James I. Masters
Examples of Seminars and Workshops Designed and Delivered
National Association for State Community Services Programs conferences.
Continue to Grow: Strategic Planning, Washington, D.C.
Data Systems Development. And Economic Development. San Francisco.
Economic Development
Energy Related Business Opportunities. Charleston, SC.
CSBG Issues: Ten Opportunities and Five Danger Areas. San Antonio.
History of Community Action, Washington D.C.
Monitoring Systems Used Over Time by Different State Agencies, Sacramento
National CAA Association (NACAADA, then NACAA and now the Partnership)
Economic Development Strategies and Options. Las Vegas
Business Ventures: Nuts and Bolts. New Orleans.
Past, Present and Future of CAAs. Miami.
Public Relations. San Francisco.
Business Opportunities in Weatherization. Two-day seminars in six cities.
Succession Planning
Methods for Defining and Measuring Poverty
Comparing theories of Poverty
Cosponsored with NACAA and the National Community Action Foundation (NCAF)
Helping the Homeless. St. Louis. Conference planner: selected topics and speakers. MC'ed the event. Reviewed the new McKinney Act and other homeless programs.
National Association of CAAs, and regional and state CAA associations
Planned the NACAA Housing and Community Economic Development “Winter Conference” December, 1993. Created workshops, selected speakers, managed logistics. About 400 participants.
Co-planned the Winter conference on Health Issues.
Cosponsored Business Opportunities in Weatherization with NACAADA. Conducted this 2 day-event open-market seminar that highlighted 9 profit-making opportunities for CAA’s in 5 cities
Also, two-day events on Case Management, 1990, Welfare Reform, 1991
Other workshops for the national association and for regional and state associations.
Economic Development Strategies and Options.
Business Ventures: Nuts and Bolts.
Past, Present and Future of Community Action.
Public Relations.
Business Opportunities in Weatherization.
Strategic Planning
Disaster Relief Planning and Relief Operations
Future of Human Services.
Train the Trainers.
Board Member Orientation,
Basic Supervision.
Resource Development: Eight Ways to Make Your Pie Bigger.
Selecting the Right Computer
Bulletin Boards and Computer User Groups
Demand Side Management -- Marketing Your Services to Utilities
Fiscal and Accounting Issues in Earned Income Ventures.
Profit Making for Nonprofits.
How to Turn Your CAA Into An Engine of Social Change.
Orientation to the Job Training Partnership Act.
Economic Development and Profit Making.
Board Roles for the Future.
Strategic Planning, Board/staff Relationships.
Total Quality Management
Case Management
How to Start and Manage a Microbusiness Technical Assistance Program
Our 20 Biggest Successes and Our 10 Biggest Mistakes, Washington, D.C.
History of CAA’s. Article for 25th 40th and 50th Anniversary Conventions
Region IV CAA Association.
History of Community Action
Why People Can No Longer Make a Living
Strategies to Help People Make a Living
Region 5 CAA Association.
Why Keep CAAs Alive? And What Can They Do? Chicago.
Region 7 CAA Association.
Future of Human Services. Kansas City.
Iowa CAA Association.
Train the Trainers. Des Moines.
Region 8 CAA Association conferences.
Board Member Orientation, and Basic Supervision. Pierre SD
Resource Development: Eight Ways to Make Your Pie Bigger. Salt Lake city.
Past, Present and Future of CAAs, and Megatrends. Fort Collins.
Region 9 CAL/NEVA Association conferences.
Selecting the Right Computer, and Computer User Groups Sacramento.
Fiscal and Accounting Issues in Earned Income Ventures. Palo Alto, CA.
Meeting planner and on-site manager for anual conferences in 2013, 2014
Region 10 CAA Association conferences
Profit Making for Nonprofits. Boise.
How to Turn Your CAA Into An Engine of Social Change. Spokane.
Washington State CAA Directors
Orientation to the Job Training Partnership Act. Wenatchee, WA.
National Energy Assistance Directors Association
Issues and Opportunities.
Planning Options. Washington, D.C.
National Low-Income Energy Conference
Situational Leadership. Baltimore.
Oregon State CSBG LIHEAP and WX Offices.
Ohio State CSBG LIHEAP and WX Offices.
California State CSBG LIHEAP and WX Offices.
Field Staff Training: How State Staff Can Monitor and Improve Programs.
Children's Rights Group
Board Training, Board/Staff Roles and Strategic Planning. San Francisco.
Santa Barbara Council of Agencies
Marketing Your Services. Santa Barbara.
Contra Costa County CAA
Economic Development and Profit Making. Concord, CA.
San Mateo CAA
Board Roles for the Future. San Mateo, CA.
Los Angeles County CAA
Strategic Planning, Board/staff Relationships. Los Angeles.
American Society of Association Executives
Computer Networks for Your Association. Boston.
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
National Association of State Units on Aging
Basics of Microcomputer Operations. and Computer Networks. Washington, D.C.
National Governors' Association
New Federalism in Action: Block Grant Implementation of the CSBG. In six cities.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
Marketing and Fund Raising
Boys Clubs of America,
Federal Funds for Human Services: JTPA, SSBG, CDBG, CSBG. Kansas City.
American Society on Aging.
Making Your Own Job: Self Employment Opportunities. San Francisco.
Arizona Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs
Profit Making and Intrapreneurship. Tuscon.
National Association of Information and Referral Services.
Profit Making and Intrapreneurship. Tuscon.
National Council of Community Mental Health Centers
Profit Making for CMHCs. Las Vegas.
Innovation and Intrapreneurship in CMHCs. Miami
Operating a Profit-making Business in Your CMHC.
Total Quality Management
United Way of the Bay Area, National Alliance of Business
Making JTPA Work for You.
Strategic Planning