Exceptional Children Parent Advisory Council (ECPAC)

Exceptional Children Services

Guilford County Schools


(1) All EPAC documents (brochures, flyers, letters, articles, etc.) must be reviewed and approved by the Advisory Council members.

(2) All documents requiring GCS/EC final approval must be directed to the appropriate staff member prior to release and/or distribution.

(3) The ECPAC Contact Person will serve as an ECPAC representative at the leadership team meetings. Approvals for ECPAC activities, sponsorship and co-sponsorship of programs and services must be approved by the Advisory Council members.

(4) The ECPAC Advisory Council members are encouraged to attend assigned leadership team meetings.

(5) The ECPAC Contact Person will report and update the ECPAC Advisory Council members on information shared at leadership team meetings.

(6) The EC Parent Evaluation Form will be given to all parents attending GCS/EC and ECPAC parent workshops and training sessions to plan for future activities.

(7) The completed EC Parent Evaluation Forms will be returned to the GCS/EC Program Coordinator for compiling data on parental involvement and parent education.

Approved: November 2007