District Planning Committee

District Planning Committee

June 24th, 2011

District Office [811 Wilshire]

Present: Adrianna Barrera (District), Lourdes Brent (Trade-Tech), Ryan Cornner (East), Alma Johnson-Hawkins (Mission), Deborah Kaye (District), Sarah Master (East), Maury Pearl (District), Jim Stanberry (Harbor)

1. Achieving the Dream: Several committee members attended the recent Achieving the Dream (AtD) kickoff session and discussed impressions and messages taken from this conference in relation to current District strategic planning. Themes identified included systematic and ongoing use of data to identify roadblocks to student success, scaling and sustaining interventions, and increased faculty engagement. College plans for rolling out AtD at fall Flex Day and at the District Academic Summit in September were also discussed.

The District Research Office will be preparing the datasets required by Achieving the Dream. District Office has worked closely with the District Research Committee to review the data definitions and methodology used in creating the files. The 2007-08 and 2008-09 cohort baseline files are due in August; the 2009-10 cohort files are due in October. College researchers will have an opportunity to review the data files before they are submitted to AtD.

2. Accreditation Update: Deborah discussed the availability of the new ACCJC self-evaluation manual and revised rubric. She also noted that a mock site visit for the Seaside colleges is being planned for the September/October timeframe. In addition she mentioned the availability of resources for colleges to engage RP Groups BRIC teams. Also, she and Yasmin are working on the narrative for section 4B and expect this to be completed by August. Trade recently completed a follow-up visit in April in which GASB was a concern.

3. Future DPC Calendar: The meeting time for DPC was reviewed in light of the difficulty of attending on DPC on Friday afternoons. Maury will review the meeting calendar to determine if changing the meeting date will conflict with other scheduled meeting. DPC will not meeting in July or August.

Next Meeting:

Friday, October 7, 2011, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

District Office, 811 Wilshire, 2nd Floor Conference Room