other Items –
- Discussion and decision on continuance of facilities subcommittee
The SCC discussed the pros and cons of the facilities subcommittee.
Motion:Robin Perry made the motion to dissolve the facilities subcommittee. The motion was seconded by Amy Zaharis.
Vote: 17 – 0 (Vote unanimous – Amy Hardcastle was excused for the remainder of the meeting.)
- Discussion and possible vote upon proposed amendments to SCC Bylaws – Heather Burton.
After some discussion a motion was made.
Motion: Kathryn Myers made the motion to form a subcommittee to study the SCC Bylaws and bring back suggested changes to the April 14, 2017 SCC Meeting. The motion was seconded by Daniela Dulger.
Vote: 15 – 0 (Vote unanimous – Amy Hardcastle Kimberly Miller, and Brenda Staples, were excused for the remainder of the meeting.)
The SCC Bylaw subcommittee members are Heather Burton, Daniela Dulger, and Malisa Bowen.
- Other –
Darrell Jensen
- Wayne Dittmore was thanked for a very successful Charger Fair
- Tony Cannon will be honored at the CCHS vs Alta Boys Basketball game
- 15 of our students will be going back to Washington DC for the Inauguration
- The school will be having college signing day for some of our students
- Drill Team placed first at Region VII Competition – will compete at State
- Cheer placed first at Region VII Competition – will compete at State
- Girls Swim Team placed first at Region VII Competition
Boys Swim Team place second at Region VII Competition
Our region will be changing next year. Corner Canyon High School willbe in Region VII with Alta High, Brighton High, Cottonwood High, Jordan High, and Timpview High.
- Adjourn – Next Meeting: Thursday, March 2, 2017 @ 5:00pm
Motion: Daniela Dulger made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Bruce Eschler.
Vote: 15 – 0 (Vote unanimous – Amy Hardcastle, Kimberly Miller, and Brenda Staples, were excused for the remainder of the meeting.)
Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm