Bacton-on-Sea Village Hall

Charity 303896

Coast Road, Bacton, Norfolk

Hall Booking Form

The Trustees of Bacton-on-Sea Village Hall (hereafter BVH) lets the Hall

and/or Annexe as per the ‘Conditions of Hire’ contained in the attached

contract. It contains the following sections: Booking Form, Conditions of

Hire, Rates, Plan and Checklist. By signing this form the Hirer agrees to all

parts of the contract.

Hirer’s Name……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Hirer’s Address……………………………………………………………………………………………

Hirer’s Telephone ………………………………….Email......

I, the hirer, agree to pay the rent for the space, date and time as indicated above.

I have read and will adhere to all parts of this contract.

I am over 18 years of age.

Signature of Hirer……………………………………………………………………………

All hiring fees and deposits must be paid to the Hall Booking Officer prior to the

event, contact details top of this page. See page 2 for details.

Cheques should be made payable to: Bacton-on-Sea Village Hall.

Please contact the Hall Booking Officer to agree how to obtain and return the

Hall keys.

Note, Please inform the Hall Booking Officer if you wish to use the Hearing Loop System

‘Conditions of Hire’

Insurance and Liability

1. The trustees of Bacton-on-Sea Village Hall (hereafter BVH) does not accept any liability for

damage, injury or losses, whether personal or to possessions, to either the Hirer, their

representatives or any users invited into the hall/annexe/grounds (hereafter the premises), by the

Hirer. This includes members of the public paying an entry fee to the Hirer.

2. The Hirer is responsible for making arrangements to insure against any third party claims, which

may lie against them or their representatives or organisation, whilst using the premises. BVH shall

have the right to request proof of insurance cover.

Accidents and Damage – Reporting and Indemnification

3. The Hirer will indemnify BVH for the cost of repair of any damage to the premises or BVH owned

content, as a result of the hiring.

4. All accidents involving injury to the public must be reported, as soon as possible, to the Hall

Booking Officer, or if appropriate, another member of the Management Committee. There is a First

Aid Box & Accident Form (which should be completed) in the kitchen.

Health and Safety - including Children and People with disabilities

5. The maximum number of people to be admitted under fire regulations is, at any one time:

Location / Seated function / Dances (no Tables / Combination
Main Hall / 125 / 175 / 150
Annexe / 40 / 60 / 50
(Used for same event) / 160 / 220 / 80

Any breaches to the above is the responsibility of the Hirer

6. All organisations hiring the Premises must have policies in place for:

Clear procedures for emergency evacuation

And where relevant

Provide extra help for users with disabilities

Comply with latest Child Protection Policies including the 1989 Children’s Act, if activities for

children under the age of 8 are provided and ensure only fit and proper persons have access to the


7. The Hirer must if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene

regulations and legislation.

Selling Items on the Premises

8. If goods are sold on the premises, the Hirer shall ensure compliance with the Fair Trading Laws

and any Code of Practice observed.

General Conditions (See also Checklist for Hirers)

9. BVH have the right to refuse bookings and restrict entry to the general public if, in their opinion, it is

not in the best interests of the Charity.

10. The Hirer shall have the sole use of the part of the Premises they have booked for the duration

booked. Please note the annexe does not always have the use of the full kitchen.

11. The hall has a no smoking policy. The hirer must ensure that anyone wishing to smoke does so

outside and disposes of cigarette ends, matches, etc in a tidy and responsible manner, so as not to

cause a fire’.

12. No alcohol is to be sold on the premises.

13. The heating is automatically controlled by a thermostat located in the hall for the main hall and in

the annexe. If hirers need to turn the thermostat up, please return it back down to 15 when leaving.

14. The Hirer shall leave the hall in a clean and tidy condition and all equipment including tables and

chairs shall be stored in their designated areas.

15. Do not use nails, drawing pins, tacks or cello tape on walls, woodwork or windows. Any material for

display is to be placed on the notice boards.

16. Do not open the emergency exit doors in the main hall except in a case of an emergency.

17. The Hirer will take away all their rubbish.

18. The Hirer will ensure that cars are only parked in designated spaces, 4 disabled spaces at the front

and side of the hall all other cars in the car park to the rear of the hall.

Payment, Deposits and Cancellation

19. If the Hirer loses the keys to any of the outside doors of the premises, an amount of £50 is payable.

20. The Hirer shall pay the appropriate fee for the hire irrespective of the date it was booked.

21. The Hirer shall, at time of booking, pay the fee and a refundable deposit. Please see Rates of Hire

for applicable amount. (If paid by cheque, this should be issued separately). BVH reserves the right

to deduct from this, any amount to cover replacement/repair as a result of damage or an amount to

cover extra cleaning. If the damage/cleaning exceeds the deposit an invoice will be issued to cover

the difference.

22. The hire rates will normally be increased on January 1st, but may be amended any time at the

discretion of BVH. Any Hirers, who have pre-booked, will be notified accordingly. If they should

wish to cancel as a result, no fee will be charged.

23. Village organisations hiring the hall on a regular basis can pay for the hire monthly in arrears by the

last day of the month. For special one-off events or functions sections 20 and 21 apply.

24. Cancellation fees, between 60-30 days prior to date of hire: 75% between 30-0 days: 50% of hire

fee which will be deducted from the deposit. For Village Organisations hiring on a monthly basis,

notice must be given at least one month prior, otherwise the full monthly fee will be charged.

Bacton-on-Sea Village Hall

Charity Number 303896

Rates of Hire

Rates of hire for non-commercial
or non-public
Groups & Individuals / Hall
Kitchen / Annexe
Kitchenette / Both / Deposit
Each 4 hour session* / £30 / £20 / £50 / £20 per area
Each 8 hour session* / £50 / £40 / £90 / £30 per area
Local regular User Groups (Advance bookings made in excess of 6 hires per annum) Individual sessions not to exceed 4 hours. / £15 / £12 / - / -
Village Groups per 4 /8 hour session* for
charity fundraising – open & free to the general public / £20/£30 / £15/£24 / - / -
Commercial & Public Sector rates 4 hour / £50 then £10 per hour / £45 then £8 per hour / £280 per day

* Please remember to include any time you need to set up, decorate & tidy afterwards


As already mentioned in the ‘Conditions of Hire’ the Hirer is responsible for leaving the

hall in a tidy condition and properly secured, unless otherwise advised.

Any items temporarily removed from their usual position or place of storage must be


At the end of your session, please use this checklist, copies of which can also be found

next to the exit doors:

Check there is no one left in the building

Check for any potential Fire Hazard – clear away waste paper and

cardboard – place in green bin

Check that all left over items e.g. food from a party or jumble from a

sale are removed – BVH will charge for removal if this has not been

done by the Hirer

Check that electric appliances are switched off, do not switch off the cooker at the wall

Check that the thermostats have been turned down to 15

Check that all taps are turned off

Leave the Premises clean and tidy, especially the kitchen/kitchenette,

ready for the next Hirer

Check that all windows are closed

Check that all internal doors, especially Fire Doors, are closed

Check that all lights are switched off

Check that all external doors are securely locked

Return the keys to the Booking Officer Dated Sept 2013