Personal Theory Paper
Example of Student Notes on the Concept of Human Development
Human Development
- Human development is a key factor in the development of beliefs
- Most beliefs are learned
- Parents are a key influence on the development of belief systems
- The Bible exhorts parents to train their children “in the way they should go.”
- Parents “teach” their beliefs to their children
- Parents pass along beliefs about the world, themselves, others, and God
- The beliefs that parents teach children can be “positive” or “negative”
- Parents are often the source of “toxic” beliefs
- Beliefs accumulate over a lifetime
- The secular world is a major source of irrational beliefs (lies)
- Children typically don’t evaluate the “truth” of beliefs
- They typically just accept what we are taught as true
- As children develop, their belief systems change
- Young children believe just about anything their parents tell them
- In many instances, parents teach children false beliefs, or “lies”
- As children mature, they start to question their beliefs
- In children, their immature brain sets limit on their thinking capabilities
- Their beliefs are “simple and childlike.”
- As the brain develops, the ability to develop more complex belief systems develops
- Therapy with children typically involves correcting the “false beliefs” taught by parents or the world (such a bullies)
- We teach children the truth about God and how God “views them.”
Are developmental factors important in the author’s theory?
Does the author discuss/conceptualize developmental factors that might influence behavior?
How would the author’s theory relate to children?
Would the author’s theory be applicable to children? Adolescents? Elderly?
Would children be included in the author’s conceptualization?
Would the elderly be included in the author’s conceptualization?
Is the author’s theory applicable throughout the lifespan?
Human Development Concepts Notes: (Student Example)
- Sin part of life, and children will learn this sin; as adults they must break from their sinful nature (p. 123)
- Loving God and others is primary goal in human development
- Growing in a relationship with God is central to healthy development
- Born with original sin, Holy Spirit convicts and brings us into right relationship with God
Backus & Chapian:
- Understanding childhood experiences can be important (p. 25)
- Commercials (p. 86) and messages from parents (p. 87) contribute to lack of self-control
children learn to expect their wants to be met
- Humans can change and adjust based on thoughts
- Maladaptive beliefs & behaviors were acquired in our earlyyears
Cloud & Townsend:
- Separate book created regarding boundaries among children; Setting boundaries applies to children (p. 37)
- Taking action to solve problems is dependent on growth/personal development (Cloud & Townsend, 1999, p. 53)
- Healthy marriage requires a person to be fully developed in certain area such as knowing how to connect emotionally, ability to be vulnerable, ability to communicate feelings effectively, ability to say no, ability to grieve, learn, grow, and take risks, etc. (Cloud & Townsend, 1999, p. 91)
- Children learn false beliefs from parents (p. 117)
- Understanding source of wrong belief helps client combat its truthfulness (p. 151)
- Early recollection technique (p. 149)
- Children attempt to find personal worth
- Children will strive to meet their needs in the same way their parents did
- A child develops a strategy for getting needs met through the world, selfish nature, the devil, parents, etc.
- Security and significance are most important personal needs (Crabb, 2013,p. 63)
- Development is major issue in our personality – got idea of worthlessness because“somebod[ies] misled us when we were too young to read and understand the Bible or to accurately interpret the world around us” (p. 17)
- Children develop in predictable ways at predictable times (Wilson, 2001,p. 36)
- Children from their identity and learn their worth from their parents(Wilson, 2001, p. 40)
- Children learn to ignore needs when their parents are unavailable (Wilson,2001, p. 44)
- Reality of personal needs and worth are redefined by parent's lies (Wilson, 2001, p. 55)
- Children determine how to get needs met or how to eliminate them (Wilson, 2001, p. 76)
- Abuse may cause maladaptive views of our bodies (Wilson, 2001, p. 110)