Note: The “check box” symbol (G) appears next to items that the applicant is required to submit.

As an organizational tool, mark each of these boxes with a check mark () when the item has been submitted.

Application Deadlines:

Fall semester or full academic year enrollment – April 15

Spring semester enrollment – November 15

An application will be considered complete upon receipt of all of the following items:

GExchange Student Application for Admission (including GTOEFL/IELTS score or home university certification of language proficiency and Gessay)

GAcademic transcript from home university

GA bank verification form; documentation that the student is able to fund the portion of expenses not covered by the exchange program.

GExchange Student Reply Form

GThe residence hall agreement and placement questionnaire (submit online at )

Issuing immigration documents and other required forms:

In mid-May, Beloit College will send an “enrollment packet” to the student, in care of the home university exchange program director. The packet will include: the letter of invitation, the DS-2019 necessary to obtain the J-1Visa,health forms, the student’s Beloit College username, password, and email address and detailed instructions for completing forms required of enrolling students over the summer.

You may find it helpful to get an early start on completing the health forms, which include a medical history, immunization records, physical examination form to be completed by a physician, and the permission for treatment. These forms must be completed in full and returned by mail or as email attachments by July 15 for the fall semester. Students may hand carry the documents and present them upon arrival at Beloit College for the spring semester. The health forms will be sent to you in mid-May.


Submit application and all other materials to:

Admissions OfficeFax: 608-363-2717 (Attn: Barbara Seymour)

Beloit CollegeEmail:Barbara Seymour

700 College

Beloit, WI 5351