Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances Procedure 2013-14
Edge Hill University has a procedure in place to help students whose studies are affected by personal or health problems. It’s called the Exceptional Mitigating Circumstance (EMC) procedure.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that students who are being affected by personal problems will have the opportunity to formally notify EHU about the problems affecting them. This will allow EHU to consider these factors should the students’ work be affected.
Examples of mitigation that can be considered include serious illness / injury, accidents, divorce / separation, stress/anxiety, bereavement, etc.
Where and when?
- You should pick up and submit your EMC form at the Student Information Centre (SIC) or from the SU Advice Centre
- Edge Hill guidance advises that the EMC form should be submitted within 3 days of the assessment being due or examination date.
If you submit in this timescale it is guaranteed to be considered. However it is recognised that not all students suffering with personal or health problems may be able to submit within 3 days. For this reason Faculties will, on occasion accept late applications on the understanding that they are submitted prior to the EMC Board.
For details of when the EMC Boards sit visit the following link:
The Advice Centre would strongly urge studentsto submit an EMC at the correct time. Failure to do so can often see students having to rely on the appeals process. Although the academic appeal procedure does allow students to cite mitigation as grounds for appeal, it will only be upheld via the appeals procedure if the student can show and evidence good reason why they were unable to submit an EMC form at the time of the assessment.
- Pick up your EMC form as soon as you recognise that your studies are being affected by the problems you are having.
- Complete the form, explaining what problem / issue has been affecting you and how it has affected your studies.
- You must then attach corroborating, supporting evidence with the form and statement. If you do not, the EMC is unlikely to be considered.
- Submit all documents (keep copies, if possible) to the SIC before the relevant deadline.
An EMC panel will then consider your submission and evidence and decide whether it will be upheld or not.
If it is upheld, the panel may consider the following options:
- the assessment board can allow you a further attempt at the piece of work (this would usually be uncapped and treated as a first attempt)
- you may be allowed to defer work until the next assessment period
- “Condonement”
If something is affecting you and your studies, don’t ignore it. Seek advice and make use of this process.
Help and advice
The SU Advice Centre can advise you about the EMC procedure and may also be able to help you with support with the reasons why you needed to submit an EMC, eg personal issues. To book an appointment with an SU Advice Centre Adviser, you can:
- Telephone Edge Hill SU Advice Centre on 01695 657301 to request an appointment with an adviser.
- EMAIL our advice line on and we can send you detailed advice plus all the forms and guidance notes.
- Drop in- call in for a quick chat during drop in times, 10am – 1pm Monday and Tuesday and 1pm – 4pm Wednesday and Thursday.
Further information is available here
(Please note, you must be logged in to your Edge Hill Go account to access these links).