Excellence in Advanced
Practice Nursing Award


The Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing Award is awarded to a neuroscience nurse in an advanced practice role. Nominees for the Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing Award demonstrate excellence in nursing care and advancement of neuroscience nursing as a specialty through the development and support of nurses.


The Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing Award is awarded to all AANN members with an RN practicing in an Advanced Practice role in neuroscience nursing. Advanced Practice role as defined by ANA includes the roles of Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Practitioner, Midwife, and Nurse Anesthetist.

Individuals not eligible for this award include:

  • Current members of the AANN, ABNN, or AMWF Board of Directors
  • Recipients of any AANN award within the last 2 years

* Candidates may only be considered for one award. No self-nominations.


  • Demonstrates development and support of neuroscience nurses through role-modeling, education, mentorship, and/or other leadership activities.
  • Demonstrates application of advance practice knowledge and skill in the care of neuroscience patients and/or families
  • Contributes to AANN at local, regional, and/or national level
  • Contributes to neuroscience nursing through professional and community service activities (e.g. publishing, presenting, community service, community education)


  • Describe the characteristics/contributions of the nominee to neuroscience nursing in a 1-2 page summary.
  • The candidate will submit curriculum vitae with no identifying information included.


The award winner will receive up to $1,200 in reimbursement of conference expenses, to be used for the meeting registration fee, travel, and related expenses to attend the AANN Annual Meeting where the award will be presented. Award winner complimentary registration and award stipends are non-transferable.

Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing Award Application

Due October 31, 2018


Nominator: ______

Email address:______


Area of Advanced Practice (if applicable): ______

AANN Member ___ yes ____no
*nominee must be an AANN member to be eligible for this award

Chapter Name:______

Email address:______


RN #:______

Years of experience in Neuroscience Nursing:______

  1. Do not include the nominee’s name or any identifying information in the essay or CV.
  1. Nominees for Excellence in Advanced Practice, please attach a CV or resume.
  1. Attach a summary outlining how the nominee has achieved the criteria outlined in the award information. Give specific examples.
  1. Submit ONLY this page of the application and supporting documents by October 31, 2018,.